An Unholy Alliance
By seekerofwords
- 858 reads
centre stage----------------- you are found by opening your eyes-------------- focus your attention upon me
violent rage------------------ violence because of your frustration---------- to reduce my anger
when no one notices-------- is not the wise choice-------------------------- when I am ignored
his big ego on parade------- you must control your inner lion-------------- my ego will roar
a roar of disproval------------ and not show your immaturity--------------- long and loud and so proud
roasts the airwaves---------- otherwise your fire will be consumed------ my vanity will travel
as his big ego bullies-------- and you will lash out at the innocent------- and I will cause much harm
his way to the centre-------- because you have succumed to the "I"----- on my way to were I will be
of what he believes is------- and are constructing a false reality--------- worshipped by the easily led
the bullseye of attention---- and in this place you will fade to nought-- and I will be their Idol and their Bread
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