Julian asks about Charity
By jolono
- 1887 reads
"Mum, whats Charity?"
"Its when rich people give money to poor people"
Good answer.
"Mum, are we rich?"
"No darling, we're not rich, but we're not poor either, we're just about right"
Hope this doesn't get out of hand, had a bottle of red wine last night and my brains not functioning proparly. gave him rice crispies this morning so fingers crossed.
"Are there lots of poor people around?"
"Yes, darling there are, its a shame but its just the way the world is"
Good answer, not too much detail given, he's got nowhere to go now.
"Why are they so poor"
"Well, they are people that don't have much money so can't afford to buy things like we do"
"Are they very unhappy?"
Oh no, not good, don't want him to get depressed before he goes to school.
"No darling, they are very happy people, they just don't have much money thats all"
"If we had no money would we be happy?"
Damn, thats not good, Think quickly.
"We may not be very happy, but we all love each other and thats the main thing"
"So no one loves the poor people then?"
"Of course they do, everyone loves the poor people"
"But no one gives them any money, so they don't love them really?"
No more rice-crispies, tommorow I'll try weetabix, thats natural isn't it, must be good for him?
"Just because we don't give them money doesn't mean we don't love them, I don't give you money all the time but I still love you"
Kerr-ching! Fabulous answer.
"Can we give them some money?"
"Yes we can darling, I'll talk to Daddy tonight and see what we can do, hows that?"
"Good cos it won't cost a lot"
"Why's that darling?"
"Cos on the tele just now they said that if I gave two pounds to them no more poor people would die in Africa anymore"
Ah, not sure where to go with this now.
"Ok time to finish breakfast and get ready for school, we'll send the happy African people two pounds tonight!"
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Nice one, jolono;-) Well,
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I'm working my way
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Always fighting with the
Always fighting with the class bracket myself... hoping Julian grew up to go to Africa and spread the love...
Always intrigues me how 'Mom' second guesses herself and doesn't want to have these conversations, when they are such incredible opportunities to create a better world... sigh...
Hope you are well j. I would've sworn I commented on your butterfly poem, but once again my comments appear to get deleted... oh well.
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I'm getting there ;-)
Hello hello, Yes, I've noticed you are delving into the nasties of the world with your writing and I'm trusting it's serving the purposes you are creating it for. I'm in a much better, if as tough as usual, space than I have been in a while, like all the progressive difficulties of life have indeed strengthened me holistically, which I think must deserve the reply "I'm good thanks" ;-) One never knows the context of another's chosen adjective though....
I see you have gone and sorted yourself a website too - NICE! Look at you, Mr-I'm-just-dabbling-in-writing. You have come so far - well done. Trust all goes well with the horses too. Yay for more Julian and the healthy, soul touching manner in which he reaches out. Bring that on. Take care and I'll check out your comment on my writing... which is even more intermittent than yours I might add! Be blessed $
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