By cormacru999
- 714 reads
The High King sat in his throne atop the wooden platform, surrounded on both side by the Kings of the Realm. Today would be a day of dueling, watching men fight each other in standing battle, until one man stood as the winner of all the battles.
It would take the entire day to get through the many men who wanted to show their fighting spirit in front of their respective Kings. Usually King’s Champions were welcome in this sport and while Grimm could not fight because of his arm, Nicu’s man, Hook would be fighting this year.
The talk of the castle had been the proposed marriages between Simon’s family and Adrian’s. The wives and daughters were very excited about the planning of such an event, and Alin, Adrian’s son had been congratulated by many of the older men, as they remembered their own youth and the first girls they ever kissed.
High King Remus knew that Nicu wanted to discuss marriage between Simon’s second daughter and one of his own son’s but Remus didn’t think now was the time. Remus also wished his own son had been here to watch the events and maybe compete. He couldn’t use his magical Weapons, but Remus knew that he had become a fine fighter without his specialized tools.
The elf visitor, Glivagar, had been invited to stand with Grimm and the Dreamweaver behind the King’s chair. They had stools to perch on, but it was better to stand to look over the line of thrones that the Kings all used.
The elf had been invited to fight amongst the contenders, but he gracefully declined and said he was simply there to observe the human event. He made it sound as though it also wouldn’t be fair to the others to have one with his skill fight against them. Remus smiled at that.
Grimm liked the elf already, he was quiet and polite and clearly staying clear of any tensions between Hook and himself. The Dreamweaver, always happy to talk to a Faery, was pleased that the elf had taken the invitation to stand with them.
Grimm’s only concern so far was that he thought there were more Rathians in the crowd than there had been the first day. The events took place outside the city wall, in the open fields beyond, and there was certainly no checks of who was coming or going to the event itself, so there was no way of keeping track, but he just thought the ration was higher today.
The third day’s event would be the melee, where armies of men would fight, the Vess men against the Dustan men against the Rathians against the Seawatch Knights. All of them together in one large battle. Perhaps Nicu was building up a greater force for the third day.
Hook was off the platform today and Grimm liked that. He did not like the Shaman, who just seemed creepy and strange. He hovered over King Nicu often and whispered things in his ear. Grimm watched him carefully.
The day’s event started off simply, with many different men fighting their duels. Most of them went quickly, one man being significantly better than his opponent, but some lasted longer, when two exceptional fighters would battle.
The men from Dustan often fought with long knives and a small trident spear, used for catching fish and frogs, but just as good in battle as any other pointed staff weapon.
Men from Vess were usually in fine clothes or fine armor, being the wealthiest in the Realm and they fought with rapiers and dagger, gentlemen’s weapons. Most of them did well against their own kind, but up against a Knight of Seawatch and there was no contest.
The men of Seawatch fought in full plate armor, with longswords, hand and a half swords, pikes, maces, hammers and axes. They were the brutes of the challenge and all other men fell before them.
The only men that really lasted the day were Rathians. Rathians were big men, tall and well muscled. They were used to fighting each other as often as they fought the Knights. Fights between Rathians and the Knights were less fun and more serious.
Hook did well all day, using his strange hooked swords. He was an expert at using them unconventionally, having them hook an opponent’s leg or arm and tripping them up for a fatal blow. Grimm wanted to fight him with even just one arm, but he knew that was senseless.
The fights lasted until noon and then there was a break, while food was brought up to the platform for the Kings. They were served roast duck, mashed potatoes, fresh greens, cheese and bread and wine or ale, whatever their preference.
“What a day!” Remus exclaimed as the men ate. “It seems it will come down to Horse Lords and Knights once again.”
“And the winner will be the same,” Cosmin grumbled. Remus though perhaps he shouldn’t have started this conversation.
“Rathians have been fighting Knights for many years Cosmin,” Nicu said quickly. “We know how to fight them. They are slow and clumsy.”
“Is that so?” Cosmin asked. “Well, they beat you on horseback already, and you’re supposed to be the best riders in the Realm. I think the Nightlands will trounce Hook as quick as you please.”
“Care to place a wager on it? Adrian laughed well naturedly.
“I don’t bet when I’m sure,” Cosmin quipped.
“I wouldn’t bet against an old man!” Nicu barked.
“Old, am I? Still young enough to lead my men against yours any time you cross the border!”
“If it were my men raiding, you’d know it! Because I would be at the head of the column, and were would send you back to your dreary castle in tatters!”
Grimm stepped closer as Nicu started to come out of his seat.
“Gentlemen!” the High King said sharply. “This is a day of games and fun, not real battle and no real contest! People are going to start looking up here and worrying if we don’t calm down and relax!”
“I am calm,” Cosmin said with a smile, knowing full well that he had made Nicu angry on purpose.
Nicu sat back in his chair hard and pushed his food away. “I’ve lost my appetite.” Hafr leaned down and whispered in his ear. “Yes! I know!” he barked again.
Remus looked at both men until they put their heads down. Enough, he thought, I can’t have the Kings fighting up here in front of the commoners. We have to try and settle this tonight. Perhaps I should ask Simon about marriage and that would probably settle Nicu down a bit. Kingdoms were carved out with conquest and battle, but they were kept with persuasion and guile.
Hook and three other Horse Lords were left to fight against four Knights. The battles would take place after the food was served and the High King waved the servants away signaling that they were finished.
The first Rathian was fighting Balkr the Seawolf. Balkr had long gray hair that he kept braided sticking out of his helmet. His armor was gray and had the stylized wolves fighting on the breastplate. He carried a longsword and fought well.
The Rathian he was up against fought with two long knives and no armor. It was already impressive that Rathian fought without protection and they were notoriously quick and agile.
The two men stepped onto the field and the Seawolf saluted his opponent. The Rathian sneered at him and gestured to his King instead. The Knight shook his head and stepped forward.
