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I have 261 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 161861 times and 150 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 112 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

smokejack's picture

Conceived in an alley born in a cave raised on seaweed. Spent my early years on a roofrack. Left School at 10 caught by truant officer back at school by 11. I'm a twin of two others and I can play several instruments in my head and none with my hands. My first job was part time I painted the odd numbers on dice. I made a career out of avoiding a career.  My body is a temple often prodded by archeologists.


My stories


Married. My friends they used to be married Now they are divorced Two happy free lovers Who both fell off the horse It was an uncomfortable sight At the parting of their ways

Afghanistan Revisited

war is a politician or religious fanatic's way of saying they don't understand anything.

No Judge in the Courthouse

the bankers rob the world and wander free to do it again.

The Dumb Waiter

an observation of an embittered parting of two friends
