Ah the sexiest of all clothing an orange fleece with unnecesary long wooden buttons matched with purple mittens on a string - I wonder if I can get some disturbingly thin young lady to model it for me...
I find them to be excellent for using as a drop cloth when I change the oil in my truck. Keeps the ground from getting all oily and such. They also blunt those sharp rocks and hardened dog poop.
Visit me http://www.radiodenver.org/
Archergirl you really didn't miss anything, they itched too, not like a normal itchy item of clothing, more like the intense itching that can only be brought on by allergic reactions. As for the mittens not as clever an invention as you might think, merely gives more ammunition to the bigger kids, argh, childhood memory of being dragged around backwards by my mitten string (you could reach down people's necks and grab the string where it crossed the shoulders).
Ah, shoite, my post disappeared. I would like to point out, 'Cath', that when we speak of fuckwittery, we must include you for your stupid assumptions about who and what I am. You'll note, when you abuse your ed's privvies next, that I cannot be in two (nor three) places at once, have only one computer on my cluttered desk, and it's just little ole me. I'll expect a retraction of your puerile insinuations, thankyaverrahmuch.
RD, fleeces can't be very absorbent, can they, for doing trucks and such?
MM, I missed out on several things as a child. I *did* have a rabbit-fur coat once [cringe] when they were in fashion. A boy named Percy, who sat behind me, kept pulling out clumps of fur, until my mum rang his dad to make him stop. I'm sorry for your childhood traumas! Childhood sucks for many people, I think.
Trucks, film chemical spills, a multi-purpose accessory I think. Every guy should have a couple handy at all times.
Visit me http://www.radiodenver.org/
Archergirl I look back on those times with fond memories!!! - I'm thinking of getting a couple of fleeces for the bathroom truly a multipurpose device. What colour would be best for a fleece kite I wonder..
Oh and for all you people who truly feel the need to learn more about today's topic - http://www.planetfleece.co.uk
Okay can we let Maddan in on it now? Your whole life has been one staged Truman show style reality TV show and yes, we are all one person
the members you had a pint with last month are either paid actors or a figment of your imagination
"Cacoethes scribendi"
I don't have ed's privs... to abuse or not to abuse, Dr J, thankyewverymuch...
Paranoia now. Perhaps it should be yourself on the haloperidol.
Oh and I.P's are different to I.S.P's, and people generally don't have the same I.P's... didn't your computing PhD cover this?
Tsk, really.
Poetjude, you are only your own wondrous self.
I never needed Haldol, thanks, although I tried Celexa for awhile. It made me dizzy and made things worse. Now I prefer green tea and walnuts. I would never admit to having a PhD in computers, although it *is* wondrous that I can put myself in different places at once. Aren't I a miracle in the making?
Oh... youre not doing this properly at all Vanessa... you see, Dr. Jekyll logs in.. posts... logs out... galfreda logs in... posts, logs out... archer logs in... etc etc
Its not rocket science...
Blimey, face it, cath_carr, you are wrong. You should be apologising to me and Archergirl &/or seeking help for your pointless conspiracy theories. Am sure Dr J doesn't give a shit whether you apologise to him or not. And for the record, AG and I are now logged on simultaneously in different parts of the country.
oh... and logs out... hahaha...
Get on with it AG ... I dont care that you troll. No one cares that you troll. Not many people care about this (though i have received several gleeful hilarious emails today about you getting copped at last). The thing that really bugged me, was the sanctimonious shit you spouted about others doing it.
Off you go now lovie. Have fun.
Well, you'll think what you want, Liana, but you're way off mark. How nice of you to disclose my name; what is your point? You will note that galfreda is *still logged on* at the time of this writing, you silly girl, so clearly we aren't the same person. Since you are wasting your manic energy checking to see what IPs are connected, you will of course realise that some places, like, say, UEA, have multiple computers with multiple users who are clearly not the same person. So, we three may have used the same computers, but so what? Does that make us the same person? The fact that one has logged off and another one has logged on is, I can guarantee, purely coincidental.
Why the witch-hunt, eh? Why is it, exactly, that you dislike me personally so much, when you have never met me? I have nothing against you, or at least, had nothing. You're writing is excellent; you are clearly intelligent and capable of the occasional non-manic thought when you're not convinced that the world revolves around you and your coterie; what's your problem? Don't like people who might be just as smart as you?
Pffft. Whatever.
Tell you what, everyone...
Why not let little ol' me have the last word.
Here goes...
There you go. Longest word in the English language. It means 'the action of estimating or describing something as worthless.'
Try getting that into one of yer poems or stories!
Sorry Alan, the benefit of the last word on this site usually goes to Pepsoid (coz most ignore him) or AG who _never_ shuts up.
Anyway, wow AG what luck you have had today!
There you were, up to your neck in the brown stuff - everyone expecting to to say "it's a fair cop gov, but society is to blame" - and along come Galfreda and Jekyll so that all three of you were online for the first time ever. My, that was lucky.
'twas unlucky that the simultaneous post you made with Jekyll failed to take tho'...heh heh heh.
Keep it up girl, you provide me with hours of entertainment. Oh look! I'm online at the same time as Stormy! Gosh, that disproves your theory about me and him being the same, doesn't it?
Oh, and btw, one reason people here dislike you so much is the *bullying* nature of your arguements viz:
you rebut every single post that disagrees with you. When the 'disagree-er' persists you quote some 'life-experience' or qualification to lend weight to your 'opinion' (note that: OPINION; not fact) and, if that doesn't work you denigate your opponent as you have done in this thread and many others. It's a tactic used my Mykle (the denigration, not the qualifications lol) and it's quite tiresome. Try stating your case and sitting back to allow the forum to make up their own minds rather than ramming your opinion down people's throats every ten minutes.
