That's Life ( Pt 18 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 5159 reads
Dear diary...I'd decided to go out for the rest of that day, unable to stick around the musty atmosphere of the house any longer, finding the fresh air did me a power of good. Taking my son for a long walk to the huge local park with its lake, I sat and contemplated the future, seeing no way out of this predicament I was in. I thought about one day having my own place and how I'd never let a man into my life again. 'Yes!' I thought! 'From now on it'll just be me and my son.'
It was warm for April so when I returned to my room, I opened the windows and waited for the landlady to call me for dinner. My note book diary had become pretty full with so much happening over the months. The feelings of uncertainty played out over and over, but I was determined not to let myself become too down about it. I made a decision that the next day I'd go into town and book a coach trip for the following week, which would give me something to look forward to at least.
The next morning I awoke bright and early feeling happy considering my circumstances. Feeding my son was so much easier now, and also the cream the doctor gave me had worked, as well as the spray I'd used on my room, those dam flees seemed to have gone...hopefully for good.
I took my time getting ready to go out, not in the mood for rushing around, after all I didn't need to be anywhere in a hurry. I decided I'd walk into town as it was such a nice day. My son was back to his usual happy self which made my life that much easier.
As I was busying myself, the landlady called up the stairs. “There's a phone call for you.”
I quickly picked up my son and carried him downstairs, wondering who it was. Picking up the receiver, I said, “Hello!” It was the man from the housing Association.
“Hello! Mrs ! I'm phoning about a meeting we had yesterday when I got back to the office to discuss your situation, I wonder if I could possibly come round on Monday morning to talk through what we decided?”
Now...this was sounding a lot more positive! I thought, and I was definitely smiling. “Yes!” I said, “that would be fine.”
“Would 10.00am be okay with you?” He asked, sounding quite cheery.
“That's perfect!” I replied...grinning once more.
“Then I'll see you Monday.”
We said our goodbyes, then I put the receiver down and thought about Monday. All kinds of images went through my mind. 'Perhaps I'd be in a new three bed roomed house before long, or maybe a flat, or sharing, I didn't mind living with someone else as long as I had my own room!'
Now I just wanted to get the weekend over with, desperate to know what this man had to tell me, it was more than I could bear.
Needing to take my mind off the situation, I told the landlady I was going to town and that I'd be back in time for dinner, she seemed satisfied, as I quickly got my coat and left the house, glad to be out walking, but thanking my lucky stars I hadn't left too early, otherwise I'd have missed the call.
Town was busy as usual, with people shopping and going about their business. My first stop was going to be the bus station, but then I decided a coach trip was out of the question, being too expensive and I didn't know what was going to come of this meeting on the Monday, so I didn't bother.
My mind was made up to go and visit my favorite Aunt and Uncle, as they hadn't seen my son yet. It was always good seeing them, being as they were always so welcoming. My Aunt always laid on a good spread of food and I never came away feeling hungry. My twin cousins were there when I arrived and we took great pleasure in having our photos taken with my son. They also had a Labrador dog that my son was taken with, their dog was so well behaved and would sit with my son on the grass outside, what a difference compared to the dog back at the lodgings.
Nothing much else happened on that weekend that I recall. I was just so happy when Monday morning came around. Right on 10.00am there was a knock at the door. My heart was racing wondering what he had to tell me, as I made my way downstairs. The landlady wasn't in, but her husband was out the front with his son working on one of his cars, covered in oil as usual.
Opening the door, there stood the man from the housing association looking as smart as usual. “Come in,” I said, leading him once again up to my room and wondering what he might have to tell me. I was also aware of the landlady's husband's eyes watching me and felt slightly uncomfortable, knowing he'd more than likely tell his wife everything.
I made him a coffee and we sat down at the table, I was ready to hear what he had to say.
“Well! We've discussed your situation,” he said, then declared. “We've decided to move you further up the list of people to get a place as soon as one becomes available.”
I couldn't believe what I was hearing and almost fell off the chair with excitement. “Phew! That's such good news,” I voiced, can I get you another coffee? Would you like a biscuit?” I spoke so fast, not giving the poor man a chance to reply and rushing to open the tin.
“No! You're okay,” he said. It was probably only a few seconds of silence, but the unexpected pause seemed to go on for an age, as I put the biscuit tin away.
'What to say! What to say!' I thought to myself, as he sat staring at my son, who by now was laying on his front in his playpen, blowing bubbles and making gurgling sounds.
“Um! I hope you don't mind me asking,” he paused once more. I could feel the tension.
I waited. “Ask me what?” I commented, wondering what he was about to say.
“Well! I was just wondering...if you fancied going to the pictures one night.”
Well! That was the last thing I expected him to could have knocked me over with a feather...I was completely gob smacked and lost for what to say at first, but then the words just came out of my mouth without even thinking. “I'd love to go, it's been a long time since I've been to the pictures.” There...I'd said it and by the feel of the atmosphere, I think he was as relieved as I was.
Butterflies kicked in and my heart was racing, as I got his phone number, saying I would arrange for my son to stay with a friend, and let him know when we could go out.
To be continued...
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As a serial 'fly-on-the-wall'
As a serial 'fly-on-the-wall' I can't wait to read what happens next.
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ooh developements!
ooh developements!
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Well, there we are, a date to
Well, there we are, a date to boot. Things are definitely looking up, Jenny!
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Hi Jenny
Hi Jenny
I see there's another chapter posted, so we won't have to wait for the action.
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Seemed quite a shy person,
Seemed quite a shy person, much easier for you to weigh up than if he'd been pushy. I'm sure we'll learn a lot more soon of him and a home. Rhiannon
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god, you threw that one in at
god, you threw that one in at the end Jenny, I could't have imagined that ending! brilliant.
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Jenny, this episode made my
Jenny, this episode made my day! I sensed from your previous post that better times were coming but I never expected it would be a date. Going to the pictures, that's fantastic, so long as he didn't say I'll meet you inside.
Moya x
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