The Waiting Room

By Bee
- 17852 reads
All eye contact is strictly avoided
like a taboo - each wondering
about the other women's -
as yet, untold secrets. Who
will leave the building smiling,
and will there be one, or more
hiding red eyes and regrets
for neglecting to come sooner?
My name is called. I rise and feel
a fraud, especially knowing
there will be some who actually
need to be here -
It's the expressions on practiced
faces that gives the game away.
After all the kneading and squeezing
has been completed, and pictures
scrutinized, comes the crunch.
A needle punch pincushions
me to the core; a length of steel
pierces the shell to impale the hidden
limpets of armpits - only screamed once.
Advanced. The word hangs
in the air. You don't go back from here
to the waiting room - except to collect
your unsuspecting partner. Cosy,
the pretty box with a soft settee he's lost
in - flower printed cushions and curtains -
walls painted cream; tasteful, for hospital.
After you have broken and comforted
your man, you are deemed ready to begin
the dreaded journey they assure you
is the only road to recovery. You'll do it, too,
because it seems there is no choice.
There'll be time to cry. But you would give
your left breast to go back to the waiting
room and start over...
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Hi Bee
Hi Bee
Sorry to be so long in getting to this. I took a week of going on the site to do some editing on other writing that I've done.
This is so painfully honest, and I think that is necessary if writing on the subject it to be meaningful. The reader has to feel your emotions, which we certainly do in this.
And your honesty will possibly help others who suspect a problem to get it dealt with more swiftly.
As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
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i hope your wonderful
i hope your wonderful expression continues to be a support...i read above you are putting together a collection, i am excited to read it, i would love to own a copy of your work, your art shimmers and glows. best thoughts.
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What can I say? This is devastating news, but oh so courageous of you to express how you feel. I am in awe of not only your bravery but your talent which has always been apparent. You have always given me support and if there is anything I can do to support you at this difficult time, then please message me.
Moya x
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Thank you for your courage in
Thank you for your courage in posting this, and so many good wishes to you. I have one friend who is just going through the same thing, and one who seems to have come through. I hope they will both agree to see this, as it so captures what they have spoken about. It's a great piece.
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Been away for a week, so only
Been away for a week, so only just seen this, Bee. So sorry, and it's good you can share so vividly/empathetically. Only one who goes through things can really sympathise comprehendingly, though travelling other difficulties give some understanding and affection. Pray you'll know the comfort of the Holy Spirit through each day. Rhiannon
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As always you tell it as it
As always you tell it as it is Bee... Heartfelt and subtly direct
We feel the spectrum of emotions within the waiting room as they attach themselves to each stanza and I'm sure, it's your strength of character, your pulse, that we feel within each word reread...
A very brave message and worthy awards winner I feel...
Take care my friend... this journey will make you stronger, I'm sure you will see
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This is a very powerful poem. I don't have much more to say about that.
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I am so glad that this got
I am so glad that this got the golden cherries but so sad that you've had to write it. Keep writing. Lots of love. xx
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Bee, I havent been on ABC for
Bee, I havent been on ABC for ages ad now I have sat and read all you latest poems and prose in one go and I am absolutely stunned at your talent and your strength and the way you tell your story with a touch of humour as well as revealing the bare bones of emotion. I don't have the words to express how much you blow me away. Sending my love. RJ x
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