My Beautiful Ring true
By Cavalcader
- 7241 reads
Once I had a beautiful ring
my father gave my brother
and eventually gave to me
as in the pub people said give it to me
But as passing it over
dropped to the ground
the top fell off
and I was spell bound
We had it mended
never so bright again
I will describe it to you
a round crystal like top
Surrounded by rhinestones
but secret opening square design
flapped about when I had it on
filigree edges brass at the sides
So one day pop put a bolt through
the hinge and sealed it down
shone like the stars and as round
as the moon
But things that happened with it
were not at all funny!
when I was young
my nan did the T leaves
And had a small crystal ball
I would look there was nothing at all
mum ran away with someone else
after 30 years married
Pop would get the ring
and read into it
and say "I can see mum
and all going on
"I only need a vicar" he would say
right from a child everything
he told me came true!
good or bad he was psychic
even done birthday presents up
In baby paper
how on earth did he know
but near the time of the birth
changed his mind
So had to live with the boyfriend
wasn't pleased at first
pop became ill with the big C
years on and we had moved
I used to wash his face and comb
his hair and he asked me
lay down beside him on the cover
when in pain
Put him out on his commode
the last time I didn't know
got him back to bed
loved to chat
I would crush his pills
he take a whiskey as well
no mum but other's came evening time
pop put by a teddy for our daughter
Big picture of dogs sitting
at table playing snooker
when I went home
but all went
one of four brothers
said "that's it he is gone
my sister then went home new babe
and daughter. I held a rosary and prayed
Our little girl with her
came back by car too late
dad was gone
but on a birthday of mine all happy
She came over and gave me apresent?
a video nice I thought of family maybe
I played after she went
video of her and pop walking
Up the arch of the church for her wedding
how? could she when he was bedridden
I nursed and held his hand kissed him goodbye
the video caused me be very upset that night
I always wore that ring
on march 13th was his birthday lucky for me
and the date he wed
but lights would dim
Curtains would blow out the window
doorbells would go and no one there
look outside no one there
telephone would ring no one at all
so creepy!
In the days I went to church
then a holy shrine with other's by coach
I had been through so much myself
prayer and praise and healing
I brought back a folded glass
like a book said "Welcome in your new home"
true we had a second hand wardrobe
but crash and down it came on the floor
Nothing to knock it at all
the room would not accept at first
anything holy
after pop died I was handed a photo
Of me arm in arm arm with my dad
pregnant then carrying babe
of my dreams not then born
I put it on mantlepiece the loving photo
We waiting for relative close to come
all things bought for the dinner
call came "sorry can't make it gone sick"
I cried my eyes out!
Picked up photo and said
"Dad why do they do this to me"
kissed it and done the sign of the cross on it
two seconds later the phone did ring
My young cousin "Aunty feeling better can we come
I had already plastered my eyes green
after having a good cry!
so "ok I said".
I told the vicar had then I had
about the happenings
also a sound like balls being kicked
and rolled against the wall
He said "l will have to get get someone
to bless the place"
Or exorcisim he didn't come
so vicar turned up on his own
Dressed in black head to toe
so frightening
came in which room feels presence
no not front room here
So we took him through
to the bedroom and he got me and mine
to say "The Lords prayer" and took holy communion
Ah! he said feels more at peace now
Vicar said "You must get rid of the video
and the ring how could I do that
when I loved it and my dad gave it to me
so my daughter had asked for it
Without further a do gave it to her
as moved then said "her rabbits found pulled
through the cage
and cutlery draw rattled at night
She only sixteen moved
for more room
but only few feet away
from where we all lived as kids
I have just read "Jeremy Irons"
is in new film take part of Pope
and in those days Borgias
Killings and blood
and also Poison rings were used
was it a poison ring
was it the flat with no double glazing in
Or a fox when rabbit's were killed
so I know now pop
who I did all for
not gone over the otherside
His spirit wanted stay with me
or was it his barley wine and whiskey!
darling pop we didn't always get on
so R.I.P on the otherside
Bless you with my love
to all of you have a mum or dad
or someone you love
tell them not to suffer long
Who ever it may be
kiss them
and warmth of your love
holding their hand
They will pass over
the otherside in peace.
I was told it is a fact
What a strange poem true!
quite draining to do!
I saw 'Jeremy Irons' by chance once
Gatwick we were changing trains
He was stubbing out cigarette end
then with his foot on the platform
I called out Jeremy Irons
he smiled Wow!
all comments please!
Ideas and help! maybe, appreciated.
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Hi julie, there are so many
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Julie - I agree with Jenny's
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Dear julie, I think you
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My Nan used to read the tea
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That's okay Julie, you get
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Fab poem as always with your
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Hi Julie, this is really
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You have some amazing
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Hello, Cavalcaderl. I've
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I like your poem too Julie.
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A close friend once
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By the way Julie I did not
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Hi Julie! I am glad there
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Julie a close friend came by
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Thank you Julie. I am sure
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