By pink book
- 1407 reads
"Hi, my name is Saucy"
Adrian stared at the letters on the IM screen. They were pink. Bright pink. Flirty pink.
Without really thinking what he was doing. he typed:
"Hiya, my name is Adrian."
The next message came with a cheesy grin smiley face. "Like as in 'Mole' LOL bless ur heart."
For a moment, Adrain drew a blank. LOL? What was she on about? Assuming she WAS a she.
Then he remembered it stood for 'Laugh Out Loud'/
He couldn't believe it; this girl thought he was funny. No-one at school thought he was funny. To then he was just a smeghead. Only, they didn't say 'smeg'.
He wanted to put: "No as in Hollins cos thats my name." But, he didn't want to ruin it.
"I didn't really mean it," more pink letters said. "Bout my name bein saucy. I was messin. Its not that really. "
He messaged back, surpised, twisting the hem of his 'blame my parents' T-shirt between his fingers.. "What is it then?"
"Daisy. Really borin i no."
Daisy. Daisy. His mind saw sun-brown skin, blonde hair a soft smile. 'Daisy, Daisy=, give me your answer, do'
"I think its lovely"
"Aw! thanx. I think ur luvly."
'I'm half crazy, all for the love of you.' He felt himself blush and was glad Daizy couldn't see.
Another bright pink message.
"Got 2 go. Maths homework. Grrr!"
Adrian's lips stretched in to a grin. "Should i help? Im good at maths."
"Bless u 4 askin. Bt not 2day. Sum otha time mayb. BCNU. LOL"
This time, he was pretty sure the LOL meant 'Lots of Love'.
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I like this - it's a really
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hha ii like it its like a
"I will make sense with a few reads \^^/ "
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