By SqueakyDuck
- 1655 reads
The night was still, clouds swept through the sky with a graceful flare to their moves, in the background trees wiggles their leaves with the soothing sound of crunching, the night was still, but not silent, Flow often passed through the darkness with the joys of nature by her side, the warmth of its endless growing comforted her as she wasted the night away thinking. She stroked her long fingers down her smudged bedroom window; her nails scraped its very surface, her eyes strained to see the vibrant forest just barely outside her window, though she was sure it moved farther away each time she felt alone. A knocking vibrated through Flows door and she skipped over gently to open it, it was Ami her quirky companion, Flow smiled in recognition as her Spiky haired friend took a seat upon her bed settling herself in perfectly, Ami had shoulder length spiky hair, the black dye covering it like tar, bringing out her vibrant brown eyes and fragile shape.
“Anything new?” Flow asked inquisitively, “There’s a new boy!” Ami almost screeched “Tomorrow I was thinking me and you should go check him out, secretly of course, I’ve heard he’s a babe!” she winked, her full lips pulled into a disobedient little smile as she silently skipped out of the room tangling her hair between her chubby fingers. Flow thought about this new member to their hell hole of a school, the place her parents had forced her to move too when they died in a car accident four years ago, Flow was stuck here until she was old enough to make a life of her own, stuck with the molded window frame that squared her bedroom window, the boring grey scaly carpets and the rigid single beds, it was hardly inviting but home none the less. she was sure her uninviting bed had been used so many times before and this thought sent a shiver through Flows body. Who wouldn’t run from a school called boarding for the gifted right? “Boarding for the trapped more like” Flow whispered to herself with a smirk.
Flow was only seventeen, she stood at five foot seven on her beautiful slender frame, while she smiled out of plump red lips and glared through deep green eyes, her eyes could make hearts thump like thunder hitting rain drops, her olive skin complimented her long thick brunette hair, that sometimes covered her forehead like a little fringe stage door.
Her persona was unlike her boarding school companions, it was withheld modestly, why share secrets? She always thought to herself the moment the feeling came of someone showing an interest. With a huff and one more glance into the darkness which flowed outside her window flow climbed into her hard bed, stroking her face against the smooth pillow like a contented cat until sleep once again forced her into dreams.
When morning came, she jumped out of the warm bed with a huge velocity you could almost hear her bed ache for her to return, she was going to be late for History, and Mrs. Hattie always made the late person stay behind for one of her chats, that was the last thing anyone wanted, her words could drag on for centuries and her spindly fingers, grey eyes and hacked hair were enough to frighten anyone. As she barged through the classroom door she quickly took her place and focused her eyes on the board in front, Ami sharply nudged her pointing secretly to the boy on the isle next to Flow, and from that moment on Flow could not look away, He was the new boy, Joel, Flow admired his muscular athletic body, the way his shaggy brown hair fell just above his shoulders and complimented his emerald Blue eyes, The tattoo on the back of his arm was slightly angelic, as Flow searched the room she suddenly noticed every girl also admiring Joel..apart from Seth, he had cocked his head and grinned at Flow through his perfect while teeth, Seth was also muscular, with rugged blonde hair and deep blue eyes, “Wassup beautiful?” he whispered in her direction, Flow just grinned back impatiently and turned her head back to the board, her eyes drifted off now and then to admire Joel’s muscles tightening as he stretched. The sound of ooo’s and awes filled the room and she was sure he enjoyed this.
It was soon lunchtime and the smell of hot soup and fresh rolls filled the air, hundreds of greedy legs stomped towards the heat of the afternoons food, Flow followed closed behind Joel, taking in everything that she could, to her amazement he stopped, and turned around, lifting an eyebrow as he examined her, she was busted, she felt the rush of blood as it surged to her cheeks, sending her face bright red, hastily she pretended to watch the smokers in the front of the school, while standing like an abandoned toy. He gave her one more look over shaking his head and steadily walked off murmuring to himself. This was not a good start, there has to be some way I can talk to him flow thought to herself making a plan of how to make things less awkward, she could see it now, Flow! Super stalker!
