The Adventurous Faerie
By skinner_jennifer
- 6277 reads
A story to celebrate International Fairy Day.
For children.
24th June 2012.
Once in the deepest depths of a forest, that had been untouched by humans, there was great magic and mystery, that had to be seen, to
be believed.
It was early morning, as a ghostly mist filtered its way between the trees, leaving behind a trail of moisture, that clung to everything in its path.
In the hollow of a very tall tree, an owl sat perched, ready for a good day asleep. He had been out all night, catching moths and any thing else he could find to eat, so feeling tired, he closed his eyes and was soon snoozing.
He never saw a young faerie by the name of Yriaf squeeze past him, out of the hole in the tree.
The young faerie, who was half the size of a thimble, chuckled to himself, feeling very clever, as he flew off with a ball of white light protecting him.
Zigzagging his way between the trees, Yriaf flew swiftly, higher and higher, till pretty soon he was above the canopy, higher than he'd ever been before.
The freedom he felt, energized him, his light shone brighter than it had ever done before. He was so excited he thought he could touch the clouds in the sky.
Now the wise old owl, although he enjoyed eating a tasty faerie every now and again, had been the guardian to a family of faeries who lived in the hollow where he sat. He had grown fond of them, and formed a bond with the family that would not be broken, he was determined that no harm should come to them.
Leira and Tserof, were the guardians to five young, three females and two males. Leira had gone out hunting for food that morning, she soon returned feeling pretty pleased with her catch. She was dressed in green, her long red hair flying out behind her as she flew. Her feelers
reaching through her hair, were fine and delicate.
As she squeezed past owl, the sun was starting to shimmer through the trees. It was high summer and soon the whole forest would be alive with activity.
Flying down to their living quarters, she made her way over to Tserof.
“Wake up sleepy head.” She squeaked. “The sun's up and I've managed to find some fresh grubs to eat.”
Tserof yawned, then he sat up, stretched and cleaned his feelers. They were thicker than Leira's, they poked through his thick pixie hair cut.
Climbing out of bed, he put on his knee high breeches and his waistcoat of green.
Next Leira went to wake her young. The three females, who's names were Thrae – Edia and Sevael, were all curled up together fast asleep.
But when she went over to the males, only Thom was there. “Thom...Thom, wakeup, where is Yriaf?” she squeaked.
The young faerie awoke, turning to face Leira, wiping his tired eyes, he then gazed at the empty space beside him.
Shrugging, he turned back to Leira. “I don't know where he is, I never even heard him get up.”
Leira was becoming anxious, her young never left without telling her where they were going.
She quickly flew back up to the entrance. Owl was dozing and became agitated when Leira pulled his feathers.
He opened one eye, then turned and hooted. “Who's disturbing my sleep?” he protested.
Leira proceeded in her teeny...weeny voice, to ask if he'd seen Yriaf fly off? To which the bird replied. “Noo! Not seen any faeries today, but you!”
Leira quickly flew off back down the hole to Tserof. “I have to go look for Yriaf, he's left and I don't know where he is, will you feed the family while I'm gone?”
Tserof was concerned, “but surely I should go?” he replied.
“! You've only just woken up, I'm more alert than you.” Without hesitation, she flew off back up to the entrance, squeezing her way past owl, who was getting quite annoyed with all the comings and goings.
Yriaf had been flying for what seemed like ages, he was starting to feel tired of whooshing around, his light energy was also starting to fade.
He came to land on a branch, staring out across the land, realising he had no idea where he was. He saw strange colours below him and realised this was no longer the forest.
Flying down he could see giant versions of himself, but they never had beautiful wings and feelers like himself, he thought they dressed in strange clothing. Yriaf was intrigued, he wanted a closer look.
It was a hot summer's morning, as Anne hung her washing out to dry, she had put her two month old daughter Lilly in her pram, and wheeled the pram under the shade of a tree.
When the washing was pegged out, Anne picked up the washing basket, and went to check on her flowers. Noticing they needed dead heading, she decided to leave the housework, and spend some time in the garden, before it got too hot.
