The Little Green Fairy
By Gus28549
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Rose was a very beautiful Fairy, but she was very small, smaller than all the other fairies that lived in the grotto and she was Green, Rose didn’t mind being green, but wondered why none off the other fairies were green.
Yes Rose was green from the top of her wings to the very tip of her toenails; why even her hair and bright eyes were also green. Her mother would dress her in other bright colours, but within minutes of her getting dressed, her clothes would also turn green.
Even the great fairy wizard could not make any spells work to stop this happening, he had tried every spell that he knew and other spells that he had gathered from other wizards, but none would work.
Sometimes when she was playing in the grass with her friends, she would get knocked over by the other fairies as they couldn’t see her.
Because of course she was the same colour as the green grass.
She liked to play hide and seek with her friends, but they could never find her, unless she made a noise, which sometimes she did to give them a chance to find out where she was hiding.
But there were three fairies that also lived in the grotto, Bluebell, Daisy, and Primrose and they were always very mean to her and would laugh and say.
“Green fairy you look like the green toads that play in the stream, why don’t you go and play with them”?
And then they would say “if you are nice to the green frogs they might even play with you”, then they would run off shouting, “Green, Green she can’t be seen, why she even looks like a runner bean”.
When they first started saying all these mean things it use to upset Rose, but now she just ignored them and would say, “well my mum and my friends don’t mind”.
As the weeks and months past little Rose never grew and bigger and she was still green.
Then one day as she was in the field cutting a few buttercups that she liked to put in her hair with the small knife that she carried, Rose thought she could hear some fairies calling for help.
Rose flew towards where she could hear them calling and there in front of her, were the three naughty fairies that always made fun of her, the only trouble was that all three were stuck fast in a big spider’s web.
At the bottom of the web was Henry the spider who now lived there, he was a mean old spider who did not like anyone or anything.
He had moved yesterday from his old web as it was now getting a bit untidy.
Henry was not only mean but very lazy and he could never be bother clearing up the mess he had left inside his other web, he was too busy sleeping or eating and because he was greedy and always ate too much, he was now the biggest and most bad tempered spider in the area.
Once that his web was full of all his mess he had made, he would leave his old web and just go somewhere else and build a new one.
This happened quite a lot
We’ll all the shouting and the shaking of his web had woken Henry up.
Henry opened his eyes wide and then scratched his head, he looked around but at first he couldn’t see the three fairies that were caught in the web.
He opened his mouth wide with and gave a loud yawn as he was still tired as usual; he didn’t like getting up early in the morning.
Why he had been very busy yesterday making his fine web even though there were a lot of large gaps in it, he was too lazy, hungry and tired to fill in all the holes.
And Henry had thought that he could sleep in a little late today.
“Well I’m awake now so I might as well see if there is anything for breakfast” said Henry.
The three fairies that were caught in Henry’s web were now shaking the web so hard to get loose and were making so much noise that at last Henry looked up.
The bright morning sun was shining in his eyes; he had to really look hard as he could not find his glasses to wear.
“Must have left them at my old house, will have to go and look sometime” he said, but then he saw the three fairies stuck fast in his web.
“I made a good job off this web” he said to himself, “I’ve never caught fairies before”.
“Just the thing to fill my tummy up” he thought.
Although Henry had never tasted a fairy before, or had one for his breakfast. He was sure that they would be very nice with the fly that he had put aside yesterday before he went to sleep, for today’s breakfast.
Henry started to climb up the web; he wasn’t very fast as he was still feeling a little tired, he could hear his tummy rumbling, louder and louder it got as he got closer and closer to the three fairies.
He stopped just beneath them and looked at them; he licked his lips and rubbed his fat tummy that was now making so much noise it sounded like thunder.
Well the three fairies just closed their eyes waiting to be eaten by Henry.
Henry was so busy deciding which one he would eat first and his stomach was now making so much noise as his stomach rumbled, that at first Henry hadn’t heard Rose shouting.