“Flooooowww!” shouted Ami, “you were supposed to wait for me! Or did you have other plan in mind? She giggled. “ no other plans, I was just going to get lunch before we head out on our spying trip” flow said with a growing grin “ remember, don’t look to obvious, it would be weird to be caught staring” Ami said with a confidence in her ability. They both sat down for lunch, discussing every inch of Joel they could see, this was why Flow loved Ami, she brightened the day with her quirky projects.
The day was already flying by, but night would soon come and so would the inevitable dreams she would repeat, the last time her parents were around, the last time she got to hold them, to feel their love for her, dreaming of them only made it more painful to take in reality, but holding strong made life less emotional and watching the nature outside her window soothed Flows soul into a state of rest.
Too much surprise as the morning grew the next the sun pushed its way through the clouds and shone brighter and brighter as the hours went by, Flow dressed in a light tank top with some silky shorts, they hung of her body exposing some of her better curves, Seth seemed to be pleased by this as he tried to wrap her up in his arms, she always reluctantly pushed off trying to break free from his aggravating grip, yet occasionally Seth’s closeness sparked a warmth within Flow’s belly, she assumed this to be comfort and nothing more. But smiled evermore at his flattering remarks, and cheesy lines.
Late that afternoon a long walk seemed to be the best way to take advantage of the heat, so Flow set out on her way and began to see two stunning trees in the far distance, swaying with the harmony created by the birds perched in the branches, she sat comfortably and dazed up into the sky, watching the clouds take form and shape into random objects, Flow thought she saw one that looked like a balloon, “Want some company?” Seth asked as Flow jumped, startled in attention, he perched himself next to her, flexing his legs over hers, So what do you think of that new geek?”, “Geek?!” she felt the words tumble out of her mouth before she could take them back, Seth huffed in jealousy “There he is now, lover boy!” he called, Flow hid her face trying to mask the sheer embarrassment creeping up into her expression. One swift elbow in the stomach and Seth turned to her, a brilliant smile gleaming from his mouth, “I won’t say anything if you don’t” he kissed gently her cheek and got up to leave, Flow felt an uninspected tingle rise through her body, but she just shook it off. What else could go wrong? She pondered to herself.
“Boom!” screams of pain filled the air, the wind smelt like blood and metal, and the sky filled up with fire, spreading remorselessly as her parent burnt alive, screaming and thudding to get out of the car, no one helped, everyone just watched as the screaming that once was turned into pleading and cries and then dimmed into the worst thing that Flow could imagine, silence. She hovered above the torn car watching it take place like a sitcom, her parents were dying, their heartbeats slowly stopping and she had to watch without any movement, or anytime to morn at the loss.
Sweat beaded down her forehead, wetting her pajamas till she couldn’t bear to them sticking to her skin anymore, flow felt her pulse, feeling anytime soon her heart would give up and crack, the pain would win eventually. This was the worst time of the night, when the dark shadows of her emotionless self conscious tip toed into her dreams and crushed the life out of her with suppressed memories.
Flow sat and asked herself the questions her heart would not allow her to answer, why did they leave me? How can so much love be torn apart? Will I ever see them again? Tears welled up in her eyes and she lay there for hours, soaking her pillow with the salty drops of water that fell one after another until finally her cries turned into exhaustion and she drifted off into a restless sleep.
The dreams did not become better and Flow could feel even in sleep her body begging for morning to come, for the day she would be happy again and for the pain to just stop.
“Stop the chatting”! Mrs. Hattie retorted, slowly turning towards her class like an eagle searching for prey “Flow! Late again are we? Ill hope to see you after class, we can have a chat about this, and see a way fit to stop your tardiness!” the class snorted with suppressed laughter. “Now class, if you wouldn’t mind standing in a line I will pair you suitably for a new project” Groans filled the air “Stop that! You are assigned to write a paired project, this will include a joint report, and I will not accept laziness!” Being paired with someone unsuitable was like having a date with the town looser in front of a crowd, “Ami you will be with Seth” ami’s face lit up for a brief second, Seth stared at flow with disappointment, this did not please ami, ever since she had arrived at this school she’d been hiding a secret crush for Seth’s biceps Flow had accused her frequently. “Flow Pay attention! I said you will be with Joel” Mrs. Hattie shouted with a look of disgust rising through her snarled teeth. Flow’s fingers twitched in excitement and Ami scowled at her to stop, it seemed just for today, things were going to be better.
