Kurt Rellians

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I have 238 stories published in 14 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 185775 times and 5 of my stories have been cherry picked.
30 of my 361 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 31 votes

Kurt Rellians's picture
Kurt Rellians

My stories

Life and Times of a Priestess: Ch.9: Concessions (Part 4: Ravelleon Concedes - Section 1)

General Ravelleon finally makes sexual and social concessions to Priestess Danella as he desires her presence. This is Section 1 of this Part. Please read on to Section 2, to be posted shortly after.

Life and Times of a Priestess: Ch.3: New Life In Dalos (Part 3: Rape By Soldiers : Section 1)

Danella and the Priestesses await their fate as the foreigners enter the surrendered city. Their ordeal begins. This is Section 1 of this Part 3 of the Chapter. It appears this section was not successfully posted in May 2016, although Section 2, which follows on was. This section is necessary for proper understanding of the story.

Erotic Daydream In London

Women of every race, tourists and students, young workers on the tube. Pretty Chinese lady or a muslim lady with a beautiful face.

Life and Times of a Priestess: Ch.9 : Concessions (Part 2: Gerald)

The Officer in charge of the Dormitory debates light heartedly with Danella and brings a request from General Ravelleon to meet him again.
