Hear No Evil (I.P.)

By Silver Spun Sand
- 2323 reads
Picks her way through the debris;
a long overdue facelift – courtesy
of the council. Empty paint cans,
filthy dustsheets. Who was she
to dare complain?
Kneels down; strokes the cat,
unties her apron strings. Glances
through the window at the moon...
somewhere she’d like to be right now.
Since this morning, anyway...
Woke up late; the alarm clock on the blink,
or so she thought. Transpired, overnight,
she’d suddenly gone deaf. Medics said
it might pass in a day or two; if not
they’d run some tests. The devil they would!
She’d a phobia of hospitals, since her Frank,
unexpectedly, pegged out in one.
Fingers a brand new LP – the latest
by the Stones. She’d give anything
to hear it right now. Makes do
with a roll-up instead.
Looking on the bright side, this was
a blessing in disguise; at least the workmen
couldn’t get on her nerves no more.
“Two sugars, love...please!” ringing
in her ears – deaf or not.
Stubs out her cigarette; gets a breath
of fresh air in the yard with its awe-inspiring
view. Four factory stacks spewing smoke;
clothes on the line, cavorting with the breeze...
Even these looked good tonight. Funny –
how much in life we take for granted.
Could be worse, she supposed;
her shadow humming a tune.
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Beautiful yet
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Enjoyed, as always Tina, Did
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A sad tale and yet strangely
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Being on the way to deafness
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Dear Tina, here we are once
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