Lunchtime soon came and everyone began to get seated at their usual table, Flow sat in silence, thinking about all the day’s events, “How’s it going babe?” Seth asked pleadingly “not bad, how about you? And please don’t call be babe, it’s far to cliché” Flow said seriously with a slight smirk, “Okay sugar pants” He winked “you know if I was your partner id be happier than that jerk” he whispered in her ear, flow could feel his gentle lips rubbing against her ear lobe, his warm breath soothing her skin, she was sure this was intentional and she blushed.
Flow had never seen this side to Seth before; as much as she despised his jealous comments she had to admit to herself that she quite liked the attention, especially the physical attention from time to time.
The evening soon came and Flow set of for the school library, pushing through its huge cross like wooden doors, a sense of relief rushed through her veins as she smelt the old dusty books, and saw people lost in fantasies of reading, Joel was sitting at a large wooden table, he did not look up to recognize her presence as she approached him, “So when do you want to get started?” she asked nervously, voice nearly cracking “Sometime soon probably, I’m not so bothered” Joel replied, still not recognizing her existence, “How’s Thursday, out on the field, Six PM?” Joel just nodded, patiently turning the molded page of his book; Flow could feel her eyes wondering again so she quickly turned around and left hastily.
Flow was standing by the school lake, the sun was hot against her skin, she watched as he lifted off his dripping wet T-shirt the droplets of water rushed down his perfectly formed abs, stroking his bare skin as Flows fingers wished to do, a feeling of pure desire rushed through her body leaving the tingles in its absence, Joel was a creature of perfection, he glided towards her, lifting off her tank top with the force of a man, his fingers scaled her body, urgently memorizing every inch of her skin, then she felt warm kisses, his smooth tongue gliding around her belly button, with every move close to Flows trouser button a shock of pleasure made her gasp with shock,
“Hello!” Ami shouted through Flow’s door as she snapped back into reality, she shook her head, straightening out her bed and rushed to unlock the dorm room door, “you look terrible Flow” Ami said eyeing Flow from head to toe, “I just need allot of sleep I guess” Flow explained, a look of relief spreading across her face. “Did you hear I’m partnered with Seth, this is awesome, Maybe now he can stop pining over you and actually take notice of me” Ami accused, looking doubtful “I never asked him to like me, and I don’t exactly encourage him and you know it” Flow accused back “I know, I’m sorry it’s not your fault” Flow could see an apology in Ami’s eyes.
The night steadily drew in, Flow started to dress into her checkered pajama’s, throwing a baggy jumper on over the revealing T-shirt, Ami lay draped across her bed trying her best to achieve physical contact with Seth, his eyes focused on Flow as she tied her silky hair into a neat ponytail, the sound of country music filled the room, unwinding her tense muscles with a relieving feeling, “want some?” Seth asked handing Flow a bottle of vodka “where did you get this from?” Flow enquired “I have my ways” Seth replied; she hesitated, but started to drink it anyway.
Hysteric laughter soon drowned out any sound of music and Flow could feel herself becoming lighter in bodyweight and heavier in confidence, Ami began to dance like a fool, throwing her arms around her, singing and clapping, Flow began sitting up with a sudden jolt, making her way into the hallway, “I’m so hungry!” she roared, voice booming in echoes. Heads started to pop out of doorways and Flow began giggling, until she saw Mrs. Hattie marching towards her with a frightening velocity, “Do I smell alcohol!?” she screamed “You don’t scare me, you old bag!” Flow replied turning her head towards the laughter coming from Seth and Ami, everything started to become dizzy, like the world was forming in Flow’s head and spinning at the speed of light, suddenly darkness drew in and dreams filled Flow’s head, while the sound of muzzled shouting formed outside of her ears.
The pain was unbearable, like a marching band thumping on her temples, Flow reached out for her alarm clock, finding instead a note “See you for detention, my classroom, Friday, 6am sharp!” Flow tried to groan, but its gurgled through her throat causing a sharp pain. Going to lesson seemed like the worst thing to do today, so Flow decided to brush her teeth to remove the stale taste from her mouth and go for a swim in the river across from the school field.
The sun was blazing and the grass stroked Flows legs as she walked towards the river, removing her top and jeans, flow was left in nothing but her underwear and a ragged bra, she reached the edge of the river, little rocks sticking to her shoes, as she threw her sandals off she raised her hands above her body, stroking her palms together, preparing to dive.
