Bee's Journey. Sad News

Final destination

Bee has reached the end of her journey today - she sadly passed away peacefully early this morning.

Bee spent her last days sleeping peacefully in the garden room at home. We played her soft music with the sound of the ocean, burned lavender candles (her favourite) and filled the garden with pots of flowers. As we got the room ready for her, bees chose to make their home in the walls of her room, so she spent her last days surrounded by bees, gently buzzing and busily enjoying the flowers provided - the Queen Bee, protected in the centre of her nest.
Bee was a wonderful person, kind, thoughtful and interesting. I know she inspired many and touched the lives of those who came into contact with her. She will be missed greatly and I know that all the support and encouragement that she received on this site was a big comfort to her in the last year. 
I would like to thank you for all your kind words and thoughts, it has really meant a lot to us at this difficult time. 
Fondest regards
Holly (accidentallyexisting)


So very sad to hear this, Bee's gentle kindness blessed many here. Strength and good wishes to her family xxxxx



I know she is irreplaceable to her family but also here on the site.





Love and sympathy to you all at this difficult time. Rhiannon


All love and sympathy to Bee's loved ones. Gayle (gletherby) 

So very sorry.  In our thoughts. xx

Only today did I find out Holly was Bee's daughter when I read the poem, Dignified

I 'met' Bee several years ago on another writing site and we supported and commented on each other's work frequently. We both independently moved to ABC tales. Here, Bee found the freedom to write what she really felt and received the recognition her talent deserved.

When she became ill she asked my opinions on the treatment she was offered because she knew I had been through a chemo course. I don't know if the words I said helped her (I hope so), but I felt really privileged that she consulted me.

I suppose one could say Bee (Deb) was a 'virtual' friend, but to me she has been and will remain a very real friend. ABC tales has lost a great poet and a wonderful person.


To Holly and all your family, please accept my sincerest condolences.



very sorry to hear this, Bee was a wonderful presence on the site.


Very very sad news. Condolences to Bee's family.


How terribly sad. She gave so much on here. I'm relieved that the end was peaceful and surrounded by love. Will miss her spirit on this site. Rest in peace, Bee. I hope your family will find comfort. Xxx

Parson Thru

I'm so very sorry for your sad loss. xx

Devastated, but relieved her suffering is over.  RIP dear Bee.  My condolences to the family. xx



Although we all knew it was coming, it seems such a shock that she somehow didn't manage to fight it off. I will miss her very much. My thoughts are with her family.


Jean Day


Very sad news. Although I was aware of her serious condition I nursed some hope that she would recover.
Although we never met, we communicated through these pages on which she often expressed nice opinions of my work. Her writing was so impressive that I asked her if she would like to contribute to my website. This she graciously did with a poem, a photo of herself with a radiant smile that I'll never forget and a short bio which contained the following lines:

“She likes nothing better than to sit amid fragrant swathes of lavender, listening to bumble bees busily bumbling about their humble bumble bee business while she gets on with a spot of serious poeting.”

Rest in peace, dear Deborah,


I got this news as I sat in a Sardinian Airport with all flights cancelled due to an Italian air traffic control strike. It's taken us three days to get home but our troubles were firmly put into perspective by this sad news. Of course it was expected but it doesn't make it any the easier to bear once it comes. Bee was an absolute delight - as a person and as a writer - although those two things were indissoluble with her. Her kindness, her ability to give under the greatest duress and her warm and bubbly personality will be with us for ever.

I miss you, Bee, and your membership of ABCtales has given many thousands a great deal of joy and hope. You leave the world a better place than you found it.


I've just seen this news and had to log in to say how sorry I am. She wasn't just a good poet but a kind reader of others'. One of the names I associate with this friendly site. I send all her family and friends my sympathy. x


Bee was a lovely woman, and prolific writer who helped many others with her heartfelt words....


For anyone who would like to come, here are the details for Bee's funeral:


Tuesday 5th July


Easthampstead Park Crematorium 

South Road


RG40 3DW


enquiries about the funeral can be made to AB Walker, Bracknell.

The beat of your heart is the mellifluent rhythm to my soul.