The Knight used his sword well, but the Rathian was much quicker and not weighed down with a suit of armor. He got in dozens of blows but since the Knight was protected it didn’t slow him down much. He continued to swing his dull dueling sword.
The Knight made a couple of significant hits, but the Rathian kept coming. They would clash together and strike and block and then split apart again for a breath or two.
“If that sword was sharp, the Horse Lord would be crippled already,” Cosmin commented.
“Well, I am grateful that it’s a duel and not real battle,” Remus said quickly. “There’s enough death in the world that we don’t need to kill each other.”
Finally, after thirty minutes of fighting, the Rathian managed to trip the Knight and drop him to the ground. He leaped on top of the man and placed his knives up under the helmet where his throat was unprotected.
Then he stood up and walked away, clearly the winner. He gestured to his King and then went to be congratulated by Hook and the other two Rathians waiting to fight.
The second Horse Lord, dressed in just his breeches and vest, with bones clattering in his loose hair and armed with a pair of short swords, stepped into the field, ready to fight.
He was going to fight Starlight, who looked like the opening of a cave since his armor was so dark and only spotted with white stars. He also carried a longsword and a shield. He saluted his King and then bowed to the High King.
Men from Seawatch and Holdfast cheered for the Knight, while men from Rath cheered for their man. The two fighters came together with a loud crash as the Rathian hammered away on the shield.
Starlight fought carefully and well, snaking in his longer blade through the defense of the Rathian. They got into a rhythm early on, clashing and then separating, then clashing again.
They fought for some time, longer then most men could fight. Both of them seemed tired and they were starting to slow down. Fights in battle were fast and over quickly, but duels, with dulled weapons could go longer.
Finally the Rathian swept in and shattered the shield with a heavy two armed blow. The Knight staggered back and almost fell, but when the Horse Lord leaped in for the kill, Starlight caught him on the tip of the blade and he was knocked back with pain.
Starlight caught himself and rushed back in getting through a shabby defense and cutting the Rathian down with a clear win. Men and women were applauding and booing as the Knight saluted King and High King again. The Rathian was pulled away by his friends to recover.
Hook stepped out into the field next and Nicu moved to the edge of his chair to watch carefully. Hook saluted both Nicu and the High King and Grimm coughed behind him. Hook twirled his strange swords a few times while he waited.
His opponent was Eyarr the Destroyer, glorious in his flaming armor and carrying a hammer. This would be a different fight, since the hammer couldn’t be dulled and Eyarr wouldn’t hold back in any way. He knew what his King expected.
Hook gave a short bow to the Knight and Destroyer gave a short wave, as if to say, come on. Hook waded in and moved quickly, ringing his swords off the slower Knight twice.
Hook attacked high and low and more often than not, he hit his opponent without being hit in return. Hafr laughed at how often he tapped the Knight with his swords, showing that he could get through the man’s defense.
Destroyer got angry and started just swinging, hoping to hit Hook once and end the game. But Hook dodged, ducked or jumped out of the way and kept just tapping his opponent repeatedly.
Finally the Destroyer came rushing in and Hook used his unique weapon to hook the Knight’s leg as he slipped past him. The Knight started to tip and Hook gave a swift kick to send him down hard.
Then he stepped beside him, used one hooked sword to entangle his arm and the other to grab his neck and he bent the Knight back until he tapped out his submission. Hook let him go and stepped away, twirling his swords again.
“And that’s how it’s done!” Nicu exclaimed.
“It’s tricky, but it won’t work on every Knight,” Cosmin grumbled, irritated by the loss. Grimm just watched Hook’s technique, thinking about when they would fight, someday. He was sure it would happen. If only his arm wasn’t still torn up!
The last Rathian stepped out to meet the Nightlands. Seven feet tall, the Knight was taller than even the Rathian that stood against him, and the man looked nervous to fight against the Knight in all black with his massive black sword.
The two men gestured towards their Kings and the Nightlands just stood there waiting for the Rathian to attack him. He didn’t waste energy running around fighting. He believed in an economy of movement.
The Rathian carried a long sword and took a running attack against his opponent. He rushed in and swung his weapon, but the Nightlands juts put his sword out and caught the blow without much movement.
The Rathian, shaking his head stepped back and took a deep breath. Then he moved ahead again and swung high, but then changed it to a low attack at the last second. The Nightlands took one step forward, deflected the attack and then backhanded the Horse Lord with one move.
The sword glanced off the Rathian’s head and he fell to the ground unconscious. The Nightlands saluted again and walked away. Cosmin laughed aloud and Remus said, “My God.” Grimm smiled, thinking, no that’s how it’s done.
The first Rathian went against Starlight, and within minutes he also lost, getting battered quickly as he tried to use his two knives to get past the defense of Starlight.
The second Rathian fought the Nightlands and it was just as quick. The Knight didn’t move until the last moment and then his one blow knocked the wind out of the Horse Lord and it was over as he lay there gasping for air.
Starlight and the Nightlands walked into the field, and the two men stood there looking at each other. Then Starlight nodded once, turned towards the Kings, bowed and walked off the field.
Spectators had seen this before, when Knights were due to fight each other, they often would bow out and let their fellow fight the last battles themselves. Everyone wanted to see Hook, who was fighting better than anyone thought, go up against the Nightlands, who was just a frightening warrior.
The Nightlands stayed where he was and Hook, seeing that he was being set against the Knight, strolled out to meet him, just as cocky as he always was. He twirled his swords a couple times and gave a deep bow towards the Kings. Then he set himself in front of the Knight and waited.
The two men stood there, watching each other and waiting. Hook could play that game too he decided and he just stood. The crowd hushed and was almost silent. Children could feel the tension in their parents and adults knew this was a special fight, something you would rarely see.
Hook got tired off waiting for the wall of stone to move, so finally he stepped forward and made an attack. The Nightlands blocked it and tried to sweep Hook away but he was too quick and too agile and he leaped back.
Instead of stopping and trying again, Hook landed and then leaped right back into the fight, scoring a pair of hits against the Knight. The Nightlands let the strike hit him and he stabbed ahead with his own weapon, barely missing the Rathian.
