'Open Wide' ..
By denni1
Tue, 12 Mar 2013
- 1315 reads
I'm sitting in the dentist,
with drills making 'that' noise.
I want to run out of the door
escape the power-tools used to bore
a hole inside my tooth, bit sore.
But like a little soldier,
I wait to hear my fate.
Let's hope the flossing, brushing's
kept these gnashers in great shape ..
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I hate denatal appointments,
Permalink Submitted by The Walrus on
I hate denatal appointments, Denni. Amusing piece - and it's gnashers, not nashers.
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I'm right with you on this
Permalink Submitted by skinner_jennifer on
I'm right with you on this one. Had canal work done
for an abscess, but ended up having the tooth taken out, the pain was excruciating, never want to go
through that again.
From one careful tooth brusher to another.
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Nicely put, Denni. I hope
Nicely put, Denni. I hope the 'little soldier' has recovered now! I liked that little soldier picture of you! Rhiannon
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teeth not one of God's
teeth not one of God's greatest inventions...amusing piece, Denise :) - alvin
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I don't know how to delete
Permalink Submitted by karl_wiggins on
I don't know how to delete this comment
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I've been in a similar
Permalink Submitted by The Walrus on
I've been in a similar position, Karl. The dentist said "Don't worry, you'll only feel a little prick," but he was a bloody liar.
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Walrus, that reminds me of a
Permalink Submitted by karl_wiggins on
Walrus, that reminds me of a funny story. We were scuba-diving in the Algarve and our dive leader got toxic poisoning. We knew he was poisoned for a couple of reasons, so gave him 30 minutes of oxygen and headed back shore-side.
I grabbed a barman out of a bar who had a car and headed off to the squash courts where I knew the doctor would be. Bernie, the doctor, came running, and we carted Doug back to his surgery where he proceeded to take a body core temperature reading (and there's only one place you can take that)!
So we commissioned an artist draw a picture of Doug in his diving gear, having his body core temperature reading taken by Bernie (so to speak) and pinned it up above a bar we used regularly.
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Assuming your dentist is a
Assuming your dentist is a bloke I recommend gently but firmly taking hold of his testes as the reclined position is achieved. Then, ignore his look of surprise and say "we're not going to hurt each other are we?"
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