I Remember....
By kheldar
- 1629 reads
I remember strawberry flavoured "Pink Panther" candy bars
I remember when 5p bought a "Beano" and a packet of "Extra Strong Mints"
I remember watching "The Diddy Men" on TV
I remember doing my paper-round with the best dog we ever had
I remember the excitement of waking up as a child on Christmas morning
I remember the wooden castle I got one very special year
I remember every detail of the two scariest nightmares I've ever had
I remember the over riding themes of my stress filled dreams
I remember almost nothing of all my other dreams
I remember when talking to people felt natural
I remember my grandfather thinking everything through in his mind before he spoke
I remember the emotion I felt the first few times I watched "Dead Poets' Society"
I remember the horror I experienced the first time I read of Gandalf plunging into the abyss
I remember the names of the seven dwarfs
I remember the names of the characters in "Thunderbirds"
I forget the names of people I meet
I forget what I did yesterday.
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we must be of a similar age.
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Brilliant piece
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Your friend was right, this
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