Hook danced away and then back, sweeping forward with his swords, hooking the Knights weapon and spinning past him to try another attack. The Knight just lowered his weapon and then pulled it back and Hook lost the fight of simple strength. The Nightlands was stronger than him and he couldn’t hook the sword and keep it back.
The Knight moved quicker than Hook gave him credit for and swung again, this time finally touching Hook, who was trying to slip out of range again, but got hit in the leg. He pulled away and stopped for a moment to breathe.
The Nightlands didn’t give him any time and moved towards him again, putting his sword right in the way. Hook faked left and then moved right, made two more strikes against the armor and hooked the Nightlands leg as he passed.
He yanked on his hooked sword and pulled the Knight’s leg up but he didn’t fall. Instead he went with the pull till his foot landed again, picked his other foot up and stomped on the hooked sword, trapping Hook in an awkward position.
Hook had to let go off one of this weapons to escape the blow that came rushing towards him. The Nightland’s sword hit the ground instead and a huge pile of dirt exploded up from the force of the blow.
Hook dodged away and then faced the Knight with anew look on his face. He was quicker, but the Nightlands was fast enough to pace him and definitely stronger than him. He decided to try and get his sword back in a desperate move.
He ran in and faked one direction, while dipping down in the other direction, landing with his hand on the ground, grabbing his sword from underneath the Knight and sprang away to land gracefully on his feet.
The crowd started to roar at the feat, and truly even Grimm was impressed with the move and he stored it away in his memory just in case. The Nightlands was right behind him however and he swung the sword hard at the Rathian.
Hook got both his swords up to block the blow but it just knocked him back onto his rear and blew the breath right out of him. When he opened his eyes, all seven feet of the dark Knight was standing over him with the sword hovering over his throat.
No one but Hook heard his voice as he said, “Yield or die.” Hook looked into the helmet and saw the man’s eyes and he shivered at the look. He put both hands up in a show off defenselessness and nodded his head.
The Nightlands stepped away from him, moved back to the center of the field and bowed to the Kings. Then he walked away to clean up and accept his prizes. Nicu sat back in his chair, with a look of pained rage on his face.
Cosmin wisely said nothing but was clearly pleased. It was right then that Remus decided he would talk to Simon about the second marriage proposal. Otherwise, he had not doubt that there would be a fight on the platform tomorrow. He stood to listen to the announced prizes for each fighter that made it through the day and he watched Hook collected himself, and just as angrily as his master, leave the field.
High King Remus had to put a stop to the feelings that were brewing inside the Rathians.
Cullen was dreaming. Every night since the first dream, Stormungandr met him in his dreams and trained him. He learned that every thing around him, including the air had spirit. Everything had energy, a fundamental core of energy that could be shaped and used if done correctly.
The Sword, the Shield and the Bow were all tools that helped shape and direct that spirit energy. The Sword gathered it up and fired it away. The Shield gathered it and made walls with it. And the Bow created fine focused points of the energy and launched it away.
In the dream, culled was armed with Shield and Sword again, but instead of learning the dance of battle, he learned how to draw the energy in and how to shape and release it the way he wanted to.
The other magics of the Sword, such as lifting stone and dirt out of the ground or shooting fire out of it were all just ways to direct the energy. If he gathered the energy and shifted it so there was friction, he had fire. If he gathered the energy and pushed it into the ground, he could lift and throw the stone anywhere he chose.
Stormungandr told Cullen about his life and the lives of Dragons. He talked about ancient battle between Dragons that were good and Dragons that were more controlling and worked evil.
The Dragon that was the original owner of Cullen’s Sword and Shield was a massive Silver Dragon and she made herself visible to Cullen in his dreams. She trained him for magic battle, and how to fight against the most powerful opponents.
She told him she was close, and that soon they would be reunited. She told him all her lessons would come to him as he handled the Sword and Shield again. She told him she was prepared to fight against the cursed weapons and she believed that they were made as her own were made.
She spoke and she sang and Cullen felt closer to her than to any other thing alive. She was creating a bond between them that couldn’t be broken. He felt connected to the world in a whole new way, now that he could feel the spirit energy that was all around him.
When he woke from these dreams, that came to him every night, he wanted to share them with his friends, but he kept his mouth shut and didn’t talk about it. It was too much information, too strange, even for the elves it would sound strange if he started talking about the Dragon in his dreams.
And the Kingsguard were already worried about their leader who could change into a werewolf. To add this level of magic to the fear would be too much altogether. He chose to keep it a secret.
But he also found himself wanted to share it with Idylls. Cullen knew he couldn’t explain it to Sonia. In fact he knew that things would never be the same between him and Sonia now that she had seen him change. He had gotten one look at her as he transformed back and he knew in those moments that nothing would ever be the same as it was between them.
Now he thought about Idylls more after that decision. She was Fae, would live longer and understood magics and transformative powers and other things that came with the Faery world. And he knew, deep down inside, that she was different than the others in the Hives and he wanted to free her from her live of darkness.
As he woke up he stretched and looked at the others in his cell. Fox was awake as he always seemed to be, no matter when Cullen checked, and the little man nodded when Cullen looked over. Aki was asleep, sitting up with his back against the wall and legs folded beneath him.
Roarr was laying across his cloak snoring lightly and in a deep sleep. Cullen knew Aki would be aware in seconds but the Dwarf would take some shaking to wake. Cullen smiled and laughed to himself and how comfortable the Dwarf was in the dingy cell.
Then he turned and looked towards the Kingsguard. All of them were sleeping, piled together as a close knit fighting team should be. They kept each other safe in the field and warm at night. Cullen thought it must be early morning outside if his internal clock was right.
His gaze fell across the cells on the opposite side and he realized with a start that Blade was awake and watching him. Cullen nodded to him, but he didn’t respond. He just sat there watching.
“What are you thinking Blade?” Cullen called across the cells, being a man who leaped rather than looked.
