An Ugly Din
By luigi_pagano
- 1478 reads
Marie Antoinette was gravely ill
while she was taken in a tumbril,
in the wake of the French Revolution,
toward the place of her execution,
among hysterical, hateful noise
yet maintained a dignified poise.
She faced the ire of a baying mob
but she didn’t cry, nor even sob
at being jeered by an hostile crowd
whose clamour was incredibly loud.
It was a pandemonium, an ugly din
accompanying her to the guillotine.
It was a sad and catastrophic event,
a fate that she could not circumvent.
This should be a lesson for us all:
see how the mighty can finally fall.
© Luigi Pagano 2015
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You also paint the ugly,
You also paint the ugly, baying noise so well, seems a lesson there also in the 'pleasure'/degneracy of the crowd in their hate, and the blood-letting. Rhiannon
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A beautifully condensed
A beautifully condensed history lesson, I should imagine they were vry noisy and raucous. Good to read you again Luigi, enjoyed this very much.
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