Lenny Mass's Branhal School Diary - Tuesday 2 December
By Char88
- 862 reads
Tuesday 2 December:
Nettie wasn't covered in chickenpox today. She told me on the bus that it disappeared last night as quickly as it appeared Saturday night. She said that she was working on our science homework, when suddenly she stopped itching.
"At least you won't get detentions or lines," I told her.
Nettie widened her eyes. "I've got three detentions today!"
I had so many thoughts buzzing through my mind: How did Nettie get chickenpox in the first place? Did Mrs Pinch or one of the other teachers cursed us so if we told our parents about them we'd get chickenpox? Mrs Pinch had implied as much when she told Nettie to let the chickenpox be a lesson. Also, these teachers showed up when our normal ones had bad dizzy spells or fainted. Maybe our usual teachers were cursed as well. But why? Because they didn't believe in mixing magic with school?
"Lenny?" Nettie's voice broke through my thoughts, making me jump.
"We're at school. The driver's waiting for us to get off the bus."
The thoughts weighed on my mind. In Maths, our teacher had told us to copy down sums from the board and answer them. If the teacher noticed that I wasn't, I would have been given a detention. Wendy had to nudge me and mutter: "Stop daydreaming, Len."
At break, me and the twins were Nettie-less, as she was in detention. We sat and ate our snacks in silence until I blurted out: "I think we need to do something!"
"About what?" Wendy frowned.
"About...All this! Our teachers getting ill. Getting replacement ones who I'm pretty sure are trying to wear all our souls down. The lessons. The shortened breaks. The detentions and lines. Nettie getting chickenpox."
"Well, this isn't exactly the place to be talking about it," Johnny pointed out.
"I thought you were looking distracted earlier," Wendy said. "Is that what you were thinking about in Maths?"
I nodded.
"Well, why don't the four of us meet up at mine and Johnny's house on Saturday. We can talk easier there with no teachers to eavesdrop. Plus we've got our mum's book collection if we need it."
So now I've to go through this week, with all these thoughts in my head; not being able to talk about them.
Great. This week's going to go by really slowly.
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