The water sent shocks through her body as she skimmed through the surface, elegantly stroking her arms though the water, taking one stroke after the other, swimming always had a blissful effect on Flow, it soothed her.
“First time drinking?” Joes asked smirking, Flow hadn’t seen him take a seat by the river, “Y-yes” She stuttered back, suddenly feeling self conscious, “Can you turn around? I need to get dressed” flow asked, he nodded and turned his body towards the school as Flow shoved her clothes on while taking a seat beside him, “So what do you want?” she asked, “Nothing much, thought I’d take a walk to my spot, only to find you here” he said with an accusing tone, “I come here to relax” “yeah, yeah” Joel remarked Flow shook her head in aggravation, and stood up to leave, “Wanna meet here tomorrow?” he shouted after her, “You want to hang out with me?” Flow accused with a smirk “No, for our project” he said in a matter of fact tone, Flow felt like an idiot, so she quickly left to dry herself back in her dorm where she found Ami waiting for her they spoke of the last nights events, chuckling together about Flows stupidity, and how Seth had extra detentions with ‘the witch’ Mrs. Hattie for smuggling in alcohol.
Thursday! Flow sang in excitement, dribbling toothpaste down her pajama top, today was the day she had looked forward to all week, the day she had Joel’s attention for as long as was needed, she wouldn’t take anything less,
He was waiting by the lake, skin practically glowing under the sunlight, hair stroking the chiseled features of his jaw line, he looked perfect in his tight black T-shirt and designer jeans, Flow wanted to take him right there, but she held this inside her, locked tightly as she took a seat beside him.
His scent smelled sweet and intoxicating, filling her lungs, until she couldn’t breathe it in any more, “You know, I see how you look when Seth hits on you” “How do I look?” Flow asked, slightly startled, “Like you wanted to run, or jump of a bridge, either one” he smiled warmly, “Why do you watch? It’s not like you give a shit” Flow said, shocked at her rudeness, “You think I don’t care? She didn’t answer him, she hated herself for what she had said, “I-I like you.” Flows eyes opened in amazement, she had never thought about the basic rules of men, you know? The things your mothers tell you, if he treats you mean, he likes you, that just seemed to be a huge myth to cushion the blow of rejection,
“why would you like me?” emphasis on you “I don’t know”…Silence, “I like you too I guess, even though you ignore me, would rather look at the ground than talk to me and act like you hate me” she replied sarcastically, he started chuckling to himself, “I didn’t come here willingly, I was forced, didn’t exactly expect to like a peppy boarding school chick” “Peppy?!” they both laughed together, hours passed, the sun shined through the clouds making the blue sky radiate brightly with color, he was so warm, sometimes Flow thought she could see a flicker of doubt run through him, like opening up to her a tiny bit would make the ground cave in,
“I’ve gotta go, meet me tomorrow?” Flow asked eagerly, “I guess, same place?” “Sure” she smiled, and then left with sweaty palms and a racing heart, Flow didn’t really have to go but somewhere deep inside she felt all this would end, that somehow any tiny emotion would send him running, her dorm room seemed a better place to gloat.
The cold abyss, swirling mist, beads of sweat running down her forehead, carrying all the pain of the events, that had been her life, the feeling of everything being stuffed into a dark hole scared Flow, she hated the pain, but feeling it made her feel her own existence, it reminded her that love was still a feeling
The dream was about the same as usual, except this time Joel cradled her in his arms, rocking her attentively as she watched her family lie, empty and lifeless, his touch gradually woke her up to her dark dorm room, there was no mist, no cold abyss and no Joel,
She stood looking through her window for a while, everything seemed so dead, sleeping until morning when the leaves could dance again, the birds could chirp and the trees could attentively stroke their branches around the lively leaves, the pain she felt was unbearable, utterly alone, before Flow could comprehend what she was doing, she was already outside, roaming towards the forest outside her window, tearing through stray branches, tears beading down her face until she tripped, the crack echoing from her knee, howling in pain she curled into a ball, somehow compressing the pain until the acing died down,
“wanna hand?” Seth asked, lifting her to her feet with a strength that amazed Flow, a gentleness filled his eyes as he stared her down, looking for anymore possible wounds, “why are you out here!?” she felt remorse almost seconds after she made the accusing statement, he reached for her face, stroking away a tear, and leaving a kiss in its place, “You belong me, and I to you” this shocker Flow, allowing her mouth to gape open until she snapped back into realty “I belong to no one, I don’t deserve it, count yourself lucky for that” she replied, wishing he would take her in his arms and cradle her, till she felt this weight lifted from her shoulders, “Come with me, I have something to show you,” Seth demanded, raising an eyebrow and smiling, in his intensely sexy manner, so she followed him, through the thick green bushed, the crackling of sticks under her converses sounded like a fresh bowl of crack ‘n pop.
