I have 104 stories published in
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My stories have been read 172663 times
and 42 of my stories have been cherry picked. 115 of my 946 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 122 votes
Fame It all began when I was about five. A precocious child with big blue eyes and blonde curly hair. And a mother with an eye to the main chance and...
Putting the world to rights ‘Jack! Good to see you. How’s the missus?’ ‘Sent me to do the shopping. She’s at the hairdressers. Supposed to be meeting...
The vase had pride of place on the highly polished table. A small lace cloth placed underneath to protect the surface. The vase almost as old as her...
A lovely poem. You describe this area so beautifully. We spent a week in a farmhouse in Longtown May last year with views of the Black Mountains and the local church. We visited the quaint old pub at Clodock just down the road...
A very detailed and scary account. You face you trials and tribulations with such fortitude. Your writing is an education in that the treatment you describe I have never heard of.
My hope is that Bella will have a permanent long sleep.
Once again a fascinating explanation of what is to happen. It all sounds so scary and futuristic. But once again your down to earth and practical explanation of the...
What a time of it you have had. I admire you tremendously in being able to write this in such detail. I hope that being able to share your experiences is a great help both to you and to those of us reading. It does seem that a...
If only those wondrous dreams
Posted on Sun, 04 Jun 2023
If only those wondrous dreams could be remembered on awaking. Your poem brings dreams to life.
Read full commentPosted in "A Little Rhyme"
Posted on Sun, 04 Jun 2023
What is the switch blade for?
And they seem to eat an awful lot.
Waiting for the next chapter.
Read full commentPosted in The Newlyweds part 1
Hi Rhiannon
Posted on Fri, 02 Jun 2023
Hi Rhiannon
A lovely poem. You describe this area so beautifully. We spent a week in a farmhouse in Longtown May last year with views of the Black Mountains and the local church. We visited the quaint old pub at Clodock just down the road...
Read full commentPosted in Around Longtown, upper Monnow Valley
Hi Jenny. This is lovely and
Posted on Mon, 29 May 2023
Hi Jenny. This is lovely and truly transported me to a magical place. Thank you
Read full commentPosted in Nature's Wonders
Hi Jean
Posted on Fri, 12 May 2023
Hi Jean
A very detailed and scary account. You face you trials and tribulations with such fortitude. Your writing is an education in that the treatment you describe I have never heard of.
Is the picture of you in the mask?
Read full commentPosted in Cippy and Bella
Lovely descriptions and
Posted on Tue, 02 May 2023
Lovely descriptions and images, don't know skunk cabbage but sounds awesome. More rain to come so you picked a good day.
I'm waiting for the bluebells in our nearby woods.
Read full commentPosted in Above Upper Hill
Hi Jean
Posted on Sun, 30 Apr 2023
Hi Jean
My hope is that Bella will have a permanent long sleep.
Once again a fascinating explanation of what is to happen. It all sounds so scary and futuristic. But once again your down to earth and practical explanation of the...
Read full commentPosted in Bella the Brain Pain
Hi Jane
Posted on Mon, 24 Apr 2023
Hi Jane
I don't think you're a snob. Horses for courses I suppose. It is a very descriptive piece.
We have a very scrappy front lawn. Last year we let the clover and other weeds alone, attracted lots of bees. This Winter the lawn...
Read full commentPosted in Am I a Snob?
Hi Rhiannon
Posted on Tue, 25 Apr 2023
Hi Rhiannon
An extremely well put together poem. One giving lots of enjoyment and information.
When I wrote my story about the trunk I was intrigued as to why an elephant's nose is called a trunk so I googled it. Fascinating as is...
Read full commentPosted in 2 Super-sensory-sensitive scrubbing towers
Hi Jean
Posted on Mon, 24 Apr 2023
Hi Jean
What a time of it you have had. I admire you tremendously in being able to write this in such detail. I hope that being able to share your experiences is a great help both to you and to those of us reading. It does seem that a...
Read full commentPosted in Breast cancer part 4