



WHAT A DAY Jack tucked up in bed snug and warm was trying to go to sleep. He was very tired after such an exciting day, but there was too much noise...

No More Romancing

End of the affair.


Passions of the moment

The Sky Fell Down

Loser In Love

Campfire Days

Happy Hippy Days

Love In Colour

Inspired by a Dulux Colour Chart

L - Stars and Bars

A poem written after tragedy of 9-11-01.


How love changes.


Two coaches struggled against dangerous enemies and each other.


Two agents become tangled in danger when terrorists attack.

China Rebellion

Two CIA Agents go to China when dangerous problems turn into a rebellion.

The Perfect Trap

A young woman terrorists tries to lure a wealthy businessman into a trap but finds herself trapped.


I had a long and winding trip to Bank Before I left, a pint or two I sank Though for my meeting I might just be late Without a break I could not...

The unremarkable knight

deep, profound and meaningless

Dark Promise

A young woman tries to escape her madman husband by buying a farm but finds something else.


C is for Chippie ---------- The wee boy stood in the queue At the Monte Carlo Chip Shop The sizzling cracKles of fish And aromas of pies and peas and...

Ootside The Pub

O is for Ootside The Pub -------------------- Tenements stood like broken black teeth The cold rain smirrs down on the ill lit street Pot holes fill...

You dirty dog

A cat's view