“What is this?” he lay waiting for her on a stripy blanket, “I come out here to chill and that kinda stuff, come! It’s a beautiful night” they lay there for hours, feeling the wind brush past them in no rush at all, Seth’s hand gradually reached around Flows waist, pulling her to him until their bodies fitted together like a puzzle, she wanted to pull away so badly, but at the same time, this physical contact was exactly what her body craved, although her mind was screaming with anxiety, “you’re not ready for this! Get out of here! What if your different to other girls, if he notices you’ll have to live with him knowing it!” although flow brushed this off as definite teenage paranoia until his hands moved around her body, his thumb stroking her pleasurably, until he traced his fingers around the hem of her hot pants, the other hand sliding across her bum, squeezing it and caressing it, Flow pulled away, standing up “I-I have to go back to bed now while I can, catch you later” he grabbed her from behind, planting his parted lips between hers, his tongue stroking around her mouth, until he moved down to her neck, his warm breath leaving impressions upon her skin, Flow groaned and squirmed, “See you tomorrow sweat cheeks” and with that, he started to walk back to school, leaving flow lingering with shock.
The complete confusion was so immense, Seth and Joel were two opposites, yet on a small basis Flow yearned for them at the same time, Joel might have the upper hand at the moment, but Flow was never the kind of person for chasing after secrets she would obviously never hear, Joel had a way of comforting her without doing anything, he made her blood boil, but Seth also made Flows body tingle in excitement, but this was enough for one night, in the end they were both just boys, and her rest was allot more important, at least she tried to convince herself of this as she drifted into sleep,
“Open your legs Flow, and relax” Seth’s lowered his face between Flows legs, until she could no longer see him, his tongue darting over her hot pants until she wriggled around in excitement, but two cool hands were placed over her wrists, keeping her in place, while smoothly kissing each breast, arousing her nipples in the most pleasurable way she had ever known, Joel hovered above her, gentle kissing her on the lips while Seth resumed playing with her, his fingers slowly sliding into her, pushing until Flow squealed, he persisted in pushing, in and out, a rush of tingles exploded through her body, Joel’s hands still gripped her wrists, she could see him slowly becoming aroused, as his trousers became tighter around his crotch, Seth’s tongue lightly played between Flow’s legs, his warmth spreading inside her, his thick fingers rushing into her each time he entered her, Flow could feel something coming, a frustration building through her body, ready to explode, Joel knew this, he started to unzip his pants, staring Flow in the eye intently.
“Buzz!” it repeated, Waking Flow up, she picked up her phone “Hello?” it half came out, the other half was muffled with yawns, “Yeah hi, I’m like sitting here waiting for you, Do you wanna hurry up?” It was Joel “Oh Joel I’ll be there in a second, I’m so sorry!” she rushed through her morning routine, and ran to the field, where he lay waiting for her, Flow blushed at the thought of her dream, “Someone had a rough night,” he laughed, she had forgot to brush her hair, it seemed matted with sweat, the matted sweat of her sex dream, as she called it, “ Umm yeah I was with Seth most of the night in the woods, so I didn’t get enough sleep I guess” Joel raised an eyebrow “Why were you with Seth?”
