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I have 313 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 187706 times and 21 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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valiswaverider's picture
Rob Wheeldon

His photo is ,over ten years old its my portait of Dorain Gray you youthful good looking bugger. Never judge a book by its cover

My stories

A heroes journey

A farther dies Three brothers are reunited Some time later they start a quest The three brothers are fools and strangers To each other They lose their path The quest seems lost

Recipe for the universe

Half a pound of energy And just a pinch of dark matter All tied up with superstring and served up on a platter

What's a tree

Please tell me granddad what's a tree? Did monkeys play so hurriedly? Did birds make nests and fly about? I tell you child I do not know. I tell you child it's quite a fix.

The epiphany of Kurt Gödel

When you look for correlation some very odd areas provide explanation Will the use of no free parameter, define the root of times parameter?

Drunk Again

Two particle physicists walk out of a bar one is in an indeterminate state and other one's legs are uncertain of principal
