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I have 61 stories published in 8 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 46930 times and 7 of my stories have been cherry picked.
6 of my 89 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 6 votes

peterelbee's picture
leslie blackwell


My stories

The Serene Fellowship 1 The Green Serene Part One

I woke to chaos. Sirens were shrilling, Guard dogs barking, and people were dashing about in all directions; bellowing vague orders at one another...

The Vicious Circle of Brittle Leaves

Leaves so brittle, fallen from the trees above; Trampled underfoot by wandering minstrels. Their music calming in savage beasts of wrath! Ravaging...

An Essay on Everest

(Please note cover image from free clipart - families climbing) (True story about yours truly) Many moons ago when I was about seven or eight years...

Kiki the Tiger Monkey Part two

“Kiki, this is Geryon and Hazis, King Flinchkin’s youngest nephews,” announced the owl, one frosty morning. "As you can see they are twins, but each...

kiki the tiger monkey part one

Long ago, deep in a South American tropical rainforest, there lived a cheeky little red faced Spider Monkey called Kiki. He was very kind and good...
