Little Piece Of Forever
By Choosemyheart
- 737 reads
It was Winter, a world full of fragile things. The alabaster moon shone bright in the velvet violet sky, turning everything it touched a seductive silver. Contrasting tones painted the evening ranging from intense indigo to a captivating crimson, like ink slowly dripping into water. A brisk breeze ruffled the forthcoming snow clouds which were charcoal with envy and made the entwining trees quirk and quiver while their canopy protected sweet snowdrops, each one looking as delicate as paper against the sharp blades of the emerald grass.
A small scarlet robin sang it’s last song of the day, sounding like a sweet lullaby and sending nature into it’s fast peaceful sleep. It acknowledged the glimmering and burning stars and without another sound, soared off into the distance, until it was too far for the eye to see.
On the horizon stood a small nocturnal town, never sleeping or never awakening. All the shops carried their own glittering golden light which could be seen from miles around, like their own little glistening star. Crowds of faceless people hurried through the dim street corners, each one holding their Christmas shopping, each one rushing through more crowds abruptly and careless.
One girl wandered dreamily through the mass of people. She had silken twisted, long flowing hair which reached down her skinny back and a heart shaped fair face which spoke of innocence. Her eyes were an azure blue, with thick eyelashes that fluttered against the cold air and a button nose, tinted rose from the frosty night. The girl’s lips were plump and pink, curled into a smile from a faint memory.
She wore a long red coat, buttoned to her neck with a beige floating scarf wrapped in a tight knot. Her cream jeans were mostly covered by knee high polished boots which she couldn’t steady herself to walk in them properly, and didn’t pay any attention to where she was walking. The pesky snow clouds split apart and snowflakes erupted from their midst. Her head peered upwards as small flakes landed on her pale cheeks and slowly melted, bringing her back to the real world. She sighed in annoyance.
Suddenly, the next moment happened in slow motion. The girl’s foot landed on a battered plastic bottle which was lying carelessly on the stone footpath. She jerked in an awkward position falling slowly backwards to the hard ground and aiming for landing on the side of the road. She shrieked in shock, and her eyes widened with fear. Her arm bent out behind her to protect her from falling, no one around her seemed to care that a car was speeding forwards in her direction. She shut her eyes closed, bracing herself for the worst.
…However, the girl felt nothing. She seemed to be suspended in midair, neither falling or standing up straight. A strong arm supported her. She gradually opened her eyes, peeking through her thick eye lashes to see her saviour.
It was if she had been kept in the dark, and he was the first thing she saw. Her heart fell forever, skipping so many beats she lost count. A trickle of more shock fell down her spine as she gaped at him in wonder, he was perfect. A fallen angel.
The timid light of the moon amplified every etched detail. The man had a bronze mane of idealistic hair, which wisped around his face and danced in the brisk breeze. His jagged long fringe hung elegantly over his forehead, while the length reached his jaw and continued around to the back of his neck. He had strong features; a strong jaw line, a sweet sharp nose and high cheek bones. His skin was tainted tan and flawless, not one single fault or scar could be seen by the naked eye which gave off a resonating light.
His eyes were like open doors, leading her down into his soul where she stared into the deep chocolate pools of her dreams, her desires and her destiny. His lips were nicely shaped with a shadow of a moustache before his top lip and wore a slight whisper of amusement at her vacant expression. He wore a wooden beaded tight necklace around his strong neck, each bead had a silver detail imprinted onto the surface.
Her greedy azure eyes traced every inch of his body. She noticed his shoulders were tight and muscular, leading down onto the sturdy arms which held her tightly. He wore a tight black open shirt, with silver features sown onto the surface, this amplified his muscular body which flexed now and again under her weight. Along with the shirt, he wore grey stone washed jeans which enlarged his height. He had polished black shoes, shimmering distorted reflections of the passers by.
In the other hand he held a leather jacket, also a feisty black. The heavy downpour of snow seemed to be soaking everyone in the invisible crowds, apart from him. He stayed dry and glowing, too good for this world, too unspoiled to be true.
The man opened his angelic mouth to speak, slowly and meaningfully he said, “Are you okay?”
With every word he spoke, the girl’s breath was taken away. It was classical music to her ears, each syllable brought a surge of emotions as well as making her leap with joy.
Finally noticing she was staring wide mouthed at this beautiful creature, she shut her mouth hurriedly. The girl flushed scarlet under his glorious stare, while glancing down at the battered bottle that had caused all this to happen. She gave a huge bright smile, her plump pink lips shaped in a crescent moon, urging within her temptation not to meet his.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine,” her voice whispered, in awe. She gave another huge grin, taking in every noted detail of his gorgeous face, not wanting to forget a single inch.
This mysterious man gave a pure white perfect smile, continuing up his face and finishing in his shining angelic eyes. He made sure that the girl was standing safely on the now snow covered ground, then he placed his battered leather jacket around her thin shoulders. He stared into her face, afterwards brushing the trickling snowflakes out of her flowing hair. She watched his every movement eagerly. Her temptation was too much to handle, a million butterflies exploded from her stomach when she watched every single breath he took.
The man seemed to struggle with himself for a moment. He nervously placed his hands into his slim jean pockets, rocking from side to side, soothingly. He then freed one hand and ruffled his dancing hair, flicking it into a perfect position. After, he pointed down the long faintly lit road, towards some all night restaurants their brilliant lights reflecting off the frosty windows.
“I was wondering,” he gave an anxious cough, refreshing his thoughts, “You look pretty cold. Would you like to get a coffee with me?”
Unaware of the words that rang through her thoughts in her peaceful mind, it took a few minutes to understand what he was saying, was he asking her for coffee? Or was this a dream?
Her heart speed fastened slightly as she thought she would faint. She didn’t want to fall over again, it would be too embarrassing. Opening her mouth to speak, no words came out. She flushed with nerves again as the glorious man in front of her chuckled in amusement.
Plucking up the courage, she finally found her voice to say, “Yes, I’d like that.”
The tall city clock rang nine o’ clock loud and clear around the whole extent, however, the pair didn’t notice one noise or motion. It felt like hours the girl had been staring at the magnificent being, but only a few minutes had passed. As her azure eyes met the deep chocolate pools of his, they walked off into the distance, snowflakes drifting through the shadows and the stars sparkling in the velvet violet sky. Hand in hand, smile reaching smile, they continued into their little piece of forever.
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some very fine descriptive
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There are some super images
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Indrani Ananda I love the
Indrani Ananda
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