Blackbird Rapper meets Seagull Crapper (Esquire)
By threeleafshamrock
- 4015 reads
Hey Mista Sea-Gull, what’s you doin’ here man
You supposed to be at sea an not in here on my land
If you don’ mind me sayin’, dats an awsome back flap
You jus’ smothered twenty worms man, wit your last crap
Now I’s the rappin’ blackbird an’ I is well fit
But I didn’t get this bad bod by eatin’ Sea-Gull shit
Cos when tings gets hard here an I can’t get a dish
I don’t fly out in the ocean and start crappin on yo fish
I chomped a worm dis morning an thought my throat was stabbed
Turns out, what’s in my wind hole was de asshole of a crab
Well really Mister Blackbird, if it’s embarrassment you seek
You’re doing rather well; there’s a blush come to my beak
Every bird must defecate, as I’m sure you’re well aware
And making such a scene as this; well, it really isn’t fair
I only ventured inland because there’s a storm at sea
And when you refer to this as your land; I’m afraid I can’t agree.
A greater power made this world; I’m sure you’ve heard it said
And there are no strict rules stating, where we get our daily bread
There really are no boundaries; by the way, I must express,
Eating fish is very healthy and would SO reduce your stress.
The Bird-God inda sky made some food for all of us
An de man gets what he doin, you knows he got it sussed
He makin worms for the blackbirds and fish fo all da gulls
Ain’t nowhere says I should be eatin fishes' shitted skulls
Hey fish is probbly healthy cos you eats it ever’ day
An you is one big motherfugger; thats I gotta say
But it could gets unhealthy an I hopes I’s understood
If you keep crappin on the food chain, when you is in my hood
Now I don look for trouble; gots enough with ‘Farmer John’
But eatin all dis Gull-shit’s givin me a bad hard-on
So fly away Peter, fly away Paul
Fly away Sea-Gull or there could be a brawl
You know what I’s sayin?
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This really dealt with my
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it's the gift that keeps on
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And this has set me up for
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Lol brilliant work Chris
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Love this! It's great!
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I read this again. It's
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I thought I'd say that I
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Hilarious -
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