Maxine Jasmin-Green

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I have 885 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 495234 times and 53 of my stories have been cherry picked.
32 of my 999 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 34 votes

Maxine Jasmin-Green's picture
Maxine Jasmin-Green


My stories


I was in TKMaxx and saw in the reduced food section two packs of tea bags, it had the words in big letters, “Keep Calm and Drink Tea.” I checked the...

Now It Is Too Late.

I was going to write about her a few days ago, and each day I meant to since we all heard about her. Then they gave more info about her and that...

Negative Feedback From eBay.

A few days ago, there was an earthquake in two countries. At first, we were told that, “Hundreds of people had died.” It was a shock, also that, “...

Not Fair!

So, I was in my favourite shop on Earth. TKMaxx I had just arrived at this particular one, and I noticed a man near the door, by the men’s perfume...


I have always used Dylon dyes. They are tried and tested for me, over the decades that I have used them. They have not let me down. Over the years...
