By skinner_jennifer
Thu, 09 Jun 2011
- 8814 reads
The nature of your beauty
captures my heart
with each step you take,
I'm captivated, bewitched
by your eternal smile,
your tiny hand
grips my finger oh so tight,
testing your strength
your resolve ever resolute,
I watch as you wonder
at life's simple things...
and count my blessings
you've given to me,
I laughed when your Ice Cream
melted - dripping as you smiled...
then with a giggle
your little toes curling up with pleasure,
sticky fingers clutching your cone...
unworried...untroubled life's just begun.
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this is lovely Jenny
Permalink Submitted by Insertponceyfre... on
this is lovely Jenny
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So beautiful, Jenny;-) Just
Permalink Submitted by Silver Spun Sand on
So beautiful, Jenny;-)
Just a small suggestion for the last stanza:-
I laughed when your ice cream
melted - dripping as you smiled...
This stanza is my favourite:-
"your tiny hand
grips my finger oh so tight,
testing your strength
your resolve ever resolute,"
Just lovely.
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Your poem truly reflects the
Permalink Submitted by MistakenMagic on
Your poem truly reflects the beauty of innocence, Jenny. A really touching piece!
Magic xxx
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That works brilliantly now,
Permalink Submitted by Silver Spun Sand on
That works brilliantly now, Jenny. For me this a definite 'fave' of yours;-) Tina
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New skinner_jennifer Well
Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
New skinner_jennifer
Well deserved cherries!
The beautful descriptions
of the baby, like 1st stanza:
The nature of beauty
captures my heart
with each step you take,
I'm captivated,bewitched
by your eternal smile.
Strange three of us singing at n/home
"Younger Than Spring Time" yesterday.
Reminds me one I tried way
back, 2009 on AbcTales "My Dear Lorraine"
think it's on here. Her 1st card
all parts of a baby written.Or I
made it up, and had birthday card as well.
julie xx
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Just popped back to say well
Permalink Submitted by Silver Spun Sand on
Just popped back to say well done on the more than deserved cherry;-)
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This is definitely one of my
Permalink Submitted by RachelPatricia on
This is definitely one of my favourites of yours, too, Jenny, and reminded me so much of my own son with the ice-cream images - I like to call mine 'my little muck magnet' because he always looks like he's been dragged through a hedge no matter what I do! Boys, eh? ;o)
A beautiful and touching poem, and many congrats on the cherries! Take care and hope you are well,
Rachel xx
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This is SO beautiful and SO
This is SO beautiful and SO tender! really well deserved cherry.
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new skinner_Jennifer Well
Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
new skinner_Jennifer
Well deserved cherry!
as I have said, mine was way
back 2009, in the times of a smack
then was allowed. You may like to read.
Yes, me too I used to have record, of
South Pacific was it "Mitzi Gayner" and handsome
lieutenant I cried. The nursing home was a selection
of songs, some fast asleep, one elderly can't talk,
so I turn my chair, was trying "Bali Hi" not sure spelling, then I would do actions, silly me, of waves
to her she would smile, and put hands out. I remember
"Olde Yellow" do you, about a dog, years ago friend male took me pictures I was crying at film, passed me
hanky said "There there! then went in forces,new 7 years, still have a photo,in a group tramps ball,there, but every where the surname followed me
even married, and people, and 2nd hand wedding dress.
Neighbour for daughter beautiful, paid £100 to keep
wanted to be buried or what in it. But gave it to charity raise money, for disabled people outings, never found out how much it made. Mine was like "Mary
Quant" short up to the bottom and lacey coatey long.
"Jazz" cat just come in with Ray. But not sat down.
So Jazz if running around, gone right around the curtain caught claw in net, Mine held his paw lifted it out. Laughing cos looking in
broom cupboard. As mine hasn't got him on his lap, wanted to go. Runs to the door, loveable and very clever.
I squealed when I got my very 1st cherry. cos; mine
had coloured one on and copied poem, next morning there was one, I was crying and overjoyed, for him
teasing me. Much younger!
Have a good week-end.
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Come to this late as haven't
Come to this late as haven't been around much the past weeks but this is lovely, Jenny. Much enjoyed.
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How beautiful the imagry you
How beautiful the imagry you created here in this poem and the message of life in spring has so much promise with the summer that awaits .
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Hi Jennifer, you're becoming
Hi Jennifer, you're becoming quite the poet as well as a great story teller. This one gave my old cold heart a rare nice warm feeling and made me go, "Aw."
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A huge :- ))) I love it!
Permalink Submitted by Canary Islander on
A huge :- )))
I love it!
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