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and 42 of my stories have been cherry picked. 115 of my 946 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 122 votes
This is a fantastic description Tina. Love the comparison with a machine, you can see why people have plastic ones next to their ponds. On holiday and watched a heron on the beach it stood stock still for ages ignoring sand crabs that scuttled by...
When my sister in law was diagnosed with breast cancer, she'd had some removed and was told that it might not spread but opted for a single mastectomy, to 'be on the safe side'. She was 70 and I know that makes no difference to how you feel about...
So, so beautiful. And such a wonderful testament to your daughter. Your words capturing beauty lost and still existing I like that you included 'but now I'm content to remain'. I'm amazed that your skill with words and imagery just continues to...
'a maze of so many no-through roads' such a telling phrase. So sad that the real person is still there but does manage to surface occasionally. Sad and funny in equal measures, love 'the best frilly draws.'
If only those lost moments
Posted on Thu, 17 Mar 2016
If only those lost moments could be retrieved, but then I suppose that is part of life 'if only'
So beautifully and succinctly put.
Read full commentPosted in The Time Saver
This is a fantastic
Posted on Mon, 01 Feb 2016
This is a fantastic description Tina. Love the comparison with a machine, you can see why people have plastic ones next to their ponds. On holiday and watched a heron on the beach it stood stock still for ages ignoring sand crabs that scuttled by...
Read full commentPosted in A Clockwork Forager
When my sister in law was
Posted on Sat, 05 Dec 2015
When my sister in law was diagnosed with breast cancer, she'd had some removed and was told that it might not spread but opted for a single mastectomy, to 'be on the safe side'. She was 70 and I know that makes no difference to how you feel about...
Read full commentPosted in Result! part 2.
So, so beautiful. And such a
Posted on Mon, 26 Oct 2015
So, so beautiful. And such a wonderful testament to your daughter. Your words capturing beauty lost and still existing I like that you included 'but now I'm content to remain'. I'm amazed that your skill with words and imagery just continues to...
Read full commentPosted in Elegy for Eve
'a maze of so many no-through
Posted on Mon, 28 Sep 2015
'a maze of so many no-through roads' such a telling phrase. So sad that the real person is still there but does manage to surface occasionally. Sad and funny in equal measures, love 'the best frilly draws.'
Read full commentPosted in Journeys
A hope for a better future
Posted on Sat, 26 Sep 2015
A hope for a better future well presented.
Well done.
Read full commentPosted in For the love of Jeremy Corbyn
So much in this and behind it
Posted on Sat, 19 Sep 2015
So much in this and behind it Tina. Many things hinted at which leaves us with our own interpretation. But the beauty of the poem still remains.
Read full commentPosted in Lucy in the Sky
Tina, you never fail to have
Posted on Mon, 31 Aug 2015
Tina, you never fail to have lovely little, and beautiful, insights into your daughter's too brief life, and death.
Love Southwold too and your description of the beach huts is more than poetic.
A poem that brings tears and smiles,...
Read full commentPosted in Performance Piece
The title and the picture you
Posted on Mon, 10 Aug 2015
The title and the picture you chose so much at odds with the content of the poem but it adds to its poignancy.
I am sure that there are many young girls in such a situation, trapped by their needs.
A well written thought provoking...
Read full commentPosted in A Little Tart
'the things we were going to
Posted on Mon, 22 Jun 2015
'the things we were going to do tomorrow', so poignant.
A sad poem of lost love and lost tomorrows, so well written.
Read full commentPosted in Future Imperfect