“I’m wondering if today is the day.”
“If today is what day, the day they finally make you and I fight each other?” Cullen asked. Blade nodded them, just once and continued staring.
“And if it is, will you do as they command, or will you stand with us?” Cullen asked next, challenging the man.
“Stand with you?” Blade asked. “And do what? Get cut down by their swords or attacked by their shadows? I think not!” He spat out the words, clearly angry at the idea.
“I can defeat her shadows,” said a voice behind Cullen. He looked back to see Aki was no awake and listening to the conversation. He had spoken quietly but his clear voice had carried to Blade’s cell.
“Then why haven’t you before?” Blade asked, still angry and offended.
“Because it wasn’t yet time.” Aki’s answer was so simple and Cullen thought he understood. Aki was observant and he knew Tris’tan was working on the outside to help free them. It would be at that time he should show his powers, not before.
“Time?” Blade scoffed. “Time for what?”
“Blade, I know that you were a general on the outside. I know you were captured and sold to the Host as a prisoner of war. We are not your enemies. We would see you free.” Cullen spoke calmly and clearly, trying to ease the man out of his anger.
“I’ll fight to stay alive. If I see an opportunity to escape, I’ll take it.” Blade continued staring at Cullen while he spoke. “But if they tell me I have to fight you, then I will kill you and stay alive.”
“I understand,” Cullen said, leaving his words to germinate a while and maybe get through to the Zingarian later. Cullen leaned back against the wall and suddenly there were pictures in his head.
Tris’tan sent an image of his Weapons, an image of Watoombi and an image of fighting. So it’s to be today! Cullen smiled to himself. Today would be their chance.
He crawled over to Aki and Fox and whispered quietly to them, telling them that something would happen today. Then he crawled over the neighboring cell and woke Deep and whispered the same thing to him.
Deep looked puzzled and still didn’t really understand the pack sense or the other powers Cullen seemed to have, but he had decided some time ago that he would follow Cullen to the end of this all and figure out how he felt about it after. He woke his men and told them something would happen today.
When the midday meal came, the guards, all Hive soldiers seemed especially happy. Cullen accepted his bowl of gruel and inquired about the schedule of fights.
“Oh today is going to be especially entertaining for you Chosen One,” the soldier said with a laugh. “Today, for the Queen’s entertainment, you and your friends will fight against us and Blade over there. He’s on our side.”
Cullen couldn’t stop himself and he laughed out loud. He moved away from the cage door and continued laughing, with tears coming down his face.
“What’s so damn funny!” the guard demanded.
“Nothing, I’m sorry,” Cullen said, controlling himself. “Blade and I were just discussing our battle. I didn’t know it would happen today!”
“We’ll see how funny you think it is when we’re facing you across the sand!” The guards stormed out looking angry and confused.
Cullen looked across the cells again, right at Blade. “Today’s the day Blade. Do yourself a favor and stay alive. But don’t fight us.”
Blade scowled. He could tell Cullen was up to something, all his senses born on battlefields told him something was happening, but he didn’t know what exactly. He promised himself to stay sharp and look for an opening. If Cullen made an opportunity, he would take it and run.
The guards came back an hour later and took Blade away. Then they returned and brought the Kingsguard and the Faeries into the weapons room to choose their weapons. Each man and Faery selected the weapons they were most familiar with.
They were given their armor back and soon Cullen felt like his old self again. He selected a longsword that looked sharp enough and he hoped it would last until the right time.
Then the large group of men and Faeries was brought to the cage door that faced the Pit. The day was bright and sunny over the dark clouds that hung always over the city. It created a shadowed effect that was dreary and worn looking.
Across the arena were Blade and twenty five large Hive soldiers. They had better weapons and better armor. Cullen smiled to himself. This was meant to be their last fight. The Queen set this up to kill them or wound them so badly they couldn’t fight again.
Cullen looked at the crowd. They were tense and there wasn’t much cheering. The whole feeling of the Pit was bad; people could tell something was going to happen today. Cullen tired to find Tris’tan and he closed his eyes to feel for him, but he got nothing. Cullen smiled again. He would have faith in his brother.
He opened his eyes and looked into the spectator’s box where the Queen sat. She was sitting in the center on a large throne-like chair and on either side were Tik and Sonia. Sonia had her head down and Cullen knew she hated every minute of this.
Tik had his head up and he was looking right at Cullen. Cullen could feel his eyes on him. He knew Tik would watch, and he trusted him to get Sonia out of the way.
That left Idylls. She was seated on a higher level, up above and behind her mother. Her hair was bright in the muted sun and she smiled ever so slightly but Cullen caught it. He hoped he could reach her once the fighting started.
He turned back and looked at Aki. “You’re sure you can do it?” he asked in a hush.
Aki violet eyes glowed in the weird lighting. “The power is within me, not my sword. It’s a misconception of my power. I am sure.”
“Ok then. We’re ready.”
The trumpets blared and the door opened and they walked into the sand to face their opponents, who came across the sand, walking quickly. Blade looked like he had fallen somewhere within himself.
The gates to Aluhet stood open and twenty Hive soldiers milled around watching the streets. They were together in small groups or two or three, some inside the city and some just outside.
The wagons approaching them looked piled high with merchandise. There were four wagons coming, with Zingarian men driving them and walking alongside. This many wagon would block the gate so the soldiers wanted to clear them quickly.
Instead of searching them for contraband or escaping Xho, they simply waved the wagons on by. The soldiers conveniently lined up on one side of the city walls and continued talking amongst themselves.
The leader, wearing a red cape to signify his status didn’t see Anton until it was too late. Anton crushed his skull with his mace and smashed another in the collarbone a second later.
The soldiers all around him started to respond and found themselves attacked by merchants with weapons and Xho soldiers that had snuck into the city. Abd was at Anton’s side in moments to assist and in just a few minutes that gate was taken.
