I am a migrant
By pumadelta
- 820 reads
I am a migrant:
I’m shackled to my birth;
I live day to day
From Hand to mouth
With no hope for tomorrow;
I have not jumped over walls
Or climbed through fences;
Run through tunnels
Or crossed vast continents;
I’ve not been at peril at sea
Capsized in make shift boats
Or overfilled dinghy’s;
Not hid in the undercarriage of a plane;
Or travelled under sacks of coffee and vegetables
In large iso boxes;
Not been chased by government officials,
i have not been Harpooned like a baby whale;
Stared down the barrel of a rifle,
Ran behind articulated Lorries;
Crossed rail way tracks in winter
Lined with Barbed wire fencing;
Or lanced by razor wire;
hounded by corrupt officials
Or trafficked for a year’s worth of pay;
But I am a migrant:
Legal but born illegitimately here on this fair soil,
I'm cemented to my past;
No knowledge of my African roots,
Bad memories of my youth;
To wind-rushed afro Caribbean parents I was born
Whose love for each other or me or their race
Was sure to never last;
My dad was from Antigua
A man of high Ideas;
Empty promises,
Beatings and egotistical prowess
Was all he ever brought home;
Severely damaged by loneliness,
Mental illness is what I reaped;
A black man seeking asylum,
Revolving Sectioning’s, ill-repute
And diabolical mistreat.
I’m grown now and I’m accustom to swallowing pills,
Having large needles jabbed monthly in my rear;
Pileing on weight with constant diabetes and blood checks
But Old age is what I fear;
I am a legitimate migrant 1 in 4 people know me
Even though I have no middle name;
But if I had to choose between the migrants
I see every day on the news, to tell you the truth
No disrespect, I would choose to be in the position that I am.
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i liked the start very much
i'm not sure about the end, you feel the need to explain yourself, don't. You can concentrate on the unfairness of life in the start, and could make a new poem out of the explanation. If you're born here I'm uncertain if you are a migrant, it's perhaps how you percieve yourself. That's important.
maisie Guess what? I'm still alive!
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