By L G Meadows
Fri, 30 Sep 2011
- 8343 reads
You are temptation on two legs
An egg whisk in my thoughts
A roller coaster ride
Mainly in the dark
You are an itch on my back
That won’t go away
The sun in my eyes
On a bright sunny day
You are a haunting melody
A gentle refrain
That runs through my mind
Again and again
You are the yin to my yang
A story I don’t want to end
The snake in the garden
That tempts me to sin
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Ahh my LGM. I liked this
Ahh my LGM.
I liked this one.
This reminds me of DH Lawrence's "Snake"
"...On a hot, hot day, and I in pyjamas for the heat..."
You're not in pj's, are you ?
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a very nicely sketched state
a very nicely sketched state of being - nice use of images - the snake felt slightly out of keeping tho - is there any other image of temptation other than the genesis icon, i often wonder. perhaps not.
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Really enjoyed this LG :)
Permalink Submitted by RachelPatricia on
Really enjoyed this LG :)
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like a tub of hagen
like a tub of hagen daz
staring at a girl on a diet??
only kidding!
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hmmm, I'm struggling with
hmmm, I'm struggling with this one. I see the problem.
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yes and no - re-invention is
yes and no - re-invention is good too?
boringly, there's something about genesis that troubles me; it seems to imply there is a necessary sequence of innocence, temptation, disobedience, awareness, experience, shame, punishment, suffering; is 'myth' a determiner of experience? re-invent the myth, re-invent experience?
i fear i grow dull ...
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Cheers! Now, I'm going to
Now, I'm going to push the affective boat out and see if I can get myself in a fine mess as Laurel?Hardy?? says!
Surely, human nature is in a constant state of redefinition - it's not static. There is a radical interplay of culture (inc. myth), society and personality (ego, alter-ego and id). Playing out that dynamic, changing it, watching it change is what we do every day. Also, feeling stuck in it. I suppose it's the morality issue that intrigues me most tho', in that if we change the myth then we change the morality and that feels a times a bit like playing at being god. Myth, accepted, saves us from that kind of god-playing gig?
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Sorry you're sensing a
Sorry you're sensing a quagmire. I don't think I can throw you a line exactly, but only pursue my perception of enquiry which may or may not be in contradiction with the enquiry you're pursuing. My own sense is that myths are, in some ways, universalization of the repeated process of inception, growth, evolution that occurs in every life. The proliferation of animal types in genesis is another way of looking at cell growth and diversification within the human body. One cell realises that it's located in one's left little finger and so it thinks right I'm going to do all the things that a cell needs to do in this position within the geography of the whole body. By analogy, the garden of eden story is a playing out of the growth pangs of adolescence. (Quick caveat - I'm
not intending to upset religious people here in any way - I'm simply exploring avenues of thought in the same way that one might explore theories of quantum physics). It occurs to me that the snake has an allusoriness and connotativeness with sperm and the penis. Sorry! It's an icon of the whole 'problem' of male sexuality - that's how it gets its implicit imagistic power. It's not an exploration 'of what might have been' but of what is repeatedly occurring. The myth sets up a dynamic of shame/concern/worry about male sexual evolutionary processes as much as it does reflect one. Myths do create as much as they reflect in my view. What if god had said: okay, girls and boys, enjoy, go to it!? ... And, then said in a quiet rueful aside to himself: darn it, why didn't I remember to create a Juno to my Jove first off??
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There's always the Bluffer's
There's always the Bluffer's Guide to ... lol
My library is almost entirely stocked from that series!!
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Yes - I fear so. I think
Yes - I fear so.
I think I've met my mirror - and what I see is not pretty. Thank you - I feel sadder and wiser.
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Sorry, didn't mean to put
Sorry, didn't mean to put you in uncomfortable corner. Sometimes, it is good to see oneself for something that one does not want to see/be. Be of good cheer! All is good! Have a swim or something!!
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Needlepoint is good. And
Needlepoint is good. And clearly very usefully philosophical. Dont know what needlepoint is exactly, but I'm sure it is good. We were never taught needlepoint at Preppers - the extra-curricular syllabus focused more on buggery and battery. Only kidding! well, largely!
Flippancy is good. Much a truth came from a flippant thought. I feel sure.
Conversation/debate, for me, is about shared exploration - I see no scope in it for achieving a sense of inferiority or superiority, of triumphancy or self-castigation - that has no interest for me.
I actually needed to have this debate to clarify in my mind that I have had a tendency to slip from emotionalism into intellectualism, from questioning thought into self-justificatory casuistry, from caring into manipulativeness. Slipperty customers onioins. Good up to a point, but to be treated with caution. All of this is good as a hologram Cherokee chieftain implicitly indicated to me recently - welcome to my world! - that there was a waitress who I had been ignoring for three months who needed a bit of help and to avoid doing so showed a lack of responsibility. This discussion has indicated/confirmed to me the things I should avoid slipping into slipping into in trying to help. So, it would seem my life has a reason and an interconnectedness that is hopefully, as of now, in some kind of virtuous circle.
And yes, in case you're wondering, I think I am a bit mad.
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