Missing Years ( Part 33)

By jolono
- 1746 reads
They searched the house from top to bottom, Spencer was nowhere to be found, his car was still outside, his keys were still on the table where he had put them when he had first come in, but he was gone.
Stacey was shaking.
“Mister Conroy, what do you think has happened to him?”
“I’m not sure Stacey, but I do think he’s still alive, if they had wanted to kill him they would have done so, but they’ve obviously just taken him somewhere”
“But why him, why Spencer?”
“He was the weakest of the four of us, your dad’s faith was too strong, that protected him and you, I had on a crucifix that my mother gave me, I suppose that protected me, which just left spencer, by his own admission he had no faith”
Spencer opened his eyes but it made no difference, it was still pitch black. He shouted.
“James, Stacey?”
His voice echoed as though he was in some kind of massive cave. The echo seemed to bounce everywhere around him until it became fainter and fainter.
He took a few steps forward, his arms outstretched like a blind man feeling his way in unfamiliar surroundings. He called again.
“James, Stacey!”
Once again the echo bounced around him until it faded away into the darkness.
He was in a state of confusion, a few seconds ago he was in a house with Eddie and Stacey Samuels now he was somewhere else, god knows where!
He could hear voices but they seemed to be very far away, he had no idea what direction they were coming from either. He decided to take a gamble; if he walked in one direction for long enough he would surely come to a stop eventually. He took small slow steps with his arms outstretched counting each one as he did, quite quickly he was up to thirty, then fifty, then seventy, now it was over one hundred, still nothing in front of him. He stopped and called out again.
“Hello, anyone there?”
Silence, absolute silence apart from the same muffled voices in the distance that he had heard before. He knelt down and put his hand on the floor, it was damp, not wet, but sticky. He pulled his hand away from the floor and put it to his nose, it had a familiar smell that he was trying to place, he thought long and hard and then it came to him, it was the smell of a Butchers Shop!
Eddie Samuels and James Conroy were discussing what the next steps would be.
“So Mr Conroy how do we do this?”
“I know quite a lot about Exorcism Eddie but this is a bit different, we aren’t talking about possession of living people here, we’re dealing with demons that have entered lifeless bodies, so we need to approach it in a different way, I am convinced that we will find the answer somewhere in the Bible, it may not be straight forward but I am sure it’s there somewhere. You, Eddie, know the Bible better than anyone I know”
“I’ll do my best Mr Conroy but I can’t think of anything in the great book that tells you how to get rid of the kind of demons that we’re talking about!”
“That’s where I come in Eddie, my job is to interpret the Bible differently than the written word, let me give you an example, Genesis, chapter six, one of the most misunderstood chapters in the Bible!”
“That’s the chapter where God tells Noah to build an Ark”
“That’s right Eddie but do you know why?”
“Of course because man had become corrupt and sinned”
“You’re right Eddie but in verse four the Bible says that there were Giants that roamed the earth in those days and daughters of men bore them children, agreed?”
Even Eddie had to quickly flick through his beloved Polyglott Bible, he read and looked surprised.
“I’d never noticed that before!”
“Not many people do Eddie, we now believe that when the Bible talks of Giants they mean Demons, so Demons were among men even in the earliest days, they bred with human women and then of course the world became corrupted, that’s why god demanded that everyone who was not part of Noah’s family line be killed in the floods”
Eddie smiled, he had never thought of that chapter in that way before.
James Conroy continued.
“That’s not all Eddie, also in verse four it says that Giants roamed the earth in those days and also after that, that last bit is just as important, it implies that the floods didn’t kill the demons after all, it implies that they were still around afterwards as well. Which means that they have always been amongst us, do you now see what I mean about interpretation?”
Eddie was impressed with James Conroy, he’d read the Bible more times than he cared to remember but this was something else, something really clever.
“Mr Conroy you have just opened up a whole new world for me!”
Stacey returned with coffee for everyone and a small drop of Brandy to keep the spirits up.
James was eager to carry on.
“Eddie what do you know about the book of Revelations”
“It’s the final book of the New Testament, it should be called The Revelation of St. John the Divine, it is the revelation of Jesus Christ and was written to show future events, paths to heaven, overall to give followers an insight into God and Jesus”
James Conroy smiled and nodded his head.
“Sort of, it mentions The Blood of the Lamb many times, what do you make of that?”
“Well the Lamb is obviously Christ and people can be cleansed by drinking his blood as Catholics do when they drink wine, which is a symbol of Christ’s blood, during Holy Communion”
“All correct, but it goes much deeper than that, it was Lambs blood that was painted on Jews doors to stop the last plague from killing their first born (the Passover), in pagan times Lambs were sacrificed to a god to save the people from any harm coming to them, in a similar way Jesus’s blood was spilt when he was crucified, like a sacrificial lamb, and the blood that was spilled was to clean us of our sins”
Once again Eddie was impressed, then he remembered something.
“Mr Conroy, it is mentioned again in Revelations Chapter Twelve”
Eddie quickly flicked through his Bible, found the page and read aloud.
“There was war in Heaven, and the great Dragon was cast out, and the serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world was cast out unto the earth and his angels were cast out with him. And they overcame him with The Blood of the Lamb!”
James Conroy smiled; it was exactly what he wanted Eddie to find.
“Do you know what Eddie, we’re almost there!”
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I've been wondering where
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Oh, Mr Jolono, This was
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Well worth the wait for part
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