Cow Hey 6 - Fred
By jeand
- 2045 reads
After school, Florence reminded me that we could stop at the library, but as I had an assignment due necessitating me reading Jane Eyre, I decided that I'd wait for my visit to the library till next week when I might have more time to read what I chose rather than what was assigned.
The walk back up the hill took considerably more time. Florence filled me in on some of the other interesting places en route.
“If we went up that way, we would get to the Keg House,” she said. “But it isn't en route home and too far to go now. Maybe we can go there for a picnic on the weekend.”
“Why is it called the Keg House. Is it where they make beer?”
Florence laughed. “It was built for the gamekeeper and used as hunting lodge in the 1850's. Fishponds belonging to abbeys were called kegs. As I said before, this land was originally owned by the Abbot and monks of Basinworke and there are other fish names around too like Roach wood, Ridd wood. Also there's a Monk's Road at Charlesworthback by Coombs and a large stone called Abbots chair, at the base of old cross.
“You'll have to show me that sometime too,” I put in.
“There's another story that I have to tell you. You know Mr. Andrews in Compstall, he's the big mill owner. There was a big property that he got as the result of gambling. But the owner, who'd lost the property, told him that he'd have to pay an annuity as long as the lodge stood on his land. So Mr. Andrew pulled the house down stone by stone and rebuilt it as Foxhall Lodge, some 10 miles away. It is said to be a much more elegant building than the original.”
“Does he still live there?”
“No. His son was killed by accidental bursting of an air gun, so they wanted to move away.”
By now we had reached Cow Hey.
"Come in and have a drink with us," I said but Florence declined saying she had lots of jobs waiting for her to do when she arrived back home.
I was still in high spirits when I went into the house. Mrs. Allsop was in the kitchen making a meat pie for tea.
"You look like you could use a cuppa," she said, noting my red face and hands. "It's perishing out there. And how was your first day of school. Did you and Florence get along?"
"Yes, I like her fine, and she was very friendly. I'm not too sure that I like the teacher because he seems quite a shouty person but he did say I did well in my penmanship and reading. I have to read Jane Eyre this week and write a report for next Monday."
"Never heard of it. What sort of book is that then?"
"I don't know for sure, but Florence said she liked reading it. It's about some place in Yorkshire, I think."
I had my tea, and very welcome it was too. Then I remembered my manners.
"Please tell me what I can do to help, Mrs. Allsop."
"Oh, lovey, I wish you could find it in you to call me something a bit more family like. What did you call you mother when she was alive?"
"I called her Ma."
"Well, then I wouldn't want you to call me Ma too - as that was your special name for her, but perhaps you could call me Mum. How would that be?"
"I can try I suppose. And what should I call Mr. Allsop?"
"I've heard you talking about your Pa, so why don't you call him Da? That way we are very different from your real parents, and yet you have names for us that make it more family-like, if you see what I mean."
"I'll try to remember,” I repeated..” I'm sorry again about being so rude yesterday."
"I know you are lovey, and I do understand what a shock it must have been, all coming at you at once like that."
"Mrs. Allsop, I mean Ma, one girl at school asked what my Pa had died from and when I told her I didn't know except he'd been in the hospital, one of the boys said he knew and that he was a loony. Why would he say such a mean thing as that? Florence said he was just trying to upset me, but he seemed so sure of himself."
"I wonder who that boy was."
"Florence says he's called Harry Roberts and his friend who was just as bad was Thomas Wood. Florence says they're always in trouble and I don't think Mr. Steward likes him very much."
"I think you should ignore him, and not pay any attention. It is like Florence says - he's trying to rile you and the more he succeeds, the happier he will be, and the more he will keep it up. If you don't get upset, you'll spoil his fun and he'll have to find someone else to pick on."
After a very delicious and much appreciated tea, I did the washing up, and then went upstairs to make a start on Jane Eyre.
Fred came over on Wednesday night about 8. He said he could only stay a minute or two, but wanted to know how I was getting on.
"Miss Hammersley said she would be very pleased if you would join us for lunch on Sunday, and extended the invitation to Mr and Mrs. Allsop too, so they can go with you and show you the way. She said that if you go there after church, that would be good as far as timing goes."
"Which church does everyone go to?" I asked.
"Well, we tend not to go all that often, to be truthful," said Mrs. Allsop. "My preference would be for the small Wesleyan Chapel, but I know that Miss Hammersley goes to St. John's, the C of E in Charlesworth. Did you go to church much in Bollington Blanche?"
"We went to St. Johns every week. It was on our road so very convenient.What about you Fred?”
"Usually, but mainly because I drive Miss Hammersley there. Old Mr. Dawson who also lives with us, refuses point blank to go, and she doesn't really want to go all on her own. The service at St John's is at 11, with the Rev. George Collins, and if he doesn't go on too long we are usually home by 12.15, and lunch tends to be served about 1. She's a good cook, Miss Hammersley is, and I think she'll probably do a roast lamb joint on Sunday. She asked me if she thought you would like it and I said you definitely would, Blanche."
"Fred, there are lots of things I want to talk to you about," I said.
"Sorry, love, but I really don't have time now. I'm meeting a friend at the Lane Ends for a quick pint and I mustn't keep him waiting. But I'll make time for your questions on Sunday. Maybe we two can go off for a walk together after lunch. I can show you to Chisworth and where I am learning about the trade of stone masonry - when I have any spare time on Sunday afternoons."
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I was quite engrossed, as I
I was quite engrossed, as I was surprised when the end came! They seem to be getting on quite happily, and the countryside seems very pleasant. Rhiannon
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She seems to have found a
She seems to have found a happy life in an interesting place. Some mystery about Pa...
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Yes, I was surprised when I
Yes, I was surprised when I got to the end. Now I'm intrigued by Miss Hammesley.
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