A Certain Coming to Terms

By Silver Spun Sand
- 2538 reads
A week ago since I heard
my mother speak...since
the lights slowly went out,
one by one, like stars,
which had lit the world
that was she.
Can’t get my head around
this new journey I must take
without her there beside me,
without her being part of it.
And what do friends know,
or care; they know nothing
of me save the odd poem
I write, now and then...
something that keeps us
together, like children,
before a magic lantern.
Just as you’re drawn
to a mother’s side
to her ragged breathing
as she struggles for air
and the thrum of a heart
beats the delicate drum
of her being.
The same one – sat
by your bed, all night,
until dawn and told you,
the fever is gone
it’s time to sleep now...
yours, and mine.
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Told you Tina. You are the
Told you Tina. You are the poet. This is a heartbeat of a life, but with a knowingness all will end, but the mothering will live on.
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Beautiful, just like all your
Beautiful, just like all your other poems. You are an amazing poet who should be very proud of her work!!
Man, I wish I could write like you.
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Very delicate, good to think
Very delicate, good to think about the care and toil we received even before we can remember.
Last night I rushed in on my father-in-law screaming. He looked surprised and then realised he'd been having a cops and robbers dream and was having his hair shaved off. We laughed and said it was memories of his childhood enjoyment of 'Boy's Own' comic stories! Rhiannon
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Always an absolute pleasure
Always an absolute pleasure to read your poetry Tina. Thanks for sharing your talent the world benefits from it. All the best S.
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I have read comments on other
I have read comments on other poems of yours where readers have identified with your thoughts and experiences.Well there was no one closer than my mother, and your first verse expresses and enhances my own experience of watching "the lights going out". Thanks.
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Like your last reader, I too
Like your last reader, I too have fond memories of my mum and could identify with the words in your poem. It's so true what they say...'A Mother's love is forever, the bond can never be broken, for we are part of the same person.' Hope you understood what I meant. I shed a small tear when reading this one, have now managed to pull myself together with a coffee. Thank you so much for sharing this beauty Tina. Jenny.
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