
By Bee
- 8460 reads
My next door neighbour, J is helping me plan a 'bye bye boobie party' (her idea and title) before my surgery which will be on the 18th of January. Now, not being a party animal, I'm not sure who to invite, or how much fun this will actually be, but hey, any excuse for a knees up - (read - booze up) in J's book.
J has been a brave girl, having recently undergone massive surgery to pin and mend her leg which she broke in a trazillion places when she cricked her ankle on a pimple in the path whilst walking her dog on holiday in sunny Somerset. It was just a little trip, and I don't think she could have done more damage if she'd accidentally fallen off the top of a double decker bus, but in her long, painful, swollen, itchy and often hot recovery, has she complained? Has she bog-roll! That's not like me at all. There have been times of coping admirably, if I say so myself, but at other times I could have won a competition whinging for Britain, so goodness only knows what I'll be like after my op.
I've never been to one before, so I'm asking myself, what makes a boob send off successful? Well, cake, obviously, and several bottles of wine, I shouldn't wonder, between a bunch of girlfriends ready and willing to see the funny side of flatchestedness. Don't knock it, I mean, for the first time in yonks I'll be able to run for a bus without grabbing my bouncing puppies; won't have to worry about growing old and eventually tripping over a pair of sadly sagging mammaries, and no more mammograms - yaay!!!
Nuts! and other nibbles, (whoops! nearly wrote nipples) are always welcome, but would champagne be over the top? I don't think it would be, after all, my boys deserve a good send off - they've been wonderful assets over the years, and if truth be told, aside from the general merriment of the planned occasion, I'm going to miss them. I quite like them, actually, and besides, whatever your age, you can get quite sensitive about having bits of your body removed. On second thoughts, I'll save the champers for after...
When I told my mum I'd decided to have both boobs off she said, 'Well, I think that's a very good idea. I mean, we don't really need them at our age, do we?' And I thought, wellll.... like, I'm not the same age as you, Mum... But I didn't say it. I'm not sure she'd be overly keen on losing her boobs, either, but I'm glad she saw having both off as a positive thing.
I was / am very grateful for all the helpful and considerate comments on my 'Results 2' post. It really helped me think things through, so thanks for all those thoughts. I feel a lot more positive now I know what I'm doing.
So after Christmas, I'll probably have my 'bye bye boobie party', as J suggests, but then it's back on the straight and narrow with a sensible and healthy diet. Might even down the odd glass of carrot juice. Umm ... Maybe not.
May the coming year bring peace for all.
My very best wishes,
And cheers!
Bee x
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Funny and sad in equal
Funny and sad in equal measures but your humour shines through wonderfully. Have a great Christmas and I think many of us may join you, 'virtually' at your 'bye bye booby party.'
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This is wonderfully written.
This is wonderfully written. You make light of dark which will give you more light and I know your friend's idea, celebratory and lightly phrased as it is, is also something very significant. I hope you do it with panache and booze and people you adore. Merry Christmas, Bee and whilst reluctant to be sentimental, thanks for sharing your personal, very painful journey this year with good spirit and courage. Let's drink to health.
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You are a refreshing Delight Bee!
Thank the Lord your boobies have nothing to do with your sense of humour and beautiful heart.
Stay fabulous and have a gloriously, magically blessed Christmas and 2016 lovely lady.
Cyber Hug$
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This is a fantastic idea. I
This is a fantastic idea. I love a party too - whatever the excuse for a knees up (booze up). I'll be there with a bottle.
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alls well that ends well,
alls well that ends well, below the knees, below the chest, mum always knows best.
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Hi Bee
Hi Bee
I kind of thought you would choose this option. A party to say goodbye seems like a good idea to me too. They have no doubt been a very important part of your life.
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Thought they were a kind of
Thought they were a kind of double edged appropriate. Sorry I totally forgot to do this before!
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Best wishes...
...on your very personal journey, hope this year brings you many smiles. xxxx Lena
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