How to Annoy people part 1... Jehovah's Witnesses.
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I would like to share with you a real conversation that took place between myself and two JW's a while ago.
Ding Dong
Two young Jehovah's are standing outside my door, I know this by the way they dress. They always give the appearance that they have been dressed by an 80 year old celibate Aunt, or abused by one.
MS. Good morning
JW. Good morning, we were wondering if you could spare a few moments to talk about God.
MS. Certainly, what do you want to know? Any God in particular?
JW. Oh, are you a religious man?
MS. Christ no. Would you like to come in. It must be cold out there.
JW. Oh, erm, ok.
MS. Hey nice shoes, my wife used to have some like that.
JW. How nice, is she here?
MS. (shaking my head slowly) not any more.
JW's are now sitting opposite me in my front room, MTV is playing on the Tv in the same room.
Quick Pre History. Jehovahs believe there is going to be an Armageddon where only 144,000 of the chosen few will make it to Heaven, and the rest of them will be resurrected along with the past dead since the days of Abel and live forever in paradise on Earth. Taking something as wacky as the bible and making it wackier makes them pretty wacky.
JW. (offering a copy of WatchTower to me) we would like you to take one of these.
The booklet has a picture of different coloured folks lounging around on a summers day in the middle of a lush green field, a Tiger is being petted by a small black boy. Everyone looks real happy.
MS. (Turning up Westlifes, Flying without Wings which has just come on Tv) Hold on I lovvvveee this track.
(Holding my arms aloft) come on join in I know you want to, everyone lovvves a bit of Westlife.
JW. You are a very happy man.
MS. Westlife Come on (still holding my arms aloft) anyone?, ok then.
MS. Happy? Not as happy as this lot (pointing at the people on the booklet)
JW. They have every reason to be, they're in Para.
MS. Paradise, yes I know all about it. Not too good for the Tiger though.
JW. Sorry?
MS. Well, all he wants to do is eat the little black kid.
JW. Not in paradise.
MS. What?,.. does no one have to eat in paradise?
JW. No, they will live for ever.
MS. Why is there apples on this tree here? (pointing at apple tree on booklet)
JW. Apples bring enjoyment, they are in Paradise
MS. Of course, yes, very good. How come Tigers eat people now, but not when they've been er resurrected?
JW. Its Parad
MS. Paradise, yes you said. Is there bad Tigers and good Tigers? Which ones get to come back.
JW. That will be Jehovahs will.
MS. Yes, but surely on the scope of things and eating people, all Tigers are Bad.
JW. I think you going of the point here Sir.
MS. Oh was there a point to all this? What about Lions?
JW. We want to be given the opportunity to let you welcome God into your life.
MS. Oh I see, enough with the foreplay, straight on with the nuts deep anal, eh?
JW. (nervous cough)
MS. This whole 144,000 thing.
JW. Yes
MS. Are you one of them?
JW. That will be Jehovahs will.
MS. Its not good enough really, If Im going to be convinced I want to speak to one of the 144,000.Could you get one round here?
JW. Lets say I could be one of them
MS. That's a bit presumptuous isn't. Check out the ego on Bob.
JW. My name is Nathan
MS. Check out the ego on Nat, I would have thought Jehovah wouldn't be best pleased by such things.
JW. Cough, erm..So you are aware of our faith then
MS. Hard not be, you keep knocking on my fucking door.
JW. I think maybe we should be going.
MS. Look, youre obviously completely mad and quite frankly I find it outrageous that you feel its ok to knock on my door and explain how mad you are. I already know that. I'm an Atheist so I don't care which God you want to use to explain why you don't get laid or why you're not very tall or don't make much money. Itsallnonsense, I can prove it on an etch-a-sketch. Tell me do you believe in chance?
JW. Sorry
MS. (taking a coin out of my pocket) if I toss this coin theres a fifty fiftyish chance taking into consideration other influences what side its going to land face up, yes?
JW. Yes (trying to get past me to the door)
MS. Well, isn't it just chance that your Dad didn't knock up a Muslim, a Hindu, or a Sikh or a Jew, then you could be knocking on my door trying to convert me to a whole different set of beliefs? Which really shows religion to be the complete sham that it is?
JW. That was Jehovahs will.
MS. Might not have been
JW. But it was.
MS. Look I find you both very attractive and as much as I find your belief system abhorrent, if want to pop up stairs for a little 3 way, im right up for it.
At this point both have made it to the door and hurrying up the road looking a tad unsettled
MS. (leaning out of door) what about Sharks?
note: im not really a fan of Westlife.
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Oh MS, I rally enjoyed this.
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I remember a couple of
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I loved this. I once invited
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Loved it MS. I also love to
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They have become the new
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What I fail to understand is
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' l beleeeeive a kin
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