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By alphadog1
- 494 reads
In my opinion we need a radical rethink of what politics is all about. New Labour never really considered the working class, as its policies were very connected with the Thatcherite economic ideas which are the real problem behind the debt we face now.
But in analyzing the working individual: this group of our society has been dwindling as the factory's close here, in the UK and open up in the sweat-boxes of India and China.
I hate to point it out but the dependency upon benefits occurred because the working class are, and have been, forced into a position of having to claim them. This leads me to consider the Philpott's. Their actions were atrocious, and I do believe that they should be held accountable for their crimes; but are they guilty, and if they are, of what? yes murder is atrocious and the murder of children twice as so, but they were trying to survive in a changing economy, where work is scarce; where his skills were dwindling as the factories close. I don't expect a Tebbit "on your bike" answer here, because who wants to bicycle to India every day to work for a couple of pennies?
The fact is Tory's are responsible for this: they changed the socio-dynamic by breaking apart the base, that makes the parts that the factories use to build their products to sell. It is this that makes employment which gives people money in their pocket to pay in taxes to keep the whole political wheel turning; that's is why they are there, to serve us, not the other way round. To look after our interests... But now, the working class are never given the opportunities that many others have; and now most of them are like myself, feeling put out to pasture by a society that doesn't give a shit.
Yes our society has changed, I agree on that, but its up to our leader's to provide the means to help the most disadvantaged adapt to that change. Instead, they still look to the same system that ruined it all in the first place.
The lack of political divide was shown in the voting of the 2010 election. No-one knew or knows what any party stands for anymore. For there is political need to make everyone, or as many as possible, middle class: eg, having enough money to afford luxuries, be in a valued job, have confidence enough to feel secure with our families and owning their own properties. But this can never happen. The exclusion of the disabled in our evolving society is evidence of a shift towards right wing thinking; also given weight by the media, in all it forms. Facebook group's and the gatherings that come from them, (I cite the citizen revolts of 2012 and the removal of dictator's ) do give a new voice for the common individual, but the actions of our media and the government prevent action taking place.
In the end I will be voting Labour. because the option is between UKIP (Tory's in hats) Tory's, and the Liberal party (Tory's in knickers) but in a democracy what sort of choice is that?
In the end I want a government to act, not carry on as before or penalizing the disadvantaged because the factory's have moved overseas. I want to see hope; and there are things that can be done. The closed libraries can become training centers, connected to universities, and this could be connected to small business in a public/private imitative, new technology, and training in new technology, could also help. the rebuilding of smaller homes for the elderly, and the cutting of the MP salary, and the removal of the bonus system could also help. Finally the arrest of those responsible for creating this mess: and the banking community behind it. This is part of the problem associated with the greed at the heart of the system.
Society has to change. Does that begin with politics or with the people.
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Very well structured and put
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