Abd stood outside the gate and lit a flare that shot up into the air and made a bright light within the cloud cover of the city. Then from the dunes they came. Hundreds of Xho warriors, flooding out of the desert around the city, came rushing in through the gate.
Other Zingarians and Xho started setting off explosions and the city erupted in chaos. Soon there was fighting in every street as the Hive was slowly overwhelmed and beaten by the fearless Xho and Zingarian forces.
Cullen commanded his men to watch each other’s backs as they spread out to meet the charge. The Hive soldiers came running in, hoping to overwhelm the enemy. Blade didn’t run, instead he walked until he reached the middle of the arena and he waited.
Roarr bellowed a war cry of his people and pumped his short legs to carry him into the battle. He closed with a Dark Fae fighter quickly, cutting him down with an axe and moving towards the next one.
Cullen saw Fox step in front of Aki and suddenly begin to swell. His small body blew up as though he was being filled with air and he grew in size and stature. Suddenly the long knife he carried was just a good shirt sword and he met the Hive soldiers head on.
Aki stepped backwards to watch the Queen. Cullen took another step forward, unsure what was going to happen. Feather and Crow ran into battle to meet the charge, both of them swinging swords with skill and precision.
Stone and Dog also met the attack by standing their ground and not giving in to the push. The other tried to flank the Hive soldiers and come in from behind them. Cullen blocked a running attack and stepped closer to Blade.
“I won’t fight you Blade, not this way, not for the Queen,” Cullen said, keeping his sword level. Blade looked around at the fighting all around them and shook his head.
“I don’t see that you have a choice,” he replied and raised his longsword up into a ready position.
It was at that moment that it came. The sudden image of the side wall and the Zingarian merchant with weapons. Then the sounds of explosions could be heard outside the Pit. Cullen looked past Blade straight at the Queen and saw her stand up.
Cullen nodded to Blade and ran backwards towards the side wall, slashing at a soldier as he passed. Aki was then next to him as they reached the side wall where Watoombi and Tris’tan were leaning over the side dropping weapons into the pit.
Cullen picked up his Sword and for a moment everything vanished and he was standing in nothing, surrounded by white and before him was the majesty of the Dragon, Stormungandr.
Then the moment was gone and he was grabbing his Shield and he could hear the angry scream of the Queen over all the sounds of fighting and the explosion outside.
He spun on his heel and lifted the Horn to his lips and blew a single note. He looked at the Queen and she looked at him and there was a second of silence. Cullen saw Tik leap to the side and take Sonia down with him.
The Queen had already summoned shadows and they raced across the sand, zipping in and out of the fighting bodies, racing to reach Cullen and kill him. Aki grabbed his own sword and he focused his power on the blade and a bright light shined outward, erasing the shadows and blinding the Hive soldiers.
Cullen shouted, “Down!” and saw every Kingsguard and Faery drop to the sand. He saw Blade quickly mimic what he saw and hit the ground. Cullen swung his Sword and a wave of spiritual energy swept across the pit and cut through the Hive soldiers.
Their bodies were cut cleanly in half and they tumbled slowly to the sand. Cullen swung his Sword the opposite way, the backswing and used his new skill to send energy careening across the pit to strike the Queen’s neck and not touch anything else.
Idylls saw Cullen swing his Sword and all the Hive soldiers fell dead. He was still swinging and her mother’s head just fell away in mid scream. She stared at the corpse in awe and then saw Tik standing before her with a weapon, holding it close so she couldn’t move.
Immediately after, Tris’tan leaped from the stands into the box with them, wielding his own katana. “Don’t harm her Tik!” he yelled as he landed. “Cullen wants her safe!” Tik was surprised but nodded as the Asrai warrior slipped another blade from behind his back and Tik was suddenly holding the black blade again.
As he gripped it the world around him vanished into a nothing of all black and a dark man stood before him. It was the man of his dreams and then everything was normal again, except for Sonia who was staring at him with an odd look.
“We’re safe again Sonia, I told you they would come!” he said happily. She nodded and looked down into the Pit where the soldiers were talking to Blade. She saw Cullen standing next to the man and speaking with him.
“This is your opportunity Blade. We won’t keep you and so you’re free. We’re going on to fight the Host in the last city. You’re welcome to join us if you wish. But there are some of your countrymen waiting to see that you’re safe.”
Blade was overwhelmed by what he had just seen. This man, Cullen had sounded the Horn and Blade realized he would follow Cullen anywhere at that moment. Then he witnessed the power of his Sword and he feared him. Then he was set free and he respected Cullen.
As the Zingarian merchants, led by Watoombi, huddled around him and drew him out the gate, he just looked around at the men with him and seemed lost. He went with them but he didn’t really understand what had just happened.
Cullen walked out the gates and found the city well in hand. Tris’tan met them outside and Tik embraced Cullen quickly, but Sonia stayed back. They made brief eye contact and Cullen understood they would speak later.
Instead he turned to his prisoner, the princess of the Host and he pulled her aside as the swarms of people cheered and gathered up their heroes.
“Are you alright?” Cullen asked, looking her over to check for himself.
“I’m – I’m overwhelmed. How did this happen?” she asked as she looked around in fear.
“With planning and friendship. Bonds greater than fear and oppression. With love. You are safe now. And you’re free now. I’d like you to stay with us, but you’re free Idylls!”
“I’m not your prisoner?” she asked almost too quiet for him to hear.
“No!” he quickly reassured her. “I’d like to be your friend to start. I think you’ll be safer with us than by going back to your people. And maybe one day, we can change how your people and my people treat each other. With your help.”
Cullen had thought long and hard about what he thought he should do with Idylls if he managed to keep her from harm during the fighting. He had a vision that one day there could be peace between his people and the Host, with her help.
She looked around at all the soldiers and people rushing around and the smoke rising from places that had burned. She looked up at the clouds that were drifting away because her mother was dead.
She thought about the idea of freedom and what that meant to her. And then she thought about Cullen who had brought this all to her.
“Will I stay with you?” she finally asked.
