
China Rebellion

Two CIA Agents go to China when dangerous problems turn into a rebellion.

The Perfect Trap

A young woman terrorists tries to lure a wealthy businessman into a trap but finds herself trapped.


I had a long and winding trip to Bank Before I left, a pint or two I sank Though for my meeting I might just be late Without a break I could not...

The unremarkable knight

deep, profound and meaningless

Dark Promise

A young woman tries to escape her madman husband by buying a farm but finds something else.


C is for Chippie ---------- The wee boy stood in the queue At the Monte Carlo Chip Shop The sizzling cracKles of fish And aromas of pies and peas and...

Ootside The Pub

O is for Ootside The Pub -------------------- Tenements stood like broken black teeth The cold rain smirrs down on the ill lit street Pot holes fill...

You dirty dog

A cat's view

Remember me

A warrior's life

Three Thirty-seven

Sit here - blank. Slightly spare. Thinking? Tapping in my life to the Data output monitor. Drinking Cup after watery cup Of caffeine, through a straw...


I held her in my cupped hands


Daily drudge of a single girl in London


when the cash flow becomes a trickle

Gary Cooper

Waiting for Gary

School Night

For all my old mates

Anybody there&;#063;

Ever talked to yourself&;#063;

Hulty con maso


Nothing Back

I loved you in the morning I shall love you in the evening How I wish that I could Tell you Hold you And nothing back I long to walk those roads...
