By Linda Wigzell Cress
Tue, 06 Nov 2012
- 2525 reads
Two worlds -
One Heaven.
Earth fresh green, Mars red:
They say one is alive, one dead –
But who can know which one of the two will perish first?
Mankind’s lust for war soon could be its own destruction; all hope; all life on Earth to lose.
Hot Mars so peaceful under the stars, still glowing red –
Its Glenelgs lit by the moon while
Scotland’s town lies dead.
Which survives?
You choose.
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That is a difficult one
Permalink Submitted by skinner_jennifer on
That is a difficult one Linda. On one hand I would
want Earth to last longer. But does Mars stand a
better chance of surviving longer? Well maybe as long
as man keeps making mistakes and not taking heed of
past mistakes.
Let's hope man makes the right choices in the future.
Peace be with you.
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Linda, This is a very
This is a very thought provoking poem. What occurs to me is that with climate change, global warming and so on maybe that is what happened to Mars. Do we have a Sea of Tranquillity, I wonder? If we do then I don't suppose it will stay tranquil long.
Another great poem, Linda, written in an interesting form.
Great, actually, I think you are getting better all the time. You seem to be improving at a fair old lick and as you know I've always rated you as a poet.
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Thought provoking Linda.
Permalink Submitted by The royster on
Thought provoking Linda. I've always said Man is his own worst enemy.
A beautiful world slowly being killed by human folly.
Your mate
PS thanks for the plug re Buses.
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Thanks Linda, Your book? How
Permalink Submitted by The royster on
Thanks Linda,
Your book?
How about a signed copy for a dear OLD friend.
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Oh yeh about the
Permalink Submitted by The royster on
Oh yeh about the coaches.
You wouldn't believe the ironing I've had lately lol.
Seriously though. I have started but getting enough time to get stuck in is in short supply. I'm going to start getting into my little room in the evenings.
Hope to post some of it next week
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Oky doky. I will do as I am
Permalink Submitted by The royster on
Oky doky.
I will do as I am told ;-)
Trying to figure out which bits I should leave out ;-(
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