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I have 263 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 174622 times and 150 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 113 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

smokejack's picture

Conceived in an alley born in a cave raised on seaweed. Spent my early years on a roofrack. Left School at 10 caught by truant officer back at school by 11. I'm a twin of two others and I can play several instruments in my head and none with my hands. My first job was part time I painted the odd numbers on dice. I made a career out of avoiding a career.  My body is a temple often prodded by archeologists.


My stories

Autumn Calling

Autumn Calling Let the leaves lie They’ll depart this earth when they are bored See that grey sky It’s nature sharpening its winter sword The eerie quiet Interrupted by a crow

All in a Day's Work

think before you shop before you drop

Robots Politicians & Strangers

Robots Politicians & Strangers I never consented to a life so demented With aliens tormenting my soul I gave neither permission nor limp submission To my world being in the control


Box Pick a box any box Live in it Move into a bigger one Store everything you have in other boxes Pick a box Drive in it Feel alive in it Get a bigger box Or a faster box Pick a Box

My Brand New Mobile Phone

My brand new mobile phone. The Fuckberry Tosspot Turbo •5 mega pixies who live inside the unit making sure everything works
