Dwellers of the New World Chapter Four ( Pt 9 )
By skinner_jennifer
- 2618 reads
Ida sat in her wagon by candlelight, contemplating the boy. She listened to Simon's breathing, thinking how much it reminded her of years long gone by, when her own children were young, she found the sound calming.
The child twitched, as he watched a mist appear, it seemed to come from nowhere. He realised he was no longer where he should be. 'But where should I be?' he thought to himself. All of time – place and memory were completely wiped away, having no recollection of even who he was. He tried to get up from his laying position, but couldn't move, then he suddenly felt himself being elevated, his whole body seemed to sink into the mist. He found himself floating as light as a feather.
The strange thing was he never felt afraid, in fact it felt like he was swaddled in warmth, the mist seemed to carry him along. Eventually he found himself floating amongst clouds, still wrapped in the warm mist. He couldn't see below the clouds, so had no idea where he was.
Simon was quite happy floating along, when all of a sudden the clouds gave way and started to break up, suddenly there was darkness, it was as if the beautiful spell had been broken, then he felt himself falling through the pitch black. The empty, dark void frightened him as he tried to call out, but no words would come, he struggled feeling himself falling faster and faster.
Somewhere far off in the distance, he heard a voice calling. “Simon...Simon!” then he remembered that was his name. “Simon!” the voice carried on getting closer and closer, till he awoke in a sweat, his arms flying around all over the place and tears running down his cheeks. In the candlelight, he opened his eyes to see Ida staring down at him.
“You've been dreaming boy...was it a nightmare?”
Simon nodded, then said, “it started off as a good dream, I was floating in a warm mist, but then I started to descend really fast into darkness, I was terrified.”
Ida got a piece of skin and wiped Simon's face. In the dim light the boy sat up and looked around at his surroundings.
“What is it Simon?” said Ida. Wiping his forehead.
“I've just realised where I've seen the inside of this wagon before! it was in a dream...but my grandmother was here...she gave me a wooden owl and told me it would protect me.”
“Well I never!” said Ida. “I told you dreams would reveal themselves to you, they can tell us a lot about ourselves, what we are feeling and how life will effect us.”
“Since we left Leafy Hollow, I have had many strange dreams, that I
don't understand,” replied the boy. “Maybe one day they will make sense to me.”
Ida proceeded to tell Simon about Brad. “Your father has gone off following the owl, I do believe your feathered friend has found something, so Brad has gone to investigate, he shouldn't be long.”
Simon wanted to go to sleep, as he was still tired, but now he was worried about his father, he also felt thirsty. “Could I have a drink of water, before I try to get back to sleep?”
Ida took a wooden mug from a shelf and poured some water from a wooden pitcher, then made her way over to Simon. “There...there boy, you drink some water.”
Simon drank it straight back, feeling greatly relieved.
“Don't worry about your father, he will be fine, after all you've come this far. I knew your father when he was a boy, always on the look out for adventure, poor Martha never knew what he would get into next, but that was just the spirit in him, wanting to break free. You remind me of your father. Now try to sleep and don't worry about anything.”
The boy lay back down on the bed, closing his eyes, until finally sleep took him.
Brad crept very carefully down to the rivers edge, it was so dark, he couldn't see very far ahead, even with the torchlight. He could just make out the owl to his left, sitting on an overhanging branch. “Where are you leading me Tawny? I just hope I don't come face to face with any wild animals.”
The owl flew back to Brad, landing on his shoulder. The man and bird made their way along the rivers edge, Brad had to be so careful where he stepped. He heard the rippling of the water and knew it was the fish coming to the surface, or at least he hoped that's what it was.
The further he walked, his eyes were adapting to the darkness and he found he was seeing a lot better. His other senses started to kick in and he could hear rustling in the undergrowth, as creature scuttled around. He just hoped he didn't come into contact with any bears, otherwise he would be in trouble.
Brad could no longer hear the drumming from the travellers and also the fire was no longer visible. It had seemed an age since he left the camp, and still the owl continued on.
The sky was actually quite clear, and there were many stars twinkling brightly, Brad wondered what it would be like this year at the stones, he often wondered if they would be visited again by the watchers, but it had been ten years since last they came. He knew there would be lots of festivities and Simon would be so sad to miss it. They really would have to get a move on, if they were to get there by the end of Summer.
As he carried on walking, he noticed the owl had landed on a rock near to a bend in the river, he called out to the bird, but the owl continued to stay where he was, so Brad made his way over, not sure of what he would find. 'Perhaps it's a dead animal, that the owl had killed,' thought Brad.
Tawny hooted out, still not moving. As the man came close to the rock, he could just make out a lump of fur and thought it looked like a bear. He was reluctant to go any closer, but thought it was probably fine as the owl seemed to be okay. So moving in he got closer and knelt down. Whatever it was stirred as he stroked the fur.
Brad was just about to jump back, when he heard a moaning coming from the fur, and it started to move. What the man saw, gave him the shock of his life, for there wrapped up, was a young child, this was definitely something he never expected.
The child immediately saw the torchlight and was afraid. She sat up quick and backed further into the rock, very frightened. “Who...who are you?” she said in a very scared voice. Then Tawny hooted and she stared at the owl. “It's my feathered friend...I knew you'd come back for me.”
“What on earth are you doing out here all alone child?” Brad enquired.
“It's a long story, but this owl brought me here. Who are you anyway?”
“My names Brad and this is my owl Tawny...it looks like you've had a lucky escape.”
“You really mean this is your owl? I thought it was some kind of magic animal, that could understand everything I said.”
“Tawny is a kind of magical creature, he's very clever and very old, but I and my son, would be lost without him.”
The child then started to feel better. I really need to get home to my parents, they'll be so worried about me.
“Well...where do you live?”
“In the valley, but I haven't got a clue how to get back there, I'm so lost.”
Brad realised immediately which valley she meant. “I think you need to come with me, I'm staying with some travelling friends with my son. We will have to wait till morning to get you back home.”
The child stood up, brushing herself down. “You haven't told me your name yet child.” said Brad.
“Anise...my names Anise.”
“Well Anise...you take one of these torches and I'll lead us back to the camp, then you can tell me how you came to be out here all alone.”
The child was so relieved...she felt like kissing the bird, but thought better of it, feeling a bit silly.
The stars continued to shine as the three made their way back along the river, feeling in much better spirits.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Five ( Pt 1 ) | ABCtales
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I am really enjoying this -
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In the last three chapters,
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Hello Jenny, I thought, I
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The dream part was delightful, and Anise's rescue sweet, all your characters are so easy to care about and root for and your writing straight forward and clear, nicely done. Ray
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Another chapter in - the
Another chapter in - the picture you draw of stone age travellers is so good. Really liked the sequence of the little girl eventually being found via Tawny the (magic) owl. Onwards to chapter 5...
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