“Well I just bumped into him while I was taking a walk, and we went to sit in the woods on his blanket, we just chatted most of the night and stuff” she lied, lying to Joel was close to impossible, Flow decided against it “Okay so he kissed me and kind of tried it on with his hands, but I didn’t let him carry on I swear to god” she could hear Joel start to chuckle under his breath, as he lifted her on top of him, parting her lips with hers, a rush she had never felt before, as he smoldered her, kissing her with more passion than she had ever known, placing his hands firmly on her cheeks, “How do I compare?” he smirked, Flow trembled, this was enough of an answer for him,
Talking was more than enough for Flow, just to hear his husky voice in tune with hers made her heart thumping nearly visible through her chest, or so she thought. As the afternoon passed by Flow noticed how watching Joel’s lips move elegantly as he spoke had almost erased Seth from her mind, as she longed to taste him again, the taste of mint in her mouth, and the smell of musk, radiating from his body until it filled her lungs, leaving her yearning for more,
Lunch time was soon upon them, and they headed off on separate paths, following the scent of hot vegetable soup, Flow’s belly was letting of scary grumbles, and she patted it hoping to silence it, but it didn’t work, when she arrived her and Ami dug into their food like wild beasts, only stopping for short chatting, but they were barely capable of that at this point.
“So tell me everything! No excuses I was all the juicy details, how was it?! Were you scared?!” Ami was never a person to miss out on a boy girl story so Flow told her everything; Ami’s face seemed distressed and intrigued at the same time as she took everything in and dissected it “OMG! You sneaky tart” they both laughed “I can’t believe it, you get two of the hottest boys in school chasing after you, and trying other stuff” Ami’s face turned crimson, Flow searched through the lunch hall, finding Seth, he was deep in conversation, She looked again, Joel was nowhere to be seen, she guessed he had gone to play sports,
History passed by slowly, while the teacher droned on about world war two, the only person in the room who seemed to find her own words interesting, while everyone else yawned and groaned, Flow couldn’t wait to take a nice private shower, this seemed to be her only alone time lately, she yearned for a good book, her bed and a hot cup of coffee,
“Class, Monday morning will be your free time, the school bus will take you to town where you will all have the day to do as you wish” The town was small and boring, no one was friendly and there was nothing to do that even remotely interested teenagers, “Make sure you are prompt and dressed respectfully,” Ami’s face lit up, sending her happiness to flow, this could be fun she convinced herself, at least it was a chance to buy a burger and get out of the confines of her dorm room, but until then the days were determined to drag on,
The bell rang and History ended, flow rushed to her dorm room, making sure to not enter conversations on her way, that was the last thing she needed, as soon as she shut the door securely behind her, a book dragged her into its pages, until she completely forgot where she was, a book to Flow was perfect, the magical stories made her forget about her own life, and leaving in its place was a comfort that soothed her until it was finished.
A knock vibrated through the door, Flow creased the page of her book so she didn’t loose her place and went to answer the door, Joel was leaned against the door frame, looking as sexy as ever, “Do you wanna go to town with me?” he actually seemed to blush a little “There’s some places I’d like to take you, if you wouldn’t mind,” Flow was stunned, before too long she realized she was still nodding, eyes wide, in disbelief, “Ok well ill meet you at the bus, nice pad” and with that he turned to get back to his own room,
“Does he even like me? Urgghh!” Flow asked herself, Joel’s signals were so mixed, one minute he was spending time with her and the other he’s running half a mile just to get away, it’s not like Flow had a wide experience with guys but from what she could tell, Seth was far more interested, this was defiantly different though, her body screamed for Seth and he mind and body wanted Joel, but for now getting lost in her book was satisfying enough
The morning rose with perfect intentions of being a beautifully hot day, the sun shining over the dead land of her school, today was to be nothing special, just learning, sitting and breathing, but the thought of it was wonderful, not having to do anything but listen to the sound of someone else’s voice was heaven for flow, she sat through all of her classes in bliss, not really taking anything in but still enjoying what she wasn’t learning,
“You know, it’s alright if you’re scared, I can wait” Seth’s comment mortified Flow “How do you know I’m scared, maybe I just don’t want you” he snorted at this “Someone’s way to up their own ass” she said while stomping out of lesson, how could someone be so happy with their own appearance, not that he shouldn’t be but him knowing she was scared of sex was like the world falling of it string, Flow had always been very self conscious of the way she looked, doubts of her weight, hair growth, height, everything that could be imagined, of course this was normal but as most women she wanted her first time to be perfect, to be remembered as the girl who waited for the one she would love, the one who wouldn’t judge her,
Lunch time brought hot dogs and hot chocolate, Flow took her food to the field and sat in peace eating and sunbathing, a big pair of black ripped glasses resting on her nose, the sun warmed her skin, making the illusion of her being in a hot foreign county, it was superb, hot days always bring feelings of perfection, like all the worries that hang in the air can only survive in the winter, but tonight was to be a good night, she promised herself, no seclusion, she would head to Ami’s dorm room, and just have a girls night, watching romantic movies
As she walked down the corridor she found herself wondering why bad things happen to some people and other people live their lives in pure happiness, although usually these people have perfect hair and lovely faces, skinny figures, the lot, how was this fair in any way? Since when did being different bring bad luck,
Flow tapped on Ami’s door, and waited for an answer
She waited longer
And longer
“Flow I’m kind of busy” giggles sounded through the door “can we give it a rain check?” she shouted, “What’s going on Ami?” Flow asked, the door opened a notch, ami was half naked! Flow could see Seth sitting on her bed, smiling to himself; this obviously had to be a trick, though it was terrible for flow to think it had to be a trick for Seth to get with Ami, “Give us a couple of hours” He winked, Flow stood in shock “Isn’t this great! I can’t believe it” ami whispered.