I await the reply from any of the three of you with great jocularity.
A bientot.
I want another persona I've never had one here - even before logins were needed for the forum (oh except to send George a secret Valentine poem once) but I wouldn't be able to resist giving myself away I may as well register as
IamSoNotJudeNoReally so lame and transparent would be my efforts at journeying through the cyberworld incognito.
I am feeling a bit left out
"Cacoethes scribendi"
Fuck me Archer you ARE slow on the uptake, thought everyone had gotten that, especially after miss poetjude posted months ago commenting on my blurb. Now chookie, just to clarify the situation as it HAS become very complicated, the delectable cath has accused you of having two alter-egos, Galfreda, (I think this has been accused by my good self before non?) and dr Jekyll. You however refute this accusation on the grounds that IP's can be shared (I believe you used the wondrous UEA as an example) so, are you therefore saying my lovely little chookie egg that the aforementioned 'trolls' are in fact posting from the same place as you? Can we take it to mean that Dr Jekyll is the good MR ARCHERGIRL (aka Frizzhead) and the lucious Galfreda is in fact your Au pair? After perusing your photograph I hope that you don't ever leave them in the house alone whilst you work.
As it is, I have a tenuous grip on the fact that I'm me let alone anybody else. But for the record, I am not Styx, he's far prettier than me
"Cacoethes scribendi"
would also like to point out that any rumours about me being Archer's twin are purely fictitious. I am far more attractive and my tits are infinitely more fabulous. (It is however true that I live near Cambridge.)
Oh, my, such a clever bunch, you all!
Sags, I actually missed your thread about the naming of the Sag as I was not in attendance for quite awhile. So sorry for my slow uptake of your wit. You *are* a clever chicken.
Gosh, so many people living near Cambridge. I never realised I was surrounded by such a band of merry thieves.
I'll leave you to your serious debate, including, apparently, several emails to and fro, about whether or not I'm galfreda and/or Dr. Jekyll. It keeps you sooo entertained and absorbed; who am I to curtail your pleasure, as, indeed, it gives me much titillation to wind you up? The thing is, see, that this is an amusing game for me, whereas some of you treat this strange little corner of the ether like it's the only real thing in your life. Sad, innit?
Pip pip, luvvies!
I'm not particuarly one to for spats, but I do have one thing to say, whether you archer are Dr Jekyll or not I think the one and only reason people respond badly to you when they do can be summed up by the following statement, as made by you:
'The thing is, see, that this is an amusing game for me, whereas some of you treat this strange little corner of the ether like it's the only real thing in your life. Sad, innit?'
That's it, in a nutshell. It sometimes feels like you take part, get really involved, and then stand back and announce that everyone else is sad, with no life, obsessed with this little mean-nothing site, and that you just do it for 'fun' or for a 'game'.
Whatever reason you do it, you still do it, as do we all. And that's okay, isn't it? Do we have to pretend our reasons our more superior than anyone elses? Or imagine sad lives for everyone else whilst believing our own contribution comes from a sense of purity, archness, hilarity?
That's what I wonder. That's all. We're all here, for whatever reasons. I doubt my reasons are better than anyone elses, or anyone elses are better than mine.
I hope that is taken how I meant it. I genuinly feel that it is those kind of posts that get people irrate or annoyed. Maybe I'm wrong.
Apology accepted AG. So glad you finally admitted it. Now doesnt that feel better?
"it is all a game for me."
Yeah, and the rest of us have no lives and spend all of our time caring about you, you stupid tit-stroking bint.
You're no better than any of us. So grow up.
I kept telling RLS that it would all end in tears letting jekyll loose on her own. I'll just have to give her a good seeing to before I send her off to bed without any tea.
AG, it's ok to be a troll you know, but to get away with it you need an MA in trollery. If you hadn't spent so much time on all the other things you're qualified in you might have pulled it off. As it is...
No, no, no, chickens, I've never said I *am* Dr. Jekyll. What did Stormy say on some other thread? If you only know part of the story you wind up looking like a dickhead later on? You guys are making lots of silly assumptions without knowing all the facts. You haven't asked the right questions, and that causes problems with interpretation. However, being that you are so convinced of your righteousness, I'll just leave you to your ideas, because it's very funny to watch.
Fergal, I understand what you are saying, and agree with you that I *do* wind certain people up. But not everyone, so maybe it's just a question of certain folks expecting others on the forum to 'behave' in a certain manner and taking umbrage when they don't. People get wound up on here about all sorts of petty, trivial things that really have no bearing on their 'real' lives, and what tickles me about this forum is that people assume they know who people *really* are by what they type out and post, and take on 'likes' and 'dislikes' of people/personae without having a clue about the real person. What tickles me even more is that, whilst I can be accused and found guilty of sanctimony in many posts and will admit that I *DO* put an attitude across of arrogance (not to mention guff and bluster), there are others on here who are equally sanctimonious, intellectually arrogant, up themselves, etc., and don't quite realise that they are. They're too caught up in the shit-fight.
The problem with forums such as this is that they attract people who are addicted to drama, and the petty little dramas that get played out on here (like this whole 'Who is Dr. Jekyll') are life-absorbing and wasteful, involving great numbers of people deeply involved in power relationships than gain little for anyone other than an inflated sense of ego. I am equally as guilty in this as anyone else; but at least I realise that an addiction to drama is all this is. I think an internal housekeeping is in order as a remedial measure.
What have I missed? Oh yes, fleeces... can't stand 'em.
Leggings are back! I used to find them dead sexy with Doc Martens.
I hope I don't have to start wearing alice bands and silken scarves...
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