A foreigner on Abctalesdotcom
This is a bit embarrassing and I really don't want to make a fuss but I think I owe it to you guys to tell you this.. I am going to stop writing on Abc! I have written quite a few poems ( or whatever you like to call these short pieces without rhyme or much rhythm, metre and all the other poetry stuff- I really don't know much about it when it comes down to it, even less about the Great poets - apart from the wordsmiths on Abc of course !).
You see, after having lived all my adult life in Denmark and never having been back to Aussie (since 1971! Yegods a long long time ago), and being of 100% Danish descent I master the Danish language very well now and my english is slowly fading. I.e I can read it very well, I can make myself understandable in writing and sort of in the spoken word but I can't write poems anymore. I just can't. When I read the stuff from you natives of English speaking countries- well I can't keep up and the more difficult words, I have to look up. I think my own vocabulary is still that of a 16 year old- it wasn't that bad at the time but it is not good enough now. I don't think so and I think that is the most important thing- what I think about my skills. I can't write fluently anymore- my vocabulary just does not suffice.
I will continue to read and comment as much as I can. I won't be able not to- I love this place so much. But I won't be kidding myself anymore that I can write in English- it doesn't come easily and fluently anymore. Basically I think it is an age thing for me and of the fact that I don't speak english on a daily basis.
The short of the long is that I am so grateful for all the feedback and comments etc on my pieces through time . Thanks a lot fellow Abctalers.
I might just take up poetry in Danish- That I should be able to I think- it flows so easily for me nowadays.
keep writing
Oh look, a link. I wonder where it leads.(link is external)
Nicholas Schoonbeck
Keep Writing xxx