As Rose flew closer, at last Henry turned and heard Rose shouting, “leave them alone or I will eat you”.
Henry stopped and looked towards Rose.
He stood still and because his eyesight was not very good first thing in the morning and he had forgotten to put his glasses on, and because Henry had never seen a green fairy before, he thought it must be one of the toads that lived in the stream.
Because Rose had her arm out straight ahead with the knife, Henry thought it was the toads tongue getting ready to eat him for breakfast.
“I don’t fancy being the toad’s breakfast” Henry said.
Henry then ran all the way down to the bottom of the web and hid behind a large green leaf that was hanging from the bush that he had made his web in; he was shaking and hoping that he could not be seen.
Rose saw what Henry had done and slowed down; she didn’t want to get caught in the web like the three fairies that were now very quiet, just waiting for Henry’s mouth to eat them for his breakfast.
Rose flew between the webs sticky pattern and because she was so small and Henry was too lazy to fill in the holes, she flew through the holes on the web and none of the sticky parts touched her.
Rose carefully used the knife to cut parts of the web that held the fairies. She then gave each of the three fairies a big push and they started to fall towards the ground, they found that they could now move their wings and fly; they were now free from the web.
The three fairies didn’t know how the web had broken, as all three had their eyes closed tight, they looked back up towards the web and there on her way down was Rose, who still had the knife held tight in her hand.
Rose flew to the ground next them and asked if they were all right?
“We are now but why did you save us, we are always mean, calling you names and making fun of you” the three fairies all said together.
Rose said “ You three are all part of the fairy family that live in our grotto, yes you were mean to me and it really hurt me, I have got use to being green, and I am, so what can I do about it”?
“Well the three fairies felt really horrible and sorry now for the things they had said to Rose as they realised that Rose couldn’t change the way she was, but she would still be friends with anyone and would always help those who needed help.
They all gave Rose a hug and flew together back to the fairy grotto, “we are going to have a party tonight in the fairy ring” said Bluebell, “and you must come”.
“I would love to” said Rose.
That evening Rose got ready to go to the party and was soon flying towards the fairy ring.
Rose looked down but could see no other fairies; all she could see were the fireflies that lit up the fairy ring.
I must be early or they have been making fun of me again she thought, as she landed on the grass below her.
“Ouch” Rose heard the grass shout.
Well Rose had never heard the grass talk before, “please get off of me” Rose heard and flapped her wings and slowly hovered above the grass.
“Thank you” she heard the grass say,
Well Rose apologised and said, “I’ve never heard you talk before”.
Then Bluebell wiped the green face paint of off her face and removed the green wig that she had made from the long grass.
“It’s me Bluebell, all the fairies thought it would be nice if we were all green, the same as you”.
“But you’re not said Rose and you don’t have to be the same as me, everyone is different and if we were all green nobody would know who was who and we would keep on falling over each other in the grass”
“You’re right, Ok you other fairies wipe the green paint off your face and take those silly green wigs off your head and lets have the party,” said bluebell.
As each fairy removed there grass wigs and wiped the paint off their face Rose could see more and more fairies
Soon the whole of the fairy ring was full.
The party was soon alive with music and lots of dancing.
As the night came slowly to an end, one by one the fairies left the ring and made their way home, that is all apart from Bluebell, Daisy, Primrose, and Rose.
“We have something for you” Bluebell said and gave Rose a beautiful shiny gold pendant to hang around her neck.
“You don’t have to give me anything, I am sure that you would have done the same if it were me” said Rose.
“I’m not sure if we would have, you were very brave saving us, but the three of us thought that if you were to wear this at least we could see you in the grass, but then you would be found easy when playing hide and seek.” said Bluebell
The four of them laughed and all of them hugged together and true to their word they were never horrible to Rose or any other fairy again.
And the gold pendant never changed its colour, not even for a second.
© Dave Gore 2015
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I so enjoyed reading your
I so enjoyed reading your story, being a lover of fairy stories and a child at heart.
Thank you so much for sharing, put a smile on my face.
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