Flow couldn’t comprehend what she had just seen, one minute Seth is hitting on her and the next he’s jumping into bed with Ami, she guessed he decided he couldn’t wait, and this was just fine with her, he must not be worth her time or value, that night she sat up in her bed obsessing over the things Seth and Ami were doing right that second, as much as she tried to hide it the thought of Seth’s hand on Ami made her blood boil, so she decided to visit Joel,
“What’s up?” Joel asked, bed hair hanging round his face, “It’s kind of late” he didn’t seem happy about that, obviously he loved his sleep “I just wanted to see you I guess, had a bad night, I shouldn’t of come I’m sorry” Flow told him apologetically “No it’s alright, I do need to sleep but how about a good night kiss? To be honest, I don’t mind sleeping with your taste in my mouth” Flow blushed, sparks shocked Flow’s lips as his lips gently stroked against hers, their lips patiently brushing hers, his taste of mint in her mouth, she looked at him, his body was so masculine, his face to desperately perfect she couldn’t believe it, “I’ll see you tomorrow babe, just chill out, everything will work itself out” a genuine smile spread across his face as he brushed her cheek with his thumb and closed the door,
Flow practically skipped through the hall back to her dorm room,
“Hey Ami” Ami?! Their sex must have been really bad for it to end this quickly, Ami was sat outside Flows door gently sobbing, “He left! Just after you came he just got up and left! I don’t understand, did I do something wrong?” She pleaded for an answer, Flow could see it in her eyes “Ami the guys a jerk, you just need to sleep it off, he isn’t even worth your time, You know what he did to me and then just left it at nothing, I promise things will get better” Flow forced a smile to try and block Ami’s silent blubbering over that moron, “Do-do- you think it was me?” Ami begged “How could it possibly be you?! Your perfect” Flow could see Ami’s spirits lifting, her face taking its chirpy shape again “Look, just ignore the idiot, you don’t need him, neither of us need him, all he wants is for one of us to go running to him and to be frank, I want Joel, he’s the most perfect person, and you are my best friend, you will find your ‘prince charming’” She air quoted “and we will both be happy” Flow hugged her reassuringly, Ami had always been cuddly and warm, always smelling like newly blossomed flowers, even thought her dark clothing would have given the hint of the smell of a dark depressing bar, but inside she was the happiest person you could meet, and Flow loved her for that,
Flow was glad the moment her head hit her pillow that night, even thought nothing too bad had happened all this new information to take in was enough to make anyone drowsy, as she drifted off into dreams of adventure and fairytales she thought about Joel, from what she knew he wasn’t her boyfriend, but she hoped he would be, because him being hers meant she wouldn’t have to be lonely half the time, something hit her, she really didn’t care if he never told her the secrets of him life, none of that was important, as long as he held her hand when she was feeling down, and she got to wake up to him occasionally when she was sweating and frantic, she would be happier than ever, who cared if Seth tried to make her jealous, or so she assumed that was his plan, she wouldn’t let Ami become one of his games, he would not get away with what he did tonight, it was downright mean, but for now the thought of Joel holding her through the night was enough to push her into a beautifully peaceful sleep, this was the first night in a long time Flow felt at ease.
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Hi Philipa, maybe better
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hi I'm new here my name is
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