A foreigner on Abctalesdotcom

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A foreigner on Abctalesdotcom

This is a bit embarrassing and I really don't want to make a fuss but I think I owe it to you guys to tell you this.. I am going to stop writing on Abc! I have written quite a few poems ( or whatever you like to call these short pieces without rhyme or much rhythm, metre and all the other poetry stuff- I really don't know much about it when it comes down to it, even less about the Great poets - apart from the wordsmiths on Abc of course !).
You see, after having lived all my adult life in Denmark and never having been back to Aussie (since 1971! Yegods a long long time ago), and being of 100% Danish descent I master the Danish language very well now and my english is slowly fading. I.e I can read it very well, I can make myself understandable in writing and sort of in the spoken word but I can't write poems anymore. I just can't. When I read the stuff from you natives of English speaking countries- well I can't keep up and the more difficult words, I have to look up. I think my own vocabulary is still that of a 16 year old- it wasn't that bad at the time but it is not good enough now. I don't think so and I think that is the most important thing- what I think about my skills. I can't write fluently anymore- my vocabulary just does not suffice.

I will continue to read and comment as much as I can. I won't be able not to- I love this place so much. But I won't be kidding myself anymore that I can write in English- it doesn't come easily and fluently anymore. Basically I think it is an age thing for me and of the fact that I don't speak english on a daily basis.

The short of the long is that I am so grateful for all the feedback and comments etc on my pieces through time . Thanks a lot fellow Abctalers.

I might just take up poetry in Danish- That I should be able to I think- it flows so easily for me nowadays.

keep writing

Write then. I am going to post my next bloody thing in Danish. It might not be good Danish but I bet that it is worse than yours in English Pia.


Yir no the only foreigner here. Ah don't speak English on a daily basis either, Pia. And Ah suspect yir vocabulary is better than mine. So fur the love a God keep writing and don't leave me here wae these imperialist sassanachs.
Yir no the only foreigner here. Ah don't speak English on a daily basis either, Pia. And Ah suspect yir vocabulary is better than mine. So fur the love a God keep writing and don't leave me here wae these imperialist sassanachs.
Yir no the only foreigner here. Ah don't speak English on a daily basis either, Pia. And Ah suspect yir vocabulary is better than mine. So fur the love a God keep writing and don't leave me here wae these imperialist sassanachs.
Pia, you really underestimate your ability as a poet. I, for one, hope that you never stop contributing to ABCtales. Have you read the poems of Benjamin Zephaniah or Beat Poets like Alan Ginsberg? Poetry isn't all about having a huge vocabulary. Its what you do with the words that counts and your poetry is worth reading. I'm always optimistic that, by combining my writing with reading and learning, my writing will get better and better and I really hope that you could have that same optimism about your writing. I read lots of reference books; York Notes and anything that I think will help me to understand writing better. Also, imitation is a great way of learning. Some famous poets like Ezra Pound and Dylan Thomas started out imitating the style of their favourite poets and only found their own voice after years of trying to write in the style of others. Please don't quit because I really think that your writing shows too much promise and it would be a genuine tragedy if you were to stop. Have you ever thought of trying to translate some Danish poets/authors into English? You might make a wonderful translator. Anyway. I feel that writing is a compulsion and if you're anything like me; you may talk about quitting but the urge to write will probably draw you back again. Also, you could try submitting to Danish poetry magazines/publishers and perhaps, if you get stuff published in Danish then it will boost your confidence enough to want to keep writing in English. Please don't quit. When I read your poems I always think you have natural talent. I don't know if you have a copy of Norton's Anthology of English Literature but that really introduced me to the work of so many poets and gave me a sense of all the things that a poem is supposed to contain and that poetry is as much about learning all the literary devices and 'tricks of the trade' as it is about natural ability. Also, as I mentioned earlier, English Lit study notes help you to learn how to deconstruct and analyse poetry and if you get better at reading poetry then you get better at writing it. Just some suggestions but I think you have talent and it would be a terrible pity if it was wasted.
Thanks for the support everyone. I don't know what I was expecting! Imagine if someone had said "good riddance to bad rubbish"? Well- that I wouldn't expect from fellow abctalers. Maybe I have a case of writer's block. I have taken Well-wisher's recommendations and ordered a few books from Amazon and I will see if it helps me. I am sure they will be a good read. Maybe I should have been more discrete. I'll see if I can work on something. Am a bit stumped for ideas at the moment.I guess Footsie is right- I should write as me (and not be so ambitious). I just want it to be good and even better ;D but I think I am probably my worst(best) critic. Anyway thanks very much for your good words. ;)Pia
Pia, venligst ikke forlade os. Vi vil laere Dansk!


Jeg vil begynde at skrive pa dansk blot at holde dig selskab!


wellwisher's post honest grounded truth. We should all take heed not just you Pia. And my oath to write a poem in Danish, I'm not up to that task - says it all really. Don't go Pia, I love reading your stuff.