“If that’s what you wish, then yes, you can stay with me,” he answered with a smile.
“Then I will take your gift of freedom.”
Cullen didn’t know why but his heart skipped a beat when she said it, as thought that’s all he had wanted to hear. It hit him that he desired her company more that perhaps he had realized. And now they would explore that together.
He smiled again and turned to find his friends.
High King Remus sat behind his desk in his solar, reading over the reports from the Kingsguard in each of the Kingdoms. They were all so similar that he started to think perhaps Grimm was right. It just felt like something was hidden.
He decided he would send troupes to each of the Kingdoms that could investigate and bring back word. Soon the tourney would be over, but surely the Kings would stay on a bit and do some hunting or riding. Unless there was a problem they had to return for.
There was a knock at the door and a page poked his head in. “Lord Simon and Lord Adrian to see you Sire,” he said in a meek voice. The High King waved them in.
The two Kings came in smiling and happy. They had enjoyed the tourney so far and the news of the wedding had brightened everyone’s spirits. Everyone but Nicu. So Remus thought it was time to talk to these two and try to marry off their daughters.
“Welcome gentlemen!” he said, rising out of his seat. “Would you care for a drink?”
“Certainly,” Simon replied as he and Adrian took their seats before the High King’s desk. Remus walked over to the small bar and selected a deep red wine from Simon’s Kingdom, a Vessian red. He poured three glasses and presented two to the Kings.
All three men took sips and leaned back in their chairs. “So why did you summon us at this hour Sire?” Adrian asked after another sip.
“I asked you to come because I have a problem. I think Nicu feels cut out of the fellowship of Kings.” Remus took another drink and let the words hang in the air.
“You mean he doesn’t feel like he’s one of us?” Adrian asked, sensitive to other’s feelings more often then not.
“Yes, exactly. I think he feels snubbed and competitive. And I think the almost wins of the tourney are rubbing him wrong.”
“So you want us, since Cosmin will never befriend him, to try and bring him into the fold?” Simon asked, thinking he saw where this was going.
“Well, yes, anything you could do to make him feel more welcome, I’m certain would serve, but I had something specific in mind,” Remus said, trying to ease his way into the idea.
“Yes?” Adrian said, glancing at Simon in surprise.
“You both have a daughter who has no match, and I thought that they could –“
“Certainly not!” Simon spoke harshly. “Begging your pardon Sire, but I will not wed my daughter to one of those savages!”
Adrian looked alarmed at the outrage on Simon’s face, but as he thought about it and turned towards the King, he realized he felt the same way.
“I would want something better for Ana Sire,” he added.
“I realize we don’t know them very well, but he has brought his people together and –“ Remus started again.
“No!” Simon said. “Both of our families, and your family as well, have come from lines of leaders! We are of royal blood. Nicu is just the savage that got the other savages to follow him, and we don’t even know why!”
“Now Simon, calm down and let’s discuss this,” Remus admonished.
“Do you know what Nicu’s son’s have been doing every night since they got here?” Simon asked in a demanding way.
“No, I have not asked them to be followed,” Remus started to answer.
“Well, I had my men check,” Simon admitted. “They’ve been in the taverns, the ones down by the ocean, started fights and gamboling! Those are not the young men we want someday running our Kingdoms!”
“I didn’t know that Simon, I’m sorry,” Remus said solemnly. “Perhaps it is a bad idea after all. I thought he had raised them to be Princes and had them educated. But brawling in taverns is not exactly the behavior I would want in a son in law either.”
“You can see Sire, why we prefer to think of Cullen as a suitor. He’s a hero, and a fine champion, off right now doing something just I’m sure,” Adrian said with a slightly embarrassed smile.
Remus thought about it and silently agreed with the two men. He knew he could trust their views, as he had for years. And Nicu was the new man in the group and would have to prove himself to be worthy.
But he sincerely hoped that this wouldn’t lead to another war. He wanted Rath to govern themselves if they could and he would appreciate talking to a leader of men.
“I’m sorry my friends, it was a poor idea. We’ll just have to try and find another way to bring him in.” Remus sat back in his chair and the three men finished their wine while talking about the upcoming melee battle.
In another room, Nicu and Hafr sat over a bowl of blood and six black candles. They had been able to see and hear everything in the King’s solar and Nicu was livid with rage.
“My sons aren’t good enough for them?” he hissed. “I’ll show them, I’ll show them all! I’ll make them marry their daughters to my sons, and we will control the entire Realm!”
“Calm yourself my King, before your shouting rouses a listener,” Hafr said quietly. Hook came in from another room to check. He saw the two men looking into the bowl of blood and he shook his head.
Hook didn’t like Hafr at all. He had befriended his friend Nicu and made him practice dark magics, with blood and bones. Nicu became more powerful because of it and Hook was glad for that, but some of the Shaman’s methods were questionable.
Hook nodded to Nicu, who just waved him off. He returned to the outer room.
“Tomorrow Hafr, we do it tomorrow,” Nicu said, now quiet again. “Will you be ready?”
“Yes,” the Shaman grinned a toothy smile. “All the spells that have been building will be stronger tomorrow. Grimm will do exactly as we want him to, and you will have the opening you want.
“And I have something for the other Kings as well. They will not interfere.”
Nicu nodded his head and smiled back. “Rathians have been gathering all night and day. We will have a few thousand here for the melee tomorrow. We shall overwhelm the Knights and then I shall rule them all!”
The four Kings rode their horses down the King’s road on the final day of the tournament. The High King was first on his wide charger and the other Kings followed, Nicu first, then Cosmin, then Simon and Adrian.
Behind them rode Grimm, the Dreamweaver, Hook, Hafr Starlight and the Nightlands and the visiting elf, Glivagar. Beyond the horses were the Queens and children. Nicu’s son rode last of all, looking rather dim in their hangovers.
The group reached the gates and rode outside, guarded by the Kingsguard who cleared a path to the platform for the Kings and the viewing tent for the families. Cosmin’s Knights rode off to join their armies for the melee.
