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I have 1958 stories published in 16 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 3371219 times and 594 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1431 of my 12,711 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1470 votes

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My stories

on Psalm 56

[Continuing the hymn-for-Sundays series] They hotly pursue with slander and lies, they press their attack, proud plottings devise. When I am afraid,...

Getting Ready (and other fun pieces)

Woven together in the depth of the womb, expelled in due time to a sheltering home … Aghast if a child left to flounder unfed, don’t leave them to blunder in the world, unled.

The way back

Will all be discovered? sleep disturbed; his plans have recovered – one folly has served to warn him of lures with bite in the bait, now agony...

The humble …

Slithery, wriggly soil aerators, food for blackbirds, badgers, raptors …


[Continuing the hymn-for-Sundays series] While men invade, and loot, oppress, there will be times of war, but then in war’s confusing mess … wars become log-jammed …
