That's Life ( Pt 20 )
By skinner_jennifer
- 1483 reads
Dear diary...pulling up outside the house with a feeling of trepidation not knowing what was to come next, I asked Kevin to hold my son, while I went to take all my stuff up to my room. Putting the key in the door, it suddenly opened and the landlady stood there with what I can only describe as one of her stormy gazes of disgust, like she'd just discovered poo on the bottom of her shoes. I knew then I was in for an earful, but not quite the announcement that she came out with.
“I want you out of here by the weekend,” she stated. “If your furniture isn't out by Saturday, then you'll leave without it.” There was a pause, then she continued. “I won't be cooking for you anymore, so you'll have to find your own meals, that includes your washing as well, the kitchen is off limits too.” I was just about to speak, when there was more. “You may use the phone, but only after asking me.”
Well! To say I was staggered by her words was an understatement, It was Thursday which only gave me two days to move out, I'd never be able to find another place that quick. “Is this because I came back later than expected?” I said, trying to work out what other reason there could be.
“I've warned you on many occasions about having a man up to your room. I also don't care for your attitude either.” I felt a sudden pressure and embarrassment at being put under fire in front of Kevin, who then turned to me and spoke.
“Don't worry!” He said nodding in a discreet way. “We'll sort something out, just go and get what you need from your room and you can come back to my place.”
“But it's Friday tomorrow...she wants me out. I don't have any means to pay for removing my furniture.”
“It's okay...I'll help you out, just get what you need for now and we'll come back tomorrow.” Kevin smiled at me as he spoke, but I felt panicky about all my possessions.
Turning to the landlady, I begged her not to touch my belongings, there was so much more I wanted to say, but knew it would fall on deaf ears. She was so smug.
I felt annoyed that I got myself into this situation. My hands were tied, I had no alternative but to take Kevin up on his offer of help. I think he felt it was partly his fault that I was being thrown out. I just couldn't understand why this family were so demanding, though I must admit I would be glad to get away from this hell hole to a nicer environment that was cleaner too.
Brushing passed the landlady, I could feel the bad vibes coming off her, I'm sure she was cursing me under her breath. I made my way upstairs feeling suddenly more like a guest than a paying tenant. Thankfully the door to my room was closed, that would have been the last straw if it had been open.
Bundling up all my clothes was easy, I didn't have much to my name, they were only clothes after all that I'd got from her husband's rag and bone collections. It was all my son's stuff that I was worried about, like his clothes and cot which would need taking apart. Then there was my bed, table and chairs. The playpen and television could come with us on that day.
I gazed around the room, remembering that first day I'd arrived and thought of the nightmare spent trying to sleep on that chair, it gave me the shivers just thinking about it, so with a quick shake of my head and my clothes bundled in my arms, I made my way back downstairs. Kevin stood in the doorway holding my son. “It's just the television and playpen we can take today.” I uttered, but desperate to get the rest of my stuff out of that room.
“You put your clothes in the car, then we'll pick up the other items can store them at my house.” Replied Kevin, eager to get away.
“But how will we get my furniture to your place?” I said, with a worried expression on my face.
He smiled, astonished that I should even ask that question. “Have you never heard of van hire?”
“Yes!” I said, “but that's expensive and I can't afford it.”
“Don't worry I'll pay, after all it was me that got you into this mess.” He seemed to take it all on the chin, not in the least bit worried.
I hated the fact I was beholden to this man, it wasn't what I wanted at all. As we were in conversation, the landlady came down the hallway wanting to know what was happening. “Are you going to be long?” She asked in her usual charming manner.
“I've got my clothes and my son's, we'll pick up the rest tomorrow.” I declared.
“Oh! So you're not staying then?” She replied...I could tell she was taken aback. I wondered what the consequence of me not hanging around would be, as then she asked for my front door key. I was aware of her deliberate attempt to make my life as difficult as possible. Before I had a chance to speak, she stormed off down the hallway to the back room, finally appearing with my rent book. “You'll be required to sign this book to say that you no longer live here, then I'll take the key please.”
This woman was so conniving, but at least she was consistent. “But how will I get in to pick up the rest of my belongings?” I demanded, feeling like I'd been assaulted, now loosing even more control of my independence. Life just wasn't fair, every time I picked myself up, something came along and pulled me back down again.
She then started to explain. “You tell me what time you'll be arriving, I'll make sure I'm here to let you in.” I could feel her enjoyment at dictating to me.
I went to speak, but then Kevin nudged my back, I turned as he went to walk down the path telling me to leave it alone and come with him. I stood there not knowing what to do, as he reached the car he beckoned me to follow.
The landlady shut the door, I was so annoyed, 'surely this wasn't right!' I thought to myself, sauntering off down the path.
Kevin's expression was still one of insignificance, I felt he was not understanding my imposition. “I've paid up my rent to the end of the month, she can't just take my key.”
“Look!” He said, “it's really not that important.”Then he smiled again. “You can stay with me until a place of your own becomes available.” Kevin was so calm, it made me feel stupid, but I knew the landlady had taken advantage of my situation, it angered me she could get away with it. “Give her a ring in the morning,” he said, “tell her we'll pick the rest of the stuff up in the afternoon. Whatever you can't manage to fit in the car, we'll replace.” He continued.
“What do you mean...replace?” I declared, as we got in the car. “I've no money for replacing items.”
“I told you...I'll help out in any way I can, it's the least I can do.” He was so relaxed about the situation it felt useless to keep on. Maybe I should be more thankful that at least I was on my way to somewhere better! But there was still that nagging feeling that I was becoming dependent on Kevin and I didn't want that.
I was so tired and confused as we drove back, I remained quiet on the journey to his house, sitting in the back with my son, I was deep in my own thoughts.
To be concluded...
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Good chapter, Jenny. At last you are out of that awful place, but I can understand your confusion, and how you feel like decisions are being taken away from you. On to the next chapter.
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some people seem to go out of
some people seem to go out of their way to make your life miserable and I guess your landlady is not a lady and she certainly fits into that category. I'm glad you got out, but to be beholden, well, I guess I'll see where fate takes you.
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Hello Jenny,
Hello Jenny,
Say what you like about Kevin but I think he's a good 'un. As for that that God awful landlady, what a monster.
Another good read Jenny.
Moya x
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