
By catherine poarch
- 6574 reads
I loved to go fernundaling.
Fernundaling was bungaloo.
But then I met the Custard Head,
the pumpabellow Trumpadoo!
You Thing, he said. You Snorri Thing!
His mouth went chop. And chop, chop, chop.
He struck me with a zitterbee
and threw me in the Gunjendrop.
The world was sharf and sharf indeed.
The Trumpadoo just couldn’t lose.
He was the King of Custardy.
He was the Ozer of the Ooze.
But then I heard, one million strong,
with slipper feet, with shoff and shoof,
the Snorri Things were on the march
and with one mighty zoost of truth
they scorterised the Trumpadoo!
They noodlefied him, there and then!
Come out, the Snorries said to me.
Fernundaling is here again.
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I loved this piece of
I loved this piece of nonsense!
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A touch of Lewis Caroll, and
A touch of Lewis Caroll, and not an easy thing to do. Cheered me up. :)
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Pick of the Day and Poem of the Week
To write a nonsense poem is not as easy as it might seem. First of all it must flow beautifully - and this does - then it must have really wonderful new words - and this does - and finally it must have some sense in it, and this certainly does. This is excellent.
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Photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tigmon74/7836718488/
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I believe in this, it has
I believe in this, it has authenticity, a touch of sinister and real charm.
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Joyous nonsense in an insane
Joyous nonsense in an insane world makes me happy. Much hapier today.
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