The Joys of Spring
By oldpesky
Sun, 17 Apr 2011
- 4919 reads
Daffodils gather in crowds from the start
Dancing and swaying with joy in their hearts
Pleasures of spring behold every eye
Gladdening spirits and raising hopes high
So why is one drowning in oceans of tears
Laden with worry and God-awful fears
Vision impaired, the day’s work one can’t face
Nose feels like bursting all over the place
Encapsulated by virus and fever
One dreams of fair health but can only grieve her
Headaches, shivers and nasal congestion
Confirm it’s too late for any prevention
One lies here alone wanting to end it all
Armed with a hundred paracetamol
Can anyone advise on what one might do
Aye, shut up ya big Jessie, it’s not even the flu
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Hi old pesky, when I first
Permalink Submitted by skinner_jennifer on
Hi old pesky,
when I first started to read this, I thought you had
put it under the wrong name of humour, but then at the end I had a smile on my face, realising hey!
this is funny after all. So thanks for the smile.
Yes I thought this was a very clever poem.
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I really like your poetry,
I really like your poetry, op, because above all it is unpretentious. It is straight-forward and honest and your sense of rhythm and rhyme is excellent. Your tongue-in-cheek humour is pretty good too. More, please. Nice one, much enjoyed.
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Hi oldpesky, I really hope
Permalink Submitted by skinner_jennifer on
Hi oldpesky,
I really hope you can get to bed at some point, with
a lot of rest and plenty to drink, hope you feel
better soon.
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Liked, very much, oldpesky,
Permalink Submitted by Silver Spun Sand on
Liked, very much, oldpesky, and I really hope you're over the worst;-)
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Manflu, a more virulent
Manflu, a more virulent breed than the other XX chromosomal kind. I think you've described it very well.
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Readers gather in crowds
Readers gather in crowds from the start
Praising the jokes of the pesky old fart
Laughing and smiling at his funny rhymes
A pleasant diversion in worrying times.
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I enjoy a good fart where
I enjoy a good fart where ever I may be
Silent and deadly or prolonged raspberry
But as master of laughter you take the crown
With your talent for coaxing a laugh from a frown
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I like your idea - for the
I like your idea - for the apples I’ll save
My doc demands fermented - as cider - the knave
Not sure a bright smile would really keep him away
As for smiling - I’m doing at least two a day
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If I’m addicted to smiling
If I’m addicted to smiling then long may it last
Smiles are therapeutic and sweet spells they cast
The men in white coats should stay where they be
They haven’t a chance of getting any smiles from me
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I promised each white coat a
I promised each white coat a packet…
If each would wear his own straight jacket
And having helped them put them on
I shame-faced confessed that it was a con
I knew that they had expected money
But such a gift would not be funny
True to my word - I gave to each…
A packet of biscuits and a bonus peach
And now they share a padded cell
I have to say they don’t look well
With fruit and biscuits out of reach
Lesson learned I’d hoped to teach
Everyone needs a hand sometimes
To make sure that their poem rhymes
Bananas might come in crazy bunches
And have some fairly loony hunches
Yet they should still be allowed to be
As delightfully different as you and me.
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To rhyme with orange there
To rhyme with orange
there is only sporange
Which takes its turn
as a part of a fern.
Do Asda’s baked beans
contain dopamine’s
or just fast food for farts?
How many tins of said baked beans
will fit in one of Asda’s carts?
Do dreams inspire films
and nightmares soaps?
Do hopes become dreams…
Or dreams become hopes?
Am I writing this
Or is it writing me?
I think I’ll stop typing
And wait and see…
Do we need space telescopes?
Do we really need rockets?
Or do we need zips
To seal up our pockets?
No money left to feed the poor
We need atom smashers?
You’re really quite sure?
Will they still feed us
Will they still heed us
When we’re 64!
Eternal questions
Only answers change
Yesterday’s dreams
Beyond today’s range
What really matters
Is it knowledge or man?
Eat while you’re able
Drink while you can
Yesterday’s crazy
Tomorrow seems sane
The day after that
It’s crazy again.
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Time, I think, to admit
Time, I think, to admit defeet,
admit deshoes and then retreat
Epics are far too long for me
I’ve lost the plot by page 23...
So I’ll finish off with a looping part
which takes us right back to the start.
The Joy Of Springs, of bouncy bed,
of bubbling brooks, of leaps ahead.
That Spring with Joy when she sprang a leak,
sank like a stone; she was made of teak.
But the Joys Of Spring are hard to beat,
flowers and lovers - feel the Heat.
Flowers spring up, lambs spring about,
coats are carried, the sun is out.
Spring is the promise that Winter has lost,
an end to snow, to cold and frost.
A time of hope, green shoots and buds,
of sunny days, of walks through woods.
A time to kiss, a time to squeeze
A time of perfumes on the breeze
A time to simply sit out and be
To gaze in awe at all you see.
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I have been reading all
Permalink Submitted by skinner_jennifer on
I have been reading all these wonderful rhymes and
I think they are brilliant and very amusing, you
both should get cherries, just for these.
I'm amazed at how you both kept going. True poets
at large.
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