The Passageway
By Luke Neima
- 5709 reads
There was this passageway,
Long, rich, ferned. Pools, an old stairway, statuary.
There are some leftover spines and a reading chair and the echo is pleasant in the afternoon.
Then we have some orange juice and this other person turns to stone.
It is hard to speak with them because they are made of stone.
The tide comes in and folds the lip-corners down. The eyes drain, solidify, stare straight ahead.
One of us leaves the passageway.
Another day, a long time ago, I was stepping out of a boat and tripped and hit my head very hard.
Sometimes in the passageway my head starts bleeding again and it becomes difficult to see, but I can still hear the statues calling out to one another.
It is hard for them to see, too, almost as hard as it is for a stone to call out to another stone.
Because we are bleeding so much we are suited only to stumbling together, to pulling each other down or holding each other up, wailing and laughing as we go, halting only to wail or to laugh again, in a slightly different pitch, or to half-wail, half-laugh.
We are not sure which of us knows that it’s just a joke.
Jokes, one of us knows, are harmless and easily told.
One afternoon we avoid the passageway.
It turns out you are an island,
Where I am castaway.
I am drinking Fanta, wearing slightly too little sunscreen, uncomfortable but glad of the warmth,
Struggling and unable to build a proper sandcastle.
A gull whistles, too far out to be seen but
it is surely soft-headed and damp-eyed and garbage-breathed.
Castaways have good reasons to be castaways, as everyone knows:
They forget to do their homework, they make inaccurate claims on their tax statements, they eat with their mouth open, they turn into statues.
Sometimes the island shifts and water comes rushing through the passageway, like a cloud closing. We could fold up the ocean and put it in the wash but for the noise of it, shaking and spinning and keeping us awake all night long.
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Rich, haunting and well chosen words. Sophisticated enjambment heightens the whole read as the reader is swung back and forth between the years and the memories. The narrator's voice seems plaintive yet somehow resigned to their circumstances. This would be a worthy choice for a POD in my opinion. It's super to see another piece from you too.
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I liked the child-like
I liked the child-like quality of the sentences - eg. 'Another day, a long time ago, I was stepping out of a boat and tripped and hit my head very hard.' For me, the apparent simplicity is what takes you back and forth, as mentioned by scratch.
And I loved - 'Because we are bleeding so much we are suited only to stumbling together, to pulling each other down or holding each other up, wailing and laughing as we go, halting only to wail or to laugh again, in a slightly different pitch, or to half-wail, half-laugh.
We are not sure which of us knows that it’s just a joke.' And the addition of -(in a slightly different pitch) - that made me smile.
I found the language throughout very endearing. But my favourite is the last line, the idea of wanting to fold up the ocean and put it in the wash if it weren't so noisy, shaky and spinny that it would keep you awake.
Great voice - delightful poem.
Enjoyed very much.
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Steeped with atmosphere and
Steeped with atmosphere and that senselessness love brings. A captivating poetic voice that is rich in quirky imagery.This should be a pick of the day.
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I like the rhyme between
I like the rhyme between passageway and statuary and the realistic details about the process of enchantment. The change to statue could be some severe catatonic state but it hits a powerful human need: to be still and watching and preserved, outside the current of life but still conscious of the tide of human activity. I agree with Bee part of the poem's strength is the clear and sophisticated detail mixed with the childish voice: fanta, lack of sun cream etc
Very much enjoyed the list of things that people choose to set themselves adrift! fact and abstract and super-real. the only thing I had to reread and wasn't sure I understood was the word 'spines...' are they spines of ex-readers (now spineless ones), are they spindles of furniture?
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It turns out you are an
It turns out you are an island,
Where I am castaway.
one of many favorite lines, Luke. Read it three times. Enjoyed the flow of the piece.
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Hi Luke, This poem really
Hi Luke, This poem really shows how talented you are, well done and the well deserved Cherries.
It really swept me a way and enjoyed every senctence, but really liked ;
'Sometimes the island shifts and water comes rushing through the passageway, like a cloud closing.'
Keep Smiling
Keep Writing xxx
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At times, funny, dark, listless, rhythmic and somehow just about cohesive. A grand experiment that entirely pays off.
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Dream-like and haunted with
Dream-like and haunted with flashes of childhood memory (to me, anyway). I love the garbage-breathed description of the gull - great observation just waiting for its moment. Loved it. More poetry, please.
Parson Thru
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