Me and my washing-machine head
By blighters rock
- 5145 reads
March 14-AA Thought for the Day.
Can I get well? If I mean ‘Can I ever drink normally again?’ the answer is no.
But if I mean ‘Can I stay sober?’ the answer is definitely yes.
(I wish that wood-shredding machine would stop)
I can get well by turning my drink problem over to a Power greater than myself,
(I need to get an extension for the TV aeriel now I’ve moved the room around to get away from the snoring wall)
That Divine Principle in the universe which we call God,
(I wonder if that parking ticket went to my old address, I haven’t bothered to change my address on my driving licence so it could well have done. I might need to fight my corner in court because the ticket was wiped in a debt relief order and the lady at the CAB told me it was fine, plus I’ve still got the email I sent them)
And by asking that Power each morning to give me the strength to stay sober for the next twenty-four hours.
(I should go and see Mum today but I need to make a load of calls. I’ll do the calls this morning and see Mum in the afternoon)
I know from the experience of thousands of people that if I honestly want to get well, I can get well.
(Shit, I’ve got to ask Pam if I can use the printer to send off a few letters, she’s bound to make me grovel)
Am I faithfully following the AA program?
(Er, what was the question? Am I faithfully following the AA program?.. this is when I realise that I forgot to turn my washing-machine head off when I started reading. I can’t remember a thing. The wood-shredder’s stopped. I don’t know how long for but it gives me time to retrieve my thoughts. I go back to the top of the page, read through the meditation again and shake my head when I realise that I haven’t taken in a word because my head’s full of shit.
I don’t know how to reply. I honestly want to get well, that’s a given, but I have to be honest. It’s going well, I think, and so I say ‘Yes, I’m doing well in the program’, (notice how I didn’t actually answer the question) but then I see Naked Tea on the table. It’s a great little book sent to me by fellow Abcer Chuck and as I remember last night, how I read it and was cast back to the wild old days of partying and hedonism, I grimace solemnly and add ‘but I need to work harder’)
Persevere in all that God’s guidance moves you to do. The persistent carrying out of what seems right and good will bring you to that place where you would be.
(‘where you would be?’ That’s awful English. I wish I could edit this book. Hazelden should know better but, let’s face it, they’re only American)
If you look back over God’s guidance, you will see that His leading has been very gradual
(this room needs a hoover)
And that only as you have carried out His wishes, as far as you can understand them, has God been able to give you more clear and definite leading.
(I could easily better that sentence. It’s too long and it doesn’t flow at all well)
You are led by God’s touch on a quickened, responsive mind.
(Joe’s such a two-faced twat. I bet he’s been talking about me to the new guy)
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I think you've captured the
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I like this. 'The Snoring
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Thx! Sorry if part two
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P.S i have several ideas but
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Yus! My desert pantoum was
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Thx for the good review
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i like the format of this.
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I love the honesty in this,
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And I've been thinking of
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Who would've thought I'd be
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Believe me, it's easier to
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This reminded me so much of
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