Surely it's just the time of year, Pia. I hope anyway. I've now had writer's block for nearly a month and everything I start writing is quickly wiped away like a resentful tear from a stony face. I have been forbidden to write what I want to write about and that has proved a massive stumbling block. Maybe it's meant to be, in the grand scheme of things, but it's come at a time when I'm also starting to see that I'm not such a great writer after all. I've used writing to block out life and responsibility in a very detrimental way but I've never really put in the hours to truly shape my art. The old adage 95% hard graft and 5% talent has hit me hard and there's no getting around it now. I speak French quite fluently while my written French is absolute pigeon, but the new world that a second language opened up for me gave my first language so much more meaning. Finding a formula of simplicity AND meaning is difficult to conjure in any language but to find it in a second language is an astounding achievement and your words have clearly spoken to many on this site. I honestly assumed you'd spent many many years in Blighty because your command of the language is so good. I don't think I've seen a spelling mistake from you and I'm a stickler for that kind of thing (though I do it myself, but blame the keypad). Your comments are always kind and well-measured. In fact, you are probably the most avid, freely giving person on the site as far as reading and commenting is concerned, so you'll be missed as a contributing member for your own work. This is only a suggestion but why not start to write your poems in Danish and then translate them with someone you can find in Denmark who has a good grasp of English (a lecturer, professional translator; they'll do it for free if you ask nicely). If you get three of your favourite new ones translated, post them on Abc but also translate them yourself into English and post those as well, without us knowing which one has been translated by someone else, you may be surprised. This might give you a second wind to push on in English. It's a fantastic language and may just be your spiritually preferred one. Whatever you do, keep smiling and enjoy 2012. Richard


The only Danish I know is 'Gude moron' or is that Swedish? The point is that wherever you write from or about, we are all Internet people now!
Pia, please do not go. I am going to be singing and telling jokes in French this summer in a music festival and my spoken French is probably below the 16 year old level. It is anout taking part.Your English is really good and you would be a huge loss.


Well Pia, as I've said before your grasp of English is better than mine and most other folk I know and the fact you can speak a foreign language, even though it is your own, makes me wish I was sixteen. Oh, yeh, what was I trying to say again...We're all sixteen here, so don't worry about that aspect. It's your choice, but I'd like you to stay.


Wow you guys have certainly been persuasive. I just feel like writing a poem again.Your words have really inspired me and given me a lot of encouragement and especially courage to give it another go. I have been taking it all a bit too seriously I think- I guess Blighters is right about it being the time of year- well anyway I was a bit down, wasn't I? I just got an idea for a poem. Thanks a million. No really I can't thank you enough- all of you for your kind words. Warms my heart so well! Must be off See you atb ;)Pia
You are one of my favorites and I'd miss you terribly. So, as the song goes, "Baby please don't go." I had a serious case of writer's block. I started posting on ABCTales in 2004. Wrote a few pieces and then didn't post again till 2011. That was a long stretch. So I know what it's like to give up something you love. I really enjoy your company. Rich


Yeah that sure was a long stretch- must have been awful Rich- I enjoy your company too.. thanks I haven't given up completely after all. Got really invigorated by all the support here so I am going to give it another try.. ;)Pia
This was so awesome to read. It's really great to see a community work and be welcoming. I agree with the others that you should continue to write, even when you'll feeling less than good about what you're doing. you've obviously got a lot of support so I don't have to say too much about it. Keep going, always keep going.

Nicholas Schoonbeck

I have an idea!! Write the poems in Danish, and then translate them into English!! Then we can all still enjoy your wonderful poems!! Savannah


I am going to really work on my poems in the future- I'll try to do my best. I am chuffed by all the wonderful support but I could have told myself that, couldn't I? Thanks again- you have all lifted my spirits in great degree- he he quirky english again.. Thanks Savannah- I have been thinking about that method as well and it might just work- it can be a bit confusing thinking in two different languages at times.. lots of kind regards to all Pia ;)
Hej dear Danish Pastry Let's hear no more of this talk of leaving etc. Catch up with you later. Regards.
Hej Opps Posted twice
Pia, it has all been said, except...I couldn't imagine ABC Tales without you. Or, putting it another way, as Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise used to say, 'You are my sunshine';-) Tina


Ha Tina I used to dance to that one I think something that sounded like that- or was it "Good morning Sunshine"! Gee thanks ever so much for the support Tina- I am fully resuscitated now- thanks to you and all the other kind talers. you are quite a warm ray for me as well- ;)Pia
Dear Pia, from an Italian to a Dane: Carry on. Luigi x


A true test. I wonder if anyone was reading this in Reading.


Oh that was fun Chuck- thanks a lot-I read it loud to myself and there were only 2 or 3 maybe 4 words I didn't know. I have now sent it to my english speaking sisters to see what they think! ;)Pia
Very interesting Chuck. Creative writing class today and our French lady took one look and gave up on the spot. However we have a pedantic history teacher amongst us and he kept the printout for study. Personally I found it a very amusing idea and had to look up only one word's pronounciation. Hurrah! Similar but far more detailed than my poem 'English as she is spoke' posted about September 2010.
Pia, When I write I always have a dictionary or online dictionary to hand. I also like having one to hand when I read, because I like to ensure that I am using/reading words in the correct context and that I have the meaning clear. This can be especially amusing when people try to use words and haven't bothered to look up the meaning themselves and get it completely wrong! Please keep writing - I cannot imagine trying to write poetry in a language which is not your first but I have to admit that I had no idea that you weren't English until I read this forum topic! Proof that your grasp on English is a good, firm one! J x


Pia :) If you decide to stop posting your brilliant work then we have all lost a truly pleasant, nice, wonderful person and a brilliant writer. Like Jennifer said, it is not easy writing in another language and even i struggle for various reasons but it would be like losing a family member if we lose your work, you regular. But if you really feel its something you need to do, then please keep writing in any language, the world needs you :)))) Keep Smiling Trish xxxx

smiley Keep Smiling

Keep Writing xxx

Hi Jennifer and Trish- thank you very much for your support.I do have a translation dictionary and Roget's and check to make sure of the meaning of the words I choose, even when I know what they mean, I double check! It seems as though my method doesn't differ that much from others so I am comforted finally especially after reading everyone's comments on this thread. I am so pleased the way everyone has been supporting me and will continue to write when I feel up to it. Well I can hardly not do I have discovered but it has really been of immense help reading all your comments. Thanks ;)Pia
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