Please don't touch me

By Deliberately Evolving
Tue, 01 Dec 2015
- 2748 reads
Please don't touch me
I just wanted a friend...
someone I could talk to
when I thought
there was no one else.
I didn't mind the hug
or the fatherly kiss
on the forehead,
that was ok...
comforting, in a way -
but please don't touch me.
Don't violate me...
You don't think of the shame
you'll inflict, the guilt
and the blame, the crime
you'll commit -
not just against the law
but against me. I'm the one
who'll carry the low self esteem,
never form
proper relationships again
never understanding why,
suppressing the pain, until
one day...
twenty years on,
the flood gates burst
and I crumble, and I'm telling
my husband...
Please don't touch me.
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The full circle. So
Permalink Submitted by Insertponceyfre... on
The full circle. So brilliantly put in so few words. Very well done Accidentally!
- Log in to post comments did it again, with
Permalink Submitted by Silver Spun Sand on did it again, with knobs on.
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Important piece on a
Important piece on a terrifyingly common, but grossly under-reported, situation.
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