The horses were tied up to the back of the platform, which was tall and rectangular, made of wood with tent canvas draped over the top for shade. The back was open just like the front. The Kings walked up the steps on the right and then found their chairs and took their seats.
Grimm, the Dreamweaver, Glivagar, Hook and Hafr all took their places behind their rulers. The crowd was teeming with people, roaming the field, selling wares, trying to get a good spot to view the battle, or just visiting with friends and family.
Grimm took a quick head count of one group. He found a ration of Rathian to other men and women to be high. He got the feeling that the Rathians had gathered in large numbers. He assumed it was for the melee, when many men would fight together.
The field had been tied off with painted rope and it showed a large area for the fighting. There were some hills and valley in the area, as well as a small stream that ran through it diagonally.
On one side gathered the Dustan men, wearing their green frogs and carrying their strange spears. Near them were the Vessians, wearing gold and sporting fine armor that looked better then it really was.
On another side were the Knights of Seawatch, wearing the dark gray of the Kingdom and all of them suited in full plate armor. It would be hot and tiring for them but they were well protected, and used to wearing armor.
Last, on the opposite side, was a gathering of Rathians, which looked like there were more Rathians than all the other Kingdoms combined. They wore their vests, brightly colored like the Rom, and carried bows with blunted arrows as well as their regular weapons, such as swords and knives.
The young man who was the announcer stepped up onto his box near the edge closest to the Kings. “Hear ye, Hear ye! All who attend the last day of the tournament! Today is the melee, a fight between all the Kingdoms to test their strength! The last army with the most men standing will be the winner! They win halved taxes for a year! Good luck!”
The young man stepped down and the crowd roared with excitement. Trumpets blared and men stormed out into the field. It was clear right away that the men from Dustan and Vess would team up at least in the beginning.
The Knights fought on two fronts, coming from one corner and facing the combined efforts of Vess and Dustan on one side and the Rathians on the other. The Rathians started with their bows and spread out like a vast blanket of men, running across the ground shooting their giant arrows into the crowds.
Men began to drop and fall. Medical practitioners started running out to gather wounded right away. The arrows would arc over the battlefield in a dark cloud of black lines and then rain down on opponent’s heads.
“The arrows will clear half the field right away!” Nicu said happily.
“It won’t work on the Knights,” Cosmin grumbled back.
“Some will fall, some will stand, but we will overwhelm you today. This is a new Rathian army you see before you.” Nicu laughed as he watched his men wreak havoc with arrows.
Simon and Adrian watched, knowing their men would fight hard, but as always this contest would end between the Knights and the Rathians. Rath could win on numbers alone, as at least a thousand men ran ahead to fight.
Men began to form units that would defend a hill against all comers, and soon the strongest men were starting to stand out. The weak or unlucky got knocked down and out easily and they were plucked form the field by medics.
The Knights let the arrow fall and ignored them. They pushed the Vessian-Dustan army back towards the corner they came from and the Rathians dominated one half of the field, pushing both the combined efforts and the Knights back.
The Kings could see some of the well known Knights starting to occupy certain hills or defensible positions. Destroyer was easy to see in his armor that looked like flames. Starlight and Nightlands were both black spots, like holes in the field.
Gedda, the Lion of the Cliff was visible in his golden armor that reflected the bright overhead sun, and the Bull in all red armor stood out as well. As everyone began to gather into groups to face the Rathians, men started to take small breaks, quickly drinking water and shoring up their lines.
“This is going to be over quickly today,” Nicu said, goading the others on.
“Watch and see Nicu, before you predict a win already,” Cosmin argued back.
“Wars often have surprises Cosmin, you know that,” Remus added, hoping to stop the two men from arguing. “We’ll have to see what happens.”
“I can tell you what will happen,” Hook spoke up brashly. “The Rathian will run over every single man out there until only we are standing!”
“Maybe you should have gone out there yourself if you’re so confident!” Grimm said, his tone clearly aggressive.
“I stayed behind because I trust the men I trained,” Hook said in return. “You’re here because old men don’t heal as quickly as they used to!” Nicu laughed at the comment, pointing out Grimm’s arm in a sling.
“I don’t know what foul magic you inflicted me with, but I will –“ Grimm started to say with a shout.
“Grimm!” High King Remus shouted over him. “Enough! Take a walk and calm down!”
Grimm looked at his King and swallowed his words. With Hook and Nicu grinning, he stormed off the platform to go walk behind the horses.
“I apologize gentlemen, but you shouldn’t question Grimm’s skill or dedication,” Remus scolded the two Rathians.
“You’re quite right, and I’m sorry as well,” Nicu said with a slick smile. “We got carried away with the competition. You know how it is.”
Remus nodded and sat back in his chair. The Dreamweaver bent down and said quietly, “I’m going to go talk to Grimm and calm him down Sire. Glivagar will stand behind you.” The King waved the old man off and the Dreamweaver went down the steps to find Grimm.
The battle continued out in the field. The Rathians were slowly occupying three corners of the field. They were sweeping in on the side of the combined efforts of Dustan and Vess, using numbers to win were skill mattered.
Well trained men from both Kingdoms went down in humps when attacked by six or seven men. There were just too many of them to hold off. Soon it was Rath against the Knights of Seawatch, and the battle was thick. The Knights were some of the best trained warriors in the Realm and they could handle large numbers of attackers.
The Rathians also had some pride and some of them had grudges against certain Knights, so many one on one fights were beginning to happen as old enemies found each other on the field.
It was hard to watch them all at once, but each of the famous Knights were soon surrounded by Rathians and stood alone against the horde. Gedda brought down fifteen men before he was finally taken down.
The Bull ran through three crowds of Rathians until he also was buried in men. Destroyer was fighting a group by himself, swinging his hammer and probably breaking bones he was working so hard. Finally he was taken down by a group of twenty men.
“It’s over already!” Nicu exclaimed.
