
By Whatsername
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You can't show me a magazine that recreates the things I see
The stories that I take to bed the filth I carry in my head
There is no possibility, no words, no visibility
Can approach the dreams that wander
Through my mind and into yonder fantasies
A place where there is no disease
No consent no limitations, no uneasy situations
No uncertainty no cost no hurts
No one to judge me as perverse
Somewhere at the heart of me
Lies things that no one ever sees
Things that I would never share
It's best that I should leave them there
In the safe space of my mind
where boundaries need not be defined
In my wild imaginings
I can shape shift I grow wings
Engage with woman man and beast alike
Toy with human sacrifice
I may strut or I may cower
Rubber leather satin flowers
Mouths and cocks and cunts and feet
Tits and arseholes hands and teeth
Debaucheries I dare to think
Depraved and wanton how I sink into base revelry
Partake of all that pleases me
And no I will not analyse
The origin of my desires
I care not to read between the lines
Nor question if these whims are mine
Choose not to seek the references
Pertaining to my preferences
For all that lives inside my thoughts
Is lifted borrowed copied taught
To me at my mother's breast
I drank it in in with all the rest
Learned my lessons oh so well
What I should and should not tell
Sick pictures seeded in my dreams
The adverts all the movie queens
The TV and the Internet
Bombarding me with sex and death
With dysmorphic permutations
Unsavoury ejaculations
Pepper the fabric of my sex
Imprinting me with well worn text
Bedevilled by such magery
However could my mind be free?
Intoxicated with lush lies
How could my honour not decline
The lowest commonest denominations
The damnedest twisted permutations
All of which occur to me
Precipitate my beauty sleep
With grunts and cries for lullabies
Tingling flesh and trembling thighs
Kisses rope burns stockings blisters
Rosie palm and her five sisters.
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Bedevilled by such magery -
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Like the way you tell it how
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