Dear Holly,

I so wish I could be there to send my love to her on her  journey.  She was such a force for good on this site and she is quite irraplaceable.

My condonlences to all her family.  Your loss is even greater than ours.



So sorry to hear this...I've not been on here for a while and always though she would pull though :( Bee helped me so much with comments and advice over the years. Truly shocked and sending my thoughts to her family xx


            I am here,

            in my space,

            my studio....

            trying to understand the words

            "Bee's Journey is at an end."

             I always thought her stories would be here

             on the Home Page

             where I first met her... 

             her words...

             her thoughts... 

             her spirit...

             her soul...

             I think to myself

             "did I tell her...

              that her courage gives me courage..."

              I did...I know I did...

              and did I tell her

              "that her me hope...."


               It was such an honor

               to walk beside her

               on this journey...

               Bee's Journey...

               Bee's Journey..."


                I will miss this wonderous spirit of woman.

                Although I never looked into her eyes

                she opened wide her heart...her soul...

                inviting all who would

                to enter...there


                the telling.....

               so that she might teach us well...

               how to journey still......... 

To all of you who need to be held, at this time, at the passing of Bee...may you be held by her life, by the spirit of how she truely lived it, and held by the memories you made....

                                      Bee   Journey's    on... .... ... .. . .  .    .      .       .          .            .                .                    


This is beautiful - thank you for sharing 

The beat of your heart is the mellifluent rhythm to my soul.

I've been away from this site for a while so am sad to say have only just found out about Bee's passing. What a brave, beautiful woman. My thoughts are with her family and all those who knew and loved her. I am sorry for your great loss. Bee was a wonderful writer and through her writing touched so many. The inspiration she gave will be her lasting epitaph.


Marcie Marcia,

What a beautiful sentiment, beautifully expressed, for a truly beautiful person.



I am heart sad for the loss of so kind and gentle a person. Her words on this site were always of encouragement and she selflessly helped so many with her writer’s insights. I pray she is at peace and moving on in her journey knowing and feeling all the love she garnered here.

To Holly I offer this, the days ahead will be the hardest you will ever have to survive and you will find your days altered but know she is with you- if not physically – spiritually – and forever in your memories. These will comfort you with there popping up in your thoughts at all the oddest times making you laugh or cry or just sigh and feel her presence. It is too soon to know how you will survive the mind numbing grief, but you will.

The loss of a parent is profoundly difficult. My mom suffered at the end of her life with lung cancer and it wasn’t diagnosed until stage 4 so for me and my sisters nursing her through the last days were heart wrenching and we prayed for her suffering to end… but when she passed…the immediate void and silence created another more soul ripping emotion.

I suddenly stood alone on the precipice and looked out into the abyss and felt completely, utterly alone for the first time in my life I was no longer someone’s daughter…My mother was gone, the person who knew me better than I knew me. My go to for every question about life and family. My safe place, my open heart was not there to talk to. Little things stopped my day...How much of an ingredient in a recipe I learned from her? Who was the person whose picture was in the old family photo? Where do I turn when I need that strong shoulder, those wise words, that cup of tea and comfort?

I know the emotional arguments with God that flew from my thoughts and the never ending unanswerable questions that haunt me still…where is she now? Can she see our lives going on…Her grandchildren growing up and moving on? Is that shiver I feel when I think of her, her hand on my shoulder? I hope so….I pray so…I choose to believe so.

With my most heartfelt sympathy and prayers for all Bee’s family at this most difficult time,



So sad, so brave, such a burden on such quiet, powerful shoulders. 


I've just seen this sad news. A beautiful soul. A great loss to this troubled world. I will think of your kindness Bee each time I hear a little buzzzzz. Rest peacefully. With love, xx



Hi Holly

Was thinking about you and your family yesterday.  I'm sure it was beautiful.



and befitting way for a beautiful soul to sign out her last earthly days to the hummings of her namesake. The poetry and contributions she made to so many lives coming back to her to enfold her in perfumes and peace.

Thank-you for posting this and being there for your mom. . .evidence that she exceeded in more than just poetry and postings as her love and kindness carries on in and with you, never separated, only a thought away...

Stay blessed and loved, Shannan