“You’re using numbers to win,” Cosmin growled. “But many of those men will never fight again after the beating they’re taking from my Knights!”
“If we win this, it won’t matter if they can fight. It’s time for a change.”
Remus looked over at Nicu when he heard those words. They sounded strange to him, like there was a hidden meaning.
“Change Nicu?” he asked. “What kind of change will this bring?”
Starlight and the Nightlands were both little islands against a sea of Rathians. Cosmin was still watching, but Adrian and Simon were focused on the platform.
“I think its time for a change in the Realm Remus,” Nicu said, turning to face the High King.
“You will address me as Sire or Your Highness Nicu,” Remus said, his voice brisk.
“I think not,” Nicu said and stood up. Hafr moved to the side, murmured a few words of power and then tossed something into the air.
Little slivers of bone with tiny runes scratched on them flew through the air and stuck into the forearm of Simon, the neck of Cosmin and the back of Adrian.
Suddenly all three men couldn’t move. Their eyes moved about in horror as they realized they were trapped. Cosmin watched his two best Knights get swarmed by Rathians and they disappeared from sight.
Glivagar twitched just slightly and the last bones sliver flew past him. He turned and jumped off the platform. Hook ran to the edge but stayed there, looking back at the dram unfolding.
Hafr signaled another man, a Rathian standing near the platform and he called to another gathering of them. Soon Rathians were climbing the steps to guard the exit.
Nicu took step towards the High King, as Remus stood. “What foul magic is this? What are you doing man?” Remus yelled at the King.
“I’m doing what someone should have done years ago!” Nicu shouted as he drew his sword. Remus blanched as he realized he was in a fight. His mind kept thinking of other things instead of battle. He wasn’t the warrior he once was.
He was thinking of his son, wondering where he was and if he was safe. He didn’t carry a sword anymore, just a large knife. He drew it and looked for support and he saw Rathians engaging Kingsguard everywhere. The Rathians had swarmed off the field and were in the crowd now.
Nicu took another step and pointed his sword at the High King. “I’m going to be the High King Remus! It’s going to be my Kingdom, my Realm!”
Remus put himself into a guard position and waited. He would have to time this just right to stay alive. He wondered where the Godsmen were. He realized he hadn’t seen them since the tourney began. Did they side with the Rathians? Was this a designed plot?
Nicu took a couple swings at him. He moved back and stumbled on Simon’s foot. He looked back to see where he was, wondering if he would just fall off the platform, and in that moment, Nicu struck.
Remus felt the blade go into him and he wondered why it didn’t hurt more. He knew it had touched his heart, he could feel it stutter and he coughed blood. He looked into Nicu eyes and he saw a man driven by desire and ruled by passion.
Remus’s gaze moved and he saw Hafr and in that second he knew that it was Hafr that was the real power in Rath. It was he that brought the tribes together. He could even see the fear on Hook’s face that this was too much, that they had stepped too far.
“This won’t work out for you Nicu,” the King said, with little bubbles of blood blooming around his mouth. “You’re a fool to trust him.”
Nicu shoved the sword in farther and then ripped it out in anger. “Shut up!” he shouted. “I am the High King now!” There were screams in the crowd as people saw what was happening. Nicu stood on the platform and yelled to them, “I am the High King now!
Grimm had walked away from the platform and it had taken the Dreamweaver some time to find him. He was walking away from the crowds, towards the empty land around this populated event.
“Grimm!” the old man called. “Wait!”
The old warrior turned to wait and the Dreamweaver met up with him. The two men looked at each other for a moment and then the Dreamweaver put his hand out onto Grimm’s shoulder.
“I think we should go back to the King Grimm, something’s wrong today.”
“If I go back, I will fight that bastard Hook!” Grimm snarled, looking down over the stooped old man.
“Calm yourself and come back with me. Trust me that something is fishy and we should stay by his side today.”
Grimm looked back towards where they came from. He could see the platform with its canvas top and no one had moved from their chairs.
“What are you talking about? What’s wrong?” he asked.
“I don’t know, I just have a terrible feeling about today. Maybe its all the little things, like the strange messages from the other Kingdoms, or the fact that I have seen no Godsmen standing around at all, as if they’ve all hidden themselves.”
Grimm looked up again as he realized that was true. He also had not seen any Godsmen. Where we they? Why weren’t the out guarding the city? He looked back towards the platform and saw a gathering of people on one side and something happening on the actual platform.
He just started running. The Dreamweaver started running after him, but neither of them were fast enough. Grimm saw the elf leap off the back and he saw Hook standing there, but then turned away. The elf ran right to the horses, and as he saw Grimm coming, he moved to two other horses as well.
Grimm started running for the platform and he saw the Rathians climbing the steps, but the elf ran into his path and grabbed him. He tried to shove past but the elf was surprisingly strong.
“It’s over Grimm! It’s over already! We have to get away!” he shouted.
Grimm looked at him and then back to the platform. There were too many people up there now for him to see what was happening. He heard screams from the crowd.
“He’s dead man! You have to escape now! It’s now or never!”
The Dreamweaver ran up and heard what the elf was saying. He looked at the platform and saw the Rathians everywhere.
“Is the King –“ he started to ask.
“He’s dead!” Glivagar said again. “Help me, we have to run now!”
The Dreamweaver grabbed Grimm’s other arm and pulled his to the horses. Grimm seemed like he was in a daze. He managed to move his one arm and mount up while the Dreamweaver got up with the elf’s help. The Glivagar leaped onto another horse, grabbed the reins of Grimm’s and stated riding for the open field.
Shouts to stop came from behind them and more than one arrow whipped past, but Glivagar led them on a switching path and finally beyond reach. He rode them straight towards the forest and what he knew to be safety.
The Dreamweaver knew they were headed for the home of the Daoine Sidhe. The old man found himself weeping as they rode. High King Remus the First, killed and he could do nothing. He thought of only one thing after that. He had to find Cullen if they were going to rescue the Realm.
Cullen must be found.
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