By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 983 reads
If I had passed away and my Mum lived with in our house with my Son Nathan, she would be sure she was living with a 'LITTLE me' for I have never met anyone like me, except him! At times it can be really annoying! Sometimes, I feel like I'm arguing with myself! And my Husband will say, “Will you two stop arguing!”
When he was little I would always say to him, “Mummy knows her little boy.” and he would smile, for he knew what I meant. He had a dummy in his mouth at all times, but not when he was eating. So at first he wouldn't talk, just sort of point to what he wanted, and I knew! But the Health Visitor, said we need to get rid of the dummy, so he can start to talk, so we did.
If there is a party we only go for the cakes! If there is only two cakes, we will go for the same one! Every cake we have is with custard or cream!
He can be mean and nasty just like I was …. he can be heartless, me too. He can be unforgiving, that's me!
I've never ever met anyone so much like me! Its SO annoying!
Stubborn!! I thought I was the Queen of it, but he is the King! Not forgetting Mr Stubborn my Husband Paul, he IS stubborn too so I said to Nathan's Teacher recently, “That's why he is SO stubborn, his parents are!”
Because he is like me, I know what he will often say, bad or good, hurtful, gentle, spiteful or ANGRY!!! Just like what I would say!
Paul, says, “He is hard work at times,” I tell him, “So was I” and didn't my Brothers know it!
Gradually I changed for the better, as I got older, so I hope he will too. So for now, I have to try and be patient, and loving, it's not easy at times, but my 'lamb-like' Mum was with me, but I am not 'lamb-like' I am more like a Bear! I often used to joke to Mum that I must be adopted, for I am nothing like her! I often wondered if my Mum was like me, how unhappy I would have been in my Teens, but she was always gentle and sweet, and even when she was cross with me, I was sad for I didn't want to make her sad or hurt. That's the ONLY difference between me and Nathan! He knows how to press ALL my 'buttons' to make he hurt and sad! But I am the Mum and he is the Child-Teen.
So I DO wish him the best in life, just like Mum did for me. She encouraged me all the way, I didn't always listen, but I turned out well......
“Nathan, I love you, and I hope one day you realize that.” Mum. Xx
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