Going into her kitchen, she poured herself a cold drink of orange, already it was feeling hot and humid. She covered herself in suntan lotion, then picked up her sun hat and glasses, then made her way outside to the shed. Her trowel, bucket, gardening gloves lay in the wheelbarrow.
Anne first went to check on Lilly, who was sleeping peacefully, then she made her way over to her flowers and proceeded to deadhead, and
weed. As she worked, she was not aware of the strange tiny creature, that had come to land of Lilly's coverlet.
Staring at the sleeping baby, Yriaf was fascinated he flew gently up to the babies pillow and landed ever so slight on to Lilly's cheek. She flinched slightly, as if in a dream.
Observing the babies breathing, which to Yriaf, was like a gust of wind, he made his way up to the babies head, where there was a full head of dark hair. Feeling some strands, he touched his own hair, and
thought how alike they were.
All of a sudden a bumble bee flew down, landing on the coverlet. Yriaf greeted him. “Hello my furry friend, have you come to see this strange giant being?”
The bee buzzed in reply. “Zzzzat izzz no Strange'zzz being'zzz, it's a baby'zzzz.”
“A baby!” said Yriaf, surprised. “Well what does a baby do?”
“Baby Zzzzleep'zzz! Replied the bee.
“What just sleeps?” asked Yriaf in his squeeky voice.
“Yes'zzzz!” replied the bee. He then proceeded to ask Yriaf what he was doing in the garden.
“I wanted to see what it was like outside the forest, but then I got lost and found myself here.”
“There'zzz danger'zzz here, you hop'zzz on my back'zzzzz, I'zzz take'zzz you'zzz home'zzz.” buzzed the bee.
Yriaf was so relieved to finally be going home, he couldn't wait to see the forest once more. “Why thank you my furry friend.” He said in his
tiny voice.
The faerie flew onto the bee's back, gripping his hairs tight, then they were away.
With a buzz! They flew off, back across gardens and the countryside, then across the canopy, until they came to his home once more.
Flying between the trees, Yriaf suddenly recognized where he was, and gave out a squeaky Yeah! With joy, when he saw owl sitting in the hollow.
The bee didn't like coming into the forest, but preferred the nectar of the flowers in gardens.
He set the faerie down on the branch, telling him never to leave the forest again, for this was Yriaf's home where he belonged.
The faerie promised he wouldn't leave, thinking it was all too strange for him. He waved goodbye as the bee flew off.
Squeezing past owl, he tried to creep in without being noticed, but owl
opening one eye, hooted! Which made the faerie nearly jump out of his
skin. Turning his head, he said. “Leira's out looking for you.” Then the
owl tut...tutted, and went back to sleep.
“Oh dear!” said Yriaf, “I hope I'm not in trouble.” He flew off down to his family, where his sisters and brother were tucking into their food.
“Where have you been?” said Tserof angrily. “Leira's out looking for you.”
“I'm sorry...I wanted to fly outside the forest, to see what it's like, but I flew so far, I got lost.”
“Well my little Yriaf, I hope you will never stray again, you could have been eaten, or damaged your wings, then what would you have done?”
Leira returned and was so relieved to see Yriaf, she couldn't be angry with him for long. After they had eaten, she took him to one side and]
began to explain about the dangers.
Yriaf promised he would never leave again and kept his word to this day.
The end.
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Oh Jenny, this is magical. I
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As promised have been
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What a lovely captivating
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I agree with Rigel - you're
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And now you've shown your
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Only just found this Jenny,
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Absolutely enchanting. I
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Anything but pigeon pie
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I really enjoyed this very
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Hi, Jenny. I liked all the
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What sweet a story
What a sweet story, your depiction of the fairies and their world was spot on. I've written a couple of fairy stories myself, Chrysalis and Banished both have fairies in them and I plan to populate Wayferrin with sprites. The whole idea of tiny flying creatures sailing though wood and pasture fascinates me.
So far as I know America has no fairy myths or legends,I'll have to reseach that some time, anyway you did a great job, Ray
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I just someone else's comment about the fairy names being backward, that is so clever and I'm so